Almost feel like cheated.

It's not my aim to start a lynching but only to see what is fair and just. For that I ask for all to communicate in a positive and mature manner, I won't be sexist but it is plan to see there have been too many immature statements and exaggerated statements. We know the problems and they are being fixed so, with that I would like @BigAntStudios to communicate in an effective manner and others to stick to reporting facts and keep grievances to a acceptable level. No one has been cheated and no one has been robbed. It's broken and it'll be fixed annoying yes, life threatening no. Peace out.

Not sure what the trucking reference is... I don't eat Yorkie bars as I'm not allowed.

Because you're a girl? Worst advertising campaign ever.
Because you're a girl? Worst advertising campaign ever.
No because I'm a human being... Or are you talking about yorkie bars? I do agree total bollocks hence my piss take stance (they do actually taste like shit, give me lindor any day).

Keep on truckin'

An extremely popular 1960's hippie saying that was made ubiquitously famous by the one-of-a-kind, extremely esoteric and eventually iconic comic strips and books which appeared and evolved from within the exquisitely unique mind of the mad-genius cartoonist R. Crumb. These three simple words of encouragement reinforced the then-prevailing idea that people should be able to feel confident about staying true to their own chosen life path and not allowing the outside world to get them down or force them to change who they wanted to be.

"Whether or not that peace march you're going on does anything to stop the war or not, just remember to keep on truckin'!"
You must have time on your hands... Where would the world be with out Timmy, his keyboard and pent up anger over small matters...? Poor old snowflake (I believe I am also tarred with this moniker due to my age).

I know, right! What would I ever have done with those 5 minutes?
Yes. This. Other key moments that have arisen:
  • saying "no wonder BA don't want to come on here much anymore given the amount of negative posts": shifting the blame to the forum members
  • saying "quite frankly these forums aren't the place to visit anymore": shifting the blame to the forum
  • putting everyone with a negative post on the ignore list: ignoring the actual problems
  • saying "posts like these show the messed up quality of some of the users": shifting the blame to the users and failing to filter out the actual problems being raised.
And a sure sign of a very weak argument is the member who doesn't like what you say, has no idea who you are, and IMMEDIATELY over-exaggerates in completely the wrong way by leaping all the way to calling you a "troll". Pathetic, and fatuous.

Keep on truckin', Caz.

Never lets the facts get in the way of a story....

Fact - BA staff are paid to be here, and are. They read every post. The company does not rely upon myself to do so.
Fact - The forum is not what it was. Threads are not consolidated as they once were, this is, as stated to me, to generate revenue from views.
Fact - If every negative post resulted in an ignore then you'd be ignored ages ago, instead of just now. I reserve the right to not have to read posts from oxygen thieves that add nothing.
Fact - There are inaccurate posts from users, rather than not visit here at all, I use the ignore function to filter out the noise and focus on those with real issues that we can help solve.

With it's lack of bolding and shouting I am hoping that this post is comprehensible, while the forum is currently a chore to visit, it certainly gets better with every ignore.

Hit the road Jack.

@Jack Ryder - LoL - Hit the road Jack was a retort to keep on truckin' (to be clear, not aimed at you :) )

"Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back / No more no more no more no more / Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back / No more"
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