AC09 Patch open beta 1 released - download it here

Hey guys..I know I'm not a frequent poster here but I regularly check the forums. I have AC09 on ps3 so i have no access to this patch yet. The pre-patched version was rather disappointing for me as batting was really easy and AI batsmen were super-aggressive hence lost wickets which made the rather annoying.

Okay so i have one question: In the pre-patched version of the game it was merely impossible for me to miss a ball while batting i.e. i cought not get any play and misses at all..either it was good or perfectly timed or the occasion invisible edge. So, I wanned to ask whether you encounter a situation where you get a cracker of a ball especially from a quicky and it leaves you dumbfounded and play and miss it (pass the edge).

This is a repeat of a post I did earlier which will hopefully answer that one!
Sorry for repeating. Not wanting t0 spam (I love spamfritters!) but I think it sums it up nicely! (Ooh, get him!)

Okay this is why I love this patched version of the game. I hope I can describe it well because it is tricky, with typed messages, to convey.

You know when you are watching cricket on the telly and the bowler bowls a wicked ball and the batsmen stands there, his body and bat perfectly in forward or backward defensive shot mode, but the ball has already landed safely in the keepers hands, missing the edge of his bat by the width of a gnats knicker elastic!?

Then you look at the slow motion replay...did he leave or did he play? Sharp in-breath of air. That was close, that was very close. He is either very good or very lucky!

Now I know we can't actually leave the ball in that way and the fact is that I played and missed a defensive shot but the emotion is the same.

I literally took a sharp in-breath as the ball whistled past with my batsman (Strauss in this case to a Bolton super ball) standing there doing his: "I knew where the ball was all the time!" pose!

I have had this gripping emotion with this game on a number of occasions now and it is a testament to the developers that they have created something that is exciting and enthralling and conjures up the emotions in this way.

Both with bat and ball this game really grips the imagination. I am in the middle of a wonderful ODI with England facing the Kiwi's (In Melbourne of all places: everywhere else was busy!) and England have scrambled and clawed and fought their way to 102 for 4 of 23 overs.

Some lovely shots (not too many), some wicked bowling, some clever bowling. AI Oram bowled a brilliant over to Collingwood to get him caught in the gully; bowling ever so slightly wider each ball with a strong off-side field...tempting....tempting....gotcha!! Great catch and Collingwood off to the pavilion to find the coaching manual.

Gripping stuff, gripping stuff.

I hope I have managed to convey some of the emotion that this game is now able to conjure up, at least in me! (But I am soppy anyway!) :)
Its not Transmission's fault. Codies handle online bought games.

I guess you are right but it is soooo ennoying when you know you have bought the game and spent money on it but still cannot take advantages of it because you are counted in a list of those using pirated copies. First a game is released which is just a little close to what the developers mentioned in the forum and then a patch is released and that too only those people can use who got a copy of that game on a cd. Not fair.
This is a repeat of a post I did earlier which will hopefully answer that one!
Sorry for repeating. Not wanting t0 spam (I love spamfritters!) but I think it sums it up nicely! (Ooh, get him!)

Okay this is why I love this patched version of the game. I hope I can describe it well because it is tricky, with typed messages, to convey.

You know when you are watching cricket on the telly and the bowler bowls a wicked ball and the batsmen stands there, his body and bat perfectly in forward or backward defensive shot mode, but the ball has already landed safely in the keepers hands, missing the edge of his bat by the width of a gnats knicker elastic!?

Then you look at the slow motion replay...did he leave or did he play? Sharp in-breath of air. That was close, that was very close. He is either very good or very lucky!

Now I know we can't actually leave the ball in that way and the fact is that I played and missed a defensive shot but the emotion is the same.

I literally took a sharp in-breath as the ball whistled past with my batsman (Strauss in this case to a Bolton super ball) standing there doing his: "I knew where the ball was all the time!" pose!

I have had this gripping emotion with this game on a number of occasions now and it is a testament to the developers that they have created something that is exciting and enthralling and conjures up the emotions in this way.

Both with bat and ball this game really grips the imagination. I am in the middle of a wonderful ODI with England facing the Kiwi's (In Melbourne of all places: everywhere else was busy!) and England have scrambled and clawed and fought their way to 102 for 4 of 23 overs.

Some lovely shots (not too many), some wicked bowling, some clever bowling. AI Oram bowled a brilliant over to Collingwood to get him caught in the gully; bowling ever so slightly wider each ball with a strong off-side field...tempting....tempting....gotcha!! Great catch and Collingwood off to the pavilion to find the coaching manual.

Gripping stuff, gripping stuff.

I hope I have managed to convey some of the emotion that this game is now able to conjure up, at least in me! (But I am soppy anyway!) :)

Yes I get that but let me make it more clear what i asked. I think you're referring to a situation where you were bowling and got a play and miss from the AI batsman if I'm not wrong. I just wanted to ask whether the patch has made batting challenging to an extent that you mistime a ball to extent that you miss it..along with the edges to slips and gully etc. Thanks very much for replying btw :)
Okay i cannot wait at all..please someone confirm the date to the ps3 patch release please.
Hi again, Yes i agree like many more people on planet cricket that transmission have a good core gameplay in ashes 2009. I would say after what i have read that they are getting around 75% to what we want in the next game. So for the next year they can work on other stuff first like, graphics,sound,stats plus more stadiums,rain, and for god sake good commentators. Im sick of hearing the same stuff everytime i play the game. So please for ashes 2011 let us pick commentators or they change every 20 overs or so. Anyway sorry guys, i know this is not the furum to suck about stuff. Back to the good stuff. I need to play the patched game so bad, need a timemachine for a month or so. Ps how many edges do you guys get now, is it a lot more or about the same but they travel better. Plus do you get more edges in the first 15 overs of a test match like real like. Thanks from aus, go aus go aus hahahahahah.
Have the "soft" edges been completely eliminated? I mean the edges where the ball simply dies and does not even roll to the slips or keeper.

What percentage of edges go for 4 now? Pre-patch my experience has been less than 5% which is very unrealistic.
Has there been any catches close to the bat off a spinnner since the patch

Yes, definitely

Have the "soft" edges been completely eliminated? I mean the edges where the ball simply dies and does not even roll to the slips or keeper.

What percentage of edges go for 4 now? Pre-patch my experience has been less than 5% which is very unrealistic.

Yes as far as I can tell at the moment and I have had quite a few slip through to the boundary or for runs!
When I installed the patch the game froze at the first screen? :mad:

Is there anyone experience the same problem?

Some folks at the quitter thread are talking as if its guaranteed that there will be a fix in the patch.

Can someone confirm that the patch will address the online quitter problem or point me in the right direction. :help

EDIT: thanks to boney_g I found this

Open Beta 2

Hopefully later in the week, we'll be providing another Beta Update with online re-enabled with the following improvements:
A new 5-star 'Match Completion' rating to deal with quitters.
Leaderboard data now updates even if you don't complete matches.
Improved handling of lag during bowling.

Thanks a lot for your feedback to date. We've worked really hard to try to listen closely to feedback and address as much as we can, and we sincerely hope you'll find Open Beta 1 a valuable improvement. Special thanks to all those that have been involved with the Closed Beta, we really appreciate your open and honest feedback.
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Hmarka or anyone else..

Is there any news on the patch being available for those of us having purchased the game online, I now live in france so had to download the game from, i cannot install the patch (version not compatible message) however I can provide proof of my purchase to codemasters (it is NOT a pirate version) I always download my games from the uk (much cheaper than france) and am worried that this patch, (that seems to mend a broken game) will not be made available to us.:crying:mad::help
If its legally downloaded the final patch should work, just not the betas.
Just finished the second session of the second test and it was once again a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Having collapsed to 121-6 I was getting frustrated, but I've managed to get re-build with Cook and Swann. Those two have put on 130 so I'm 251-6 at tea. My batting in the middle order has been more like the real ODI side, utterly useless.

Batting seemed to get easier as the second session went on, with the ball swinging less and the spinners coming on and bowling rubbish. The spinners bowled too short and wide or too full and wide. Barely anything in between and certainly nothing close enough to the stumps to be threatening. They need to be fixed because they are pretty useless at the moment.

I can't leave this game alone....


Batting stats

Bowling figures

Swann 50

Cook 100

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