Any Improvements?

I still don't think it would be a good idea, it is easy to predict or find spoilers for to know the results beforehand
I would gladly step aside from betting on WWE vbookie to con these wreslting fanatics out of Vcash :p.

Believe me, if you give me a match, before it happens of course, I will give very fair odds.

By the way, I am neither for nor against wrestling vbookie.
I'm completley against it; You can obtain storyline spoilers on the internet very easily, so betting on such events would be corrupt.

EDIT: Chez already said it. :p
We have story of the month for two forums, so why not have Graphic of the month....Once a month the person who is heading the forum, such as a mod or someone who is willing to do it, ill put myself forward as its my idea, and then i (or whoever) gives a topic the graphic has to be based on, a deadline will be given, then a poll will but put up and if the mods agree the winner will get one of those little tags under there name for a month!

What do you guys think?
Didn't Usy try something similar a couple of months ago? Turned into a complete disaster.
evertonfan said:
Didn't Usy try something similar a couple of months ago? Turned into a complete disaster.

The one Usy did was a competition between two GFX makers. Me and you paired up, and you obviously won.

The two "Story of the month" in the main cricket story forum and in the "other stories" forums are quite popular so i see no reason why this would fail
The one in the Other Stories forum is failing. Although this is only because people can't think of an excuse not to vote for my story :p
Could we not give it a try on a trial basis, say give it GFX of the month for this month, short time i know but we will try it, and see if people vote?
But that will only leave us with 9 days to pick a subject, make a quality sig and then have a suitable voting period.
Well the topic can be:

Australia Vs. England; Ashes edition

The Sigs can be ready for Thursday 23rd November, and then it gives us a 5 day voting :p no problem, i know you'll have enough time with 2 days, as will most people.

As for the one who runs it, it cant be me as after saturday im not available for the next 2 weekish
Please Delete The Thread 90% Off Gucci Bags In Cricket 07 Forum When I Went To It My Norton Went Insane.
Well that's your own fault for clicking on a deliberate attempt to give you a virus and craploads of spyware. :p
I've already deleted it. But it would help if in future you used the report post feature for posts like that.
Shouldn't the descriptions for the Cricket 05 and 07 forums be changed now?

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