Any Improvements?

Something not quite right about this skin. Looks very neat, but some of the other forum colours (moderator's names, rep bars etc) just stand out a bit too much. Kudos on it though.
Something not quite right about this skin. Looks very neat, but some of the other forum colours (moderator's names, rep bars etc) just stand out a bit too much. Kudos on it though.
The username colours were the only way to get them to be easily readable on black/dark grey. Though Admins did get the pointy end of the stick with their colour. As for reps, I couldn't use white, grey or black for them, so just used the cricket skins ones, I did consider teal and beige, but it didn't look any good.
This is absolutely amazing. Superb work mate!

I just noticed, for some reason the smilies are a bit weird. Just check here.

;) :) :cool:

Anyway that you could fix it?
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Nice skin but lil' too dark for my eyes, maybe some light green will help :p ;).

Just a quick question, why New Zealand? They've only got 1 active member on the site!
lol yeah shu'da done the ON demand stuff first...
lol yeah shu'da done the ON demand stuff first...

I imagine that would put extra pressure on Matt. Since he is making the skins, perhaps the best option would be to let him choose whichever country he wants to do.
However, if Matt is creating the skins based on whichever one is most popular is most wanted, I will be more than happy to promote a Bangladesh skin from him. :p
In all seriousness though,kudos on Matt for these great skins. The New Zealand one instantly went into my book of favourites. And regarding the hiding text factor, wouldn't using html colour codes work for blending text to certain backgrounds? Of course not all the skins have same colour schemes, therefore someone using a different skin than the writer of the post will instantly find the "hidden text".

This text is meant to be blended in with the New Zealand skin.
I'm making the skins in no particular order, they are not influenced by demand (otherwise I would have started with India and Pakistan), and are purely a case of me making the ones that I think look good from a design standpoint (I've designed all but one of them already).

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