Any Improvements?

A little 'Introduce Yourself' forum would be useful. You could put it under the Feedback/Suggestions main thread.
That way people can create their own thread evey time somebody wants to introduce themselves. It is easier for the people to find too.
Just go to any forum with that system in place and you'll see that it does actually work very, very well.

For the record, i'm not suggesting we employ this method, i'm just stating why someone would suggest it.
I don't agree that it works very well; I've seen plenty of forums where it's just an excuse to spam. In the same way we have one thread for milestones and one for birthdays, we have one for introductions. The forum is about cricket and one thread should be ample.
i think one thread is good enough ya i think we should open a poll and decide
It would be pointless imo, it would be very repetitive like:
"Hi my name xxxx, I come from xxxx, and i am xx years old and I like xxxx xxxx xxxx this looks like a good forum"
Followed by:
"Hi, Welcome to the forums"

Is it worth it? Probably not and I think one individual thread is enough.

You don't just have to say that. YOu can find out what they like etc.

It would be pointless imo, it would be very repetitive like:
"Hi my name xxxx, I come from xxxx, and i am xx years old and I like xxxx xxxx xxxx this looks like a good forum"
Followed by:
"Hi, Welcome to the forums"

Is it worth it? Probably not and I think one individual thread is enough.

You don't just have to say that. YOu can find out what they like etc.
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I don't agree that it works very well; I've seen plenty of forums where it's just an excuse to spam. In the same way we have one thread for milestones and one for birthdays, we have one for introductions. The forum is about cricket and one thread should be ample.
The problem with spam being?

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