IPL Am i the only one getting bored already ?

Well if Test cricket saw full stadiums like IPL you wouldn't be seeing 2 months of IPL =\

this has more to do with BCCI than Test cricket.
i.e if you prepare flat tracks with both teams scoring 600+, obviously no one would be interested in watching it in the stadium.

another point i would like to raise is the venue in which its played.
places like Nagpur, Gwalior etc dont have the history of test cricket. its actually foolish to play test matches in the smaller cities and venues.
on the other hand chennai, mumbai, delhi, kolkata etc will have ATLEAST 50% occupancy regardless of the conditions and situation.

the recent test series between india and south africa is a testimony of that.

Things change in life and you gotta accept it. IF you want to stay in your little corner praying for everything to be the way it was then gluck.

i am not saying i want uncovered pitches, no helmets and thin bats.
everything changes....FACT! but it doesnt have to be this bad.

and its kind of hypocritical since the BCCI was the last cricketing board to take any interest when the whole euphoria of T20 started. its only after we won the T20 world cup did they realize the market and commerce of it.

we just went crazy after that. IPL,T20 world cup, Champions League, T20 Internationals. even "overkill" is an understatement.

also, the IPL should be renamed as the "Injured Players league".
i dont think i need to give any details regarding this.
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I agree whole heartily, During the recent test series when South Africa play I watched far more cricket then I should have but with the IPL, I haven't watched five overs in a row yet, just to predictable.
I don't care about IPL, I just watch cricket , whatever format it is.:laugh
^lolz, because Pietersen is not here neither collingwood.
Morgan is. Let's hope today's match will be a ripper.
Set aside all the blatant ads and cheerleaders :facepalm I must say the matches have been much more exciting than last years IPL.
Jiten, as you've seen over the past 23 posts, you aren't the only one getting bored. But I'm enjoying the IPL this yr.

And the important reasons are-

1. This edition of the IPL has more quality cricket!

2. They have been subtle this year with their promotions.

3. They aren't as annoying with the ads as they were last year.

4. MAX has actually improved its coverage a bit.

5. New venues which means they've reached out to a wider audience.

6. While they must've lost a few fans here and there, they've got a plethora of new fan bases this year.

Also I find it hilarious that the cheerleaders for the "Indian" premier league are all white.

I don't care where they are from as long as they're hot and/or Latina's :D
yeah I am also bore of IPL, it's not that my team hasn't won any match. I dont like watching one sided match either. Hate those annoying ads. I have no interest now watching 200+ every single match. I enjoy those low scoring matches (like KXI Vs DD) but hate 200+ matches. No respect for bowlers and it's not going to improve the skills of bowlers with batsman hitting 4 and 6 every ball. I dont even watch my teams whole match, leave the other matches even tough there are many close games. But I would prefer low scoring close matches than High scoring ones. Atleast we can see some Bowler class. I dont want to see Legend bowlers like Warne, Murali, Kumble getting no respect and just see their balls flying over the boundary. It's shame to see this :facepalm

Just my opinion though :)
I'm gonna buck the trend and say nope. I've been following the IPL closely this season and I must say I've had fun. Sure there are boring games and boring teams, but overall it's still been good fun. I have a lot of (Indian) friends here in the UK who are addicted to the IPL too. It is very popular, even if it may not seem so to those outside India who don't follow it much.

Yes, the gimmicks are unnecessary, but surely you can ignore these things what commentators say can't you ? Even if its repeated every 2 minutes, just ignore it and watch the cricket if it bothers you that much.
i have been following the IPL from day one. its only been 8 days and am getting bored already. and still theres more than a month to go!!!!!!

I was unimpressed from the off, of course the coverage isn't helped by ITV4 constantly plugging their coverage, having ad breaks as much as they can squeeze in and T20 not being nearly as exciting as it has been reported as - the tactical time-outs for me are just so pointless, as if there is much in the way of tactics in a 20 over slog in which sides are either collapsing or cruising.

I've found the Bangladesh-England series more gripping, of course I have a personal interest in the result whereas T20/IPL you show me the final table and it wouldn't be of much interest. Shame the films/programmes they showed on ITV4 had to be axed

Over-hyped, over-rated, over-soon............................?
not to mention the over commercialization of the sport ! Cringeworthy moments in the IPL are:

DLF Maximum
Citi Moment of Success
Ads covering the TV screen more than the game.
Mongoose Bat (seriously...how did they even allow it??)

the mongoose bat is a great invention, the half bat was invented two years ago, and they just started using it. and lou vincent uses the 3/4 mongoose.

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