Any Improvements?

I've set it to be a fixed size - 175px vertically, with the image repeating horizontally. So either make it so your image cleanly wraps, or is wide enough for most monitors (1920px usually does it, but some people have above full HD res monitors).

Whenever I try to change the same picture repeats, when I removed and tried to upload another then also same picture comes back.
When I used my PC same pic was seen but when used my phone the pic changed.
When I used my PC same pic was seen but when used my phone the pic changed.
Take a screenshot from your phone then. I need to be able to see your problem to help fix it.

Remember that you will only see the centre part of the image on screens smaller than the size of your banner - so keep the key parts of your design to the middle - or accept that not everyone viewing your profile will see your whole image - just like you don't see signatures on the mobile version of the site.
Again, I see that top banner on your profile on both my desktop and phone. Your phone browser might be caching the old image.

The image just showing the bit in the middle like that is as intended - the image is centered and always 175 pixels high (that image you just posted is 100 pixels high for some reason), unlike the previous implementation that attempted to stretch or zoom to fill the space and meant you couldn't know what size to design for.

Try looking at your profile on a PC and resizing the browser window to understand what happens to the image.
First time I opened IE via PC after changin g the Cover but
I usually use Chrome and just to check is Chrome cachi g but not the site is not accepting my new cover just thinking a simillar issue that tyhe signature is. Just I can't see my cover to be changed while others can see I just uploaded this: Untitled-1.png

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