An interesting interview of Shoaib Malik after TT final.

He was under the impression that Pakistan supports Pakistan, no issues there. He was also under the impression that muslims all over the world supported Pakistan.

I fail to see how this indicates a war.

yes but he said 'pakistan played well in the tournament', - then he said 'i thsnk al the muslims aross the world' - or summat like that...
yes but he said 'pakistan played well in the tournament', - then he said 'i thsnk al the muslims aross the world' - or summat like that...

Yes, I know, my comments were in reply to those comments by Malik.
Yes, I know, my comments were in reply to those comments by Malik.

oh sorry, i'm just trying to to say that there was no need to say 'muslims' because he'd already said 'pakistan'
oh sorry, i'm just trying to to say that there was no need to say 'muslims' because he'd already said 'pakistan'

Yes, but he is under the impression that muslims around the world were supporting pakistan, he thanked them.
I think he was trying say that he want to thanks pakistani aka muslims around the world
So Come on guys leave the guy alone he was upset about the final aswell
is not a big issue.
So many captains have lost in the finals..noone ever brought up religion into this...being upset is hardly any reasonable excuse:rolleyes:
I think he was trying say that he want to thanks pakistani aka muslims around the world
So Come on guys leave the guy alone he was upset about the final aswell
is not a big issue.
:rolleyes: people other than muslims also live in Pakistan.Isnt it?
:rolleyes: people other than muslims also live in Pakistan.Isnt it?

Yes, but not all muslims live in Pakistan. Malik was merely thanking the muslims outside Pakistan who may have been supporting them.
there are Pakistan Muslims in UK, USA, South Africa, Sweden (rare), France, Greece, ... I mean thanking Pakistanis? or Muslims around the world belong to Pakistan?? I mean wtf guys??? did he say something really really bad? I still don't agree with Malik but not a ISSshUE.
look does he think pakistan is a muslim country? so basically he thinks pakistan are representing islam in cricket....oh great, now cricket is turning out to be war.
Erm...the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is indeed a muslim country. Yes, others do live there but to suggest it's secular or in some way not a muslim country is wrong.

Manee - It's arrogant and naive of him to think that Muslims all over the world will be (or should be) supporting Pakistan...
Yes, but not all muslims live in Pakistan. Malik was merely thanking the muslims outside Pakistan who may have been supporting them.

Why only muslims?Can u answer that?Why not all the pakistani fans(including hindus,christians)?
maybe because his wife is a Indian Muslim and he wanted to thank her & her family in India aswell.. so he said "Muslims"..
Why only muslims?Can u answer that?Why not all the pakistani fans(including hindus,christians)?

I have never met a non Pakistani, non muslim Pakistan fan, I know they are rare, that is for sure.

"First of all I want to say something over here. I want to thank you back home Pakistan and where the Muslim lives all over the world."

AND means he is no longer referring to Pakistan but other countries where muslims live and may be supporting Pakistan.
Yes, because the British from Pakistani Background don't like themselves known as "Pakistanis" but they support Pakistan and they are Muslims.. same with USA I think.. so I think he said it to them.. although I want to clear IMO Pakistan represents PAKISTAN!

Thanks a bunch manee for clearing :eek:.
maybe because his wife is a Indian Muslim and he wanted to thank her & her family in India aswell.. so he said "Muslims"..

As you have brought this topic here.Do u know what he did to her?He betrayed her.He is single now.Search on the net you will know what kind of man he is and what he did to that Hyderabaadi girl.They married on the telephone in 2005.And his wife got pregnant and sadly aborted and ever since that he left her.

I have never met a non Pakistani, non muslim Pakistan fan, I know they are rare, that is for sure.
You havent met any non pakistani or non muslim fan so?It doesnt mean that there are not any non pakistani fans supporting pakistan.They dont have to show their face to you in order to prove that.There are millions of christians living in pakistan.Yousuf was previously christian.Danish is hindu.It means he wasnt supporting pakistan?
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