Announcement/Video and Screenshots/Playsession

That was real tiring. Been reading all these posts for last 90 minutes.:p

Ross!! That was one hell of an awesome video! Loved the shots, the cover drive and the pull, drooling. Just one thing to ask you though, why don't you ever upload pics or vids in full HD resolution. It really sucks to watch 720p on a 1080p screen! Hope you up the resolution next time for an even better view of this fantastic looking game. Looking forward to the official announcement next week.

And yeah, the fluidity in those animations, simply awesome! :clap
To be honest the game is a bit comical in the graphics area .Please improve the graphics in the game and I bet this game will be the best in this category
To be honest the game is a bit comical in the graphics area .Please improve the graphics in the game and I bet this game will be the best in this category

Hahahahahaha......seriously??? Care to elaborate on the comical part???
I think they are the group of people who are never ever satisfied....:lol

I think they are from the 'other' group ;)!!

Seriously....people can call these graphics comical??? Lol!!!
To be honest the game is a bit comical in the graphics area .Please improve the graphics in the game and I bet this game will be the best in this category

Actually I sort of agree, the graphics are really good but they do look a bit cartoony, it sort of reminds me of cricket revolution in a sense that the field and everything else doesn't look that detailed and small compared to the batsmen etc

however I'm not saying they're comical like cricket rev, for example the Ashes09 IC10 series graphics look a bit more "serious" in some aspects, but we still haven't seen enough of BA and tbh it's not that big of a deal.


Will that be an easy fix ross?

Another thing is, the ad boards under the sight screen should get covered... Not sure whether it will be fixable this late without a patch.

No it's a really difficult and time consuming fix to change "Batter" to "Batsmen" expect the game to be delayed until 2050
I think that the title announcement will be made early next week....:yes
Just seen the video, Mr Ant. I likey. I likey a lottie. :D Where Ashes 2013's video looked robotic, this one looked fluid. Loving those flying stumps!


Thats it. I'm cancelling my preorder for Ashes 13 now ;)

Ha! I never placed one; the ?15 price tag smelled way too fishy and it looks like I was proven right. Big Ant on the other hand looks great!
Mostly demanding tbh ;)
Looks very nice graphically and furthermore looks like it wasn't made by the work experience kid on a Friday afternoon.

I would like to complain about the realism though. The Aussie batsmen are all shown playing shots and the only English player is getting bowled. Clearly faulty AI.

Colin we in Pak don't have access to youtube. Kindly make it viewable through PC.

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