Am I getting it??


Chairman of Selectors
Jun 19, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
I've played the demo, been to Codemasters (twice) and now its out. So am I getting it? Thats the big question (well 'big' in terms of 'actually, who really cares'). Over the last few days there have been streams of review threads expressing disapointment in the game so I thought I'd start this one before I've paid money for it and am generally more likely to be in a better mood.

Throughout the review (or is it a preview, or can you review something you dont have???) I shall be comparing the game to what we have already (ie EA Cricket07 and BLIC05).

BLIC 05 was a game that I didnt really get much use out of, I bought it quite late in its life cycle really only to have a go at modding it. At the time I didn't really enjoy playing it at all, I didn't have a gamepad at the time and it was just no fun with the keyboard. I think I once made 150 using only 3 shots, the spider from that knock summed the game up nicely. Batting was a waste of time, far to easy and the shots always went in the same place so not only was it too easy to hit a four or six but you would know that you were not going to get caught as long as the AI didnt have a fielder in that exact spot. In all honesty I went to Codemasters the first time with absolutley no intention of buying BLIC 07.

Just before I went to Codies, I purchased a USB converter for my PS/2 gamepad and decided to try out BLIC 05 again, I couldnt believe the difference, strangely I didnt score as freely as I did wth the keys but it was much more enjoyable, shots going all over the ground. I was also impressed by what I saw at codemasters, Graphically the game had come along (Its leaps and bounds ahead of C07) and although only a small team of programmers seemed to be working on it (and they were a bit shoved in the corner) they at least seemed to be comitted to what they were doing (A big bonus over the outsourcing to Swordfish that happened for BLIC 05).

Enough waffle, lets address some of the comments that I've seen here on the boards. (These are not exact quotes, I'm too lazy to go find them).

Depressingly Stupid AI, Cricket07 wins this one.

Really???? Ok the AI does indeed look depressingly stupid but does it score over EA? Has anyone seen my story thread for Cricket07? I cant get the AI to score at all, quite often the AI scores at less than 100 runs in a day and 50/40 over matches are routinely ending with the AI scoring less than 100 (much less) and having wickets in hand. It seems that the AI in BLIC07 is a bit agressive but at least my bowlers wont bowl entire stints without conceeding a run.

Batting is too Easy.

Ok, BLIC is not trying to be a simulator its a game that you pick up have a 20 over blast then put down, in contrast EA Cricket07 its equally flawed, just the other way. With EA (especially on 5 star) the game decides you have edged a ball on a random basis even if you perfectly time and select a shot, when your numbers up, your numbers up. The only way to counter this is to play huge amounts of leg glances and defensive shots. At least batting in BLIC07 should be fun and that afterall is what a game should be.

Unrealistic Tests.

With the above two points taken into account, playing a test match on this game is never going to work. This is a bit of a shame as I'm sure a lot of us (myself included) prefer the longer form of the game. But as I said earlier, BLIC is a game not a simulator. Pick up Fifa or Pro Evo and play a 90min match, nobody moans that the score on that game would be fantastically unrealistic they accept it as a game, maybe we need to do the same for cricket.


I've read that you still have to bowl way to full to counter ball bounce, to be honest I think you have to do this on Cricket07 too. This area highlights a main problem with cricket games. People who play cricket want to bowl and bat like they do in real life, unfortunatley the key to sucess often comes from learning to bowl differently on a game than you would in real life. I dont approach bowling (or batting) from a realism point of view, I just try to find spots and strategies that work for the game, sadly they wouldnt work if you were playing cricket for real but I think this problem exists on all games.

AI Field Stragegy.

Lets face it all cricket games suck at this. Cricket is a fantastically complex game when it comes to strategy and it takes a long time to get good at this. Cricket games follow a series of rules laid down by a programmer who ultimatley knows less about cricket than most people on these boards. Its never going to satisfy us.

Catching System

Colin raised a very good point, that it should be easier to make some catches than others. Like him, I can't believe I didn't think about this when we were demo'd the game. When we first saw BLIC07 slip catches had this wierd slow motion effect applied, honestly I hated it and I'm glad its gone. OK you are going to drop quite a few but I reckon with practice people will gradually take more and at the end of the day if you took them all the AI would be all out for much less. Of course when I am getting spanked all over the park when playing online, dropping a sitter will be particularly gutting but at least BLIC07 makes an attempt to get you involved with the fielding whereas I leave that up to the computer for Cricket07 as the semi auto catching thingy it has sucks eggs.

All shots go to the boundary

There's a simple reason that in cricket games the ball always reaches the boundary if a fielder doesnt get to it. Its to stop dead situations where the ball stops just short of the rope but no fielders are assigned to chase the ball. In Cricket2004 it would sometimes happen that dead situations would occur and you had to run something like 7 or 8 runs before the game moved on. Ensuring the ball always runs to the rope is a cheats way of getting around this but its less annoying than the game stopping dead.


BLIC07 beats Cricket07 into the ground here. Cricket07 stadia still look almost exactly the same as they did in Cricket2002. OK Blic07 isn't state of the art but there really is nothing to say here except it looks far slicker and also feels slicker thab Cricket07.

Poor Performance on Slower Systems.

The game (and computers) have moved on, get over it. Spend less of your cash on games that you moan about and upgrade your graphics cards instead. For the price of 3 PC games you can buy a pretty decent graphics card.

Online Performance.

As I understand the game uses Gamespy if you have a PC. I've never played any game online before so I don't know much about this, from what little I know about this, I am not a big fan. However I do believe that we can bypass the need for gamespy maybe with some VPN software, I've used this in the past for business purposes and its very stable, of course it does have the downside that you must set it up at both ends and you should really only do this with someone you trust an as such you must take steps to protect your system as its escentially like plugging someone elses PC into your network. Oh Cricket07 doesn't have online at all so BLIC wins this one.

Conclusion (of sorts)

So will I get it? Well, I still believe its a better game than Cricket07. But I'm not going to rush out and get it. I'm going to wait a while for the fuss to die down and see how we go. Gives me a chance to finish my Cricket07 season before I snap the disk in half at least ;)

Well done, a very good and informed post. I agree with everything you have said and I believe people are just salgging tthe game off before giving it a chance e.g. 'This game is so crap, batting is soooo easy i hate codies they suck' Well turn the bowling pitch point thing and aiming thing then try slogging all around the park. Before saying its too easy, try to make it harder for yourself to begin with. Real cricket is all about making decisions in split second time, so why not make VLIC07 like that if you want a simulation.
All I can say is that ?17.99 (from of course. :p) is hardly much of a gamble. That's why I ordered it yesterday in spite of all the bad press surrounding the game. I'd never pay ?40 for the 360 version though. That would be madness as far as I'm concerned.
?17.99 is indeed a good price and its from a trusted seller.

Well its a good price in comparison to how much computer games cost. I have never supported the "oh well we dont get cricket games very often and its not much money" point of view though. Bottom line, if codemasters sell a lot of copies they will count the game as a success regardless of negative comments about the game.

Does ?17.99 represent value for money versus other things I can buy for ?17.99 thats the big question. Would I get more enjoyment out of a case of beer for example ;) Would I get more out of spending it going to watch an away match, say at Edgebaston ;)
Kev said:
?17.99 is indeed a good price and its from a trusted seller.

Well its a good price in comparison to how much computer games cost. I have never supported the "oh well we dont get cricket games very often and its not much money" point of view though. Bottom line, if codemasters sell a lot of copies they will count the game as a success regardless of negative comments about the game.

Does ?17.99 represent value for money versus other things I can buy for ?17.99 thats the big question. Would I get more enjoyment out of a case of beer for example ;) Would I get more out of spending it going to watch an away match, say at Edgebaston ;)

I would dfeinitely enjoy a case of beer more.

18 Pounds is very cheap but as Kev said is it worth buying as the reviews have been very bad.
In OZ they are still going to be asking $100-120 dollars for the game on XBOX360. Its a joke when the reviews are so bad.
madmattg said:
In OZ they are still going to be asking $100-120 dollars for the game on XBOX360. Its a joke when the reviews are so bad.

Yes but hopefully these reviews bring the price down dramatically.
Reviews are unlikely to bring the price down if people are still buying it.

Shops only drop prices when they cant shift stock.
Good points there Kev, though here are my comments regarding the BLIC07/Cricket 07 issues you have raised:

Kev said:
Depressingly Stupid AI, Cricket07 wins this one.

Really???? Ok the AI does indeed look depressingly stupid but does it score over EA? Has anyone seen my story thread for Cricket07? I cant get the AI to score at all, quite often the AI scores at less than 100 runs in a day and 50/40 over matches are routinely ending with the AI scoring less than 100 (much less) and having wickets in hand. It seems that the AI in BLIC07 is a bit agressive but at least my bowlers wont bowl entire stints without conceeding a run.
One advantage Cricket 07 has is that the AI pacing files and configs are configurable. When I played Cricket 07, I had (imo) v.good pacing from CPU in one day matches.

Kev said:
Batting is too Easy.

Ok, BLIC is not trying to be a simulator its a game that you pick up have a 20 over blast then put down, in contrast EA Cricket07 its equally flawed, just the other way. With EA (especially on 5 star) the game decides you have edged a ball on a random basis even if you perfectly time and select a shot, when your numbers up, your numbers up. The only way to counter this is to play huge amounts of leg glances and defensive shots. At least batting in BLIC07 should be fun and that afterall is what a game should be.
I agree the randon edge factor is annoying in Cricket 07, but again this is configurable. I.e. you can configure it so that perfectly timed shots will never be edged (for either human or cpu or both), and that mis timed shots are more likley to be edged

Kev said:

I've read that you still have to bowl way to full to counter ball bounce, to be honest I think you have to do this on Cricket07 too. This area highlights a main problem with cricket games. People who play cricket want to bowl and bat like they do in real life, unfortunatley the key to sucess often comes from learning to bowl differently on a game than you would in real life. I dont approach bowling (or batting) from a realism point of view, I just try to find spots and strategies that work for the game, sadly they wouldnt work if you were playing cricket for real but I think this problem exists on all games.
I guess that's down to personal preference but again, in cricket 07 the bounce of the ball is easily configured so that realistic lengths can be bowled and still get lbw's and bowled.

Kev said:
AI Field Stragegy.
Lets face it all cricket games suck at this. Cricket is a fantastically complex game when it comes to strategy and it takes a long time to get good at this. Cricket games follow a series of rules laid down by a programmer who ultimatley knows less about cricket than most people on these boards. Its never going to satisfy us.
Yes cannot really argue with this, but again, at least the default fields can be altered in Cricket 07 to ensure some semblance of realism when batting

Kev said:
All shots go to the boundary

There's a simple reason that in cricket games the ball always reaches the boundary if a fielder doesnt get to it. Its to stop dead situations where the ball stops just short of the rope but no fielders are assigned to chase the ball. In Cricket2004 it would sometimes happen that dead situations would occur and you had to run something like 7 or 8 runs before the game moved on. Ensuring the ball always runs to the rope is a cheats way of getting around this but its less annoying than the game stopping dead.

This is just sloppy programming by all parties. How difficult can it be to assign a fielder to every ball that is hit to the outfield, and if the ball hits the rope the fielder gives up, else he continues to track the ball and throw it back in ?????

I know it looks like I think Cricket 07 is great (which I don't) but the point I am making is at least it is very editable so you can at least get some semblance of gameplay - if BLIC 07 is as bad as people are making out, then without a patch to resolve a lot of these issues where does that leave the game?
I do agree that C07 is easier to edit, but that's only because we've figured out how to do it. (when I say we, I of course don't mean me but other people here) I guess some clever old soul will have to crack blic. At the end of the day it all comes down to how good/reliable the online play is. I'll wait and see on that and hope and pray for a patch from codemasters before they get my cash.
God damm you Kev.

Just buy the game from play. Online is great fun, with toms reduced batting & bowling patch there is no more slogging every ball. You have to pick up 1 & 2's. If you have wickets left at the end you can have a slog (possible pretty much only with a fully confident batsmen).

Plus, there doesnt seem to be many people about to play it with.
Kev, I'm interested in the VPN software which you mentioned. Tell me more. Does it mean that the players appear to be on the same LAN?
Indeed it does, most routers have this feature built into them too. Of course with dynamic IP addresses its a bit of a pain in the neck to setup.
Right well I'm very interested in this, because I believe it may be possible to save online test matches for LAN games. If this is the case, we could be sorted.

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