Review: Anyone else unsatisfied?

hmm! so you're saying that those game-breaking issues that was fixed on console in first 3 months, aren't worth anything? you'd have been loved playing it as it's original released state! May GOD help you!

Hold on buddy.....nothing about gameplay has been fixed.

Crashes were fixed but anything to improve gameplay has not been touched!
Look at the bright side guys.. Ross acknowledged without 'ffs' people.

Meanwhile I'm still adding hours of game play on DBC 14. It still rocks ..
Many seems to be not happy with the game, thank god, i dint even buy this crap

Your lucky!

I thought that this game would rock as I genuinely enjoyed DBC14 on ps3. I enjoyed it so much that i even purchased it on the PC.

I put my faith in Big Ant and supported them again fir DBC17.

Big mistake that was!

I even took the product back to JB Hi Fi for a refund and they didnt even want it back!

If Big Ant had integrity they would refund my money but thats not gonna happen!

I will not be purchasing a big ant game again after this experience....It puts the great Don Bradnams name to shame!

I wonder what the Bradman foundation thinks of the crap that has been dished out with their name on it!?
Your lucky!

I thought that this game would rock as I genuinely enjoyed DBC14 on ps3. I enjoyed it so much that i even purchased it on the PC.

I put my faith in Big Ant and supported them again fir DBC17.

Big mistake that was!

I even took the product back to JB Hi Fi for a refund and they didnt even want it back!

If Big Ant had integrity they would refund my money but thats not gonna happen!

I will not be purchasing a big ant game again after this experience....It puts the great Don Bradnams name to shame!

I wonder what the Bradman foundation thinks of the crap that has been dished out with their name on it!?
But every now and then you come on here and whine like a little girl: who cares. Get on with your life.
I think we've swung to the overkill pile again. Out the box the game had some issues, but they got ironed out with patches and it's still a very solid game by general opinion. I think at his stage the worst you can level against it is that it failed to move DBC14 enough for a lot of people.

I wonder what the Bradman foundation thinks of the crap that has been dished out with their name on it!?
Judging by the fact it's all over their website, I'd say they were pretty happy with it. PS4 / XBOX ONE Don Bradman Cricket 17 | Bradman Foundation
I think we've swung to the overkill pile again. Out the box the game had some issues, but they got ironed out with patches and it's still a very solid game by general opinion. I think at his stage the worst you can level against it is that it failed to move DBC14 enough for a lot of people.


What issues have been ironed out?

Solid? Really?

Judging by the fact it's all over their website, I'd say they were pretty happy with it. PS4 / XBOX ONE Don Bradman Cricket 17 | Bradman Foundation

Yeah its a misleading promo page!
I think we've swung to the overkill pile again. Out the box the game had some issues, but they got ironed out with patches and it's still a very solid game by general opinion. I think at his stage the worst you can level against it is that it failed to move DBC14 enough for a lot of people.

Judging by the fact it's all over their website, I'd say they were pretty happy with it. PS4 / XBOX ONE Don Bradman Cricket 17 | Bradman Foundation

i'd slightly disagree with this point. i think the patch addressed the 3 biggest issues in the released game, the regular crashes, the inability to play shots in large areas of the field, and the guarantee that the AI would hit the last ball of the over for 4. we can say it was a "successful" patch in those terms.

but, i believe the patch introduced some issues too: i think the AI is weaker in terms of general batting strength. in FC, they pace themselves well but don't bat long enough to build a big score. they'll bat for circa 80-90 overs at a rate around 3-3.5 an over, so they can't build a big score. (individually i've not had anyone score a ton against me). i've personally had less stability since the patch (less crashes, but several instances of frankly crazy gameplay that could be resolved only by deleting all data). the bottom line is pre-patch 3 i completed nearly every game i started. since the patch i've completed very few, probably less than i did in dbc14 before franco's hack.

i don't believe we should criticise a studio for over-ambition, but it's clear that BA's reach exceeded their grasp and it has led to a game that has some sublime things and some really poor things. the UX is just one of the worst things i've ever endured*, and the management of the data in the game is shockingly bad. i don't even just mean stats (though they combine being both meagre and wrong, which is quite an acheivement) but also things like when you link a player, that should leave you with only 1 instance of the player but you end up with 3. my player database in DBC14 was clean: it took a while because of the amount of players but otherwise it was easy enough to ensure I had only 1 instance of each player and where possible they were linked correctly. in DBC17 i've never been able to get that sorted, because attempting to do so is a Kafka-esque nightmare (and since the game can't track the stats properly, what is the point anyway?).

sadly at the moment the game is less than the sum of its parts. i still haven't quite worked out how we've ended up with a game made by people who understand and love cricket enough that the hardness of the pitch can effect where you want your keeper / slips to stand, yet who also somehow thought having moving adboards and mexican-waving crowds behind the bowler's arm was acceptable? (i get it might have been different teams, but still... how did nobody ever spot the movement behind the bowler's arm and say no?)

that said - i think BA have more than enough credibility to be given the benefit of the doubt and the time to get it right.

*this community bears a lot of responsibility for the UX. last summer i had a lot going on and for lots of reasons wasn't really involved in the academy beta. but i saw so many posts here along the lines of "great update, this academy is great, easy to use etc." and not one saying "2012 called: Windows 8 sucked ass take your tiles and do one..."
i'd slightly disagree with this point. i think the patch addressed the 3 biggest issues in the released game, the regular crashes, the inability to play shots in large areas of the field, and the guarantee that the AI would hit the last ball of the over for 4. we can say it was a "successful" patch in those terms.

but, i believe the patch introduced some issues too: i think the AI is weaker in terms of general batting strength. in FC, they pace themselves well but don't bat long enough to build a big score. they'll bat for circa 80-90 overs at a rate around 3-3.5 an over, so they can't build a big score. (individually i've not had anyone score a ton against me). i've personally had less stability since the patch (less crashes, but several instances of frankly crazy gameplay that could be resolved only by deleting all data). the bottom line is pre-patch 3 i completed nearly every game i started. since the patch i've completed very few, probably less than i did in dbc14 before franco's hack.

i don't believe we should criticise a studio for over-ambition, but it's clear that BA's reach exceeded their grasp and it has led to a game that has some sublime things and some really poor things. the UX is just one of the worst things i've ever endured*, and the management of the data in the game is shockingly bad. i don't even just mean stats (though they combine being both meagre and wrong, which is quite an acheivement) but also things like when you link a player, that should leave you with only 1 instance of the player but you end up with 3. my player database in DBC14 was clean: it took a while because of the amount of players but otherwise it was easy enough to ensure I had only 1 instance of each player and where possible they were linked correctly. in DBC17 i've never been able to get that sorted, because attempting to do so is a Kafka-esque nightmare (and since the game can't track the stats properly, what is the point anyway?).

sadly at the moment the game is less than the sum of its parts. i still haven't quite worked out how we've ended up with a game made by people who understand and love cricket enough that the hardness of the pitch can effect where you want your keeper / slips to stand, yet who also somehow thought having moving adboards and mexican-waving crowds behind the bowler's arm was acceptable? (i get it might have been different teams, but still... how did nobody ever spot the movement behind the bowler's arm and say no?)

that said - i think BA have more than enough credibility to be given the benefit of the doubt and the time to get it right.

*this community bears a lot of responsibility for the UX. last summer i had a lot going on and for lots of reasons wasn't really involved in the academy beta. but i saw so many posts here along the lines of "great update, this academy is great, easy to use etc." and not one saying "2012 called: Windows 8 sucked ass take your tiles and do one..."
Some very good points Blocker couldn't agree more especially paragraphs 2 and 3 they are some of the biggest issues I have with the game
I dont agree Chief.

If you have played at least 3 Online Games , I think your whole view on how playable the game is would change.

  1. Fielders refuse to stand where you tell them to stand .
  2. They keep on playing hide and seek until your time has run out , and your "locked" into some ridiculous field for the rest of the over.
  3. Fielding preset are hit and miss at best
  4. The Apply to all button , cancels your 30 seconds time limit , AND doesnt neccesarily select the preset youve selected.
  5. The fielders WILL throw 2 - 4 Overthrows per Pro20 match , because the Keeper refuses to catch incoming balls.
  6. Fielders decide to run across the field , whilst the bowler runs in to bowl , with my personal favourite being Mid On jogging to Fine leg , crossing the pitch at the exact moment the ball is released by the bowler .
Having to see the above scenario play out for the last (3) Months , whilst trying to host a competitive League , eventually gets to everyone .

We have now even started countering the glitches with work arounds etc. , but you can imagine the swear words in each and every game we play in our Parties , when you are locked into a ridicolous field , and your opponent is just peppering the Huge Gap .

I for one cannot understand why the fielding issues , couldnt be tackled in a quicker patch , before all the smaller stuff got attention .

Now it seems we are going to get a Mega Patch 4 , fixing numerous stuff , and unfortunately breaking others along the way , with everybody scratching their heads what caused what.
There is a great deal of pressure on the next patch - it needs to deliver - and we need to sort through what is real and what isn't, that takes time.
I will be that mad if the stat don't improve big ant I have write so meaning stuff telling u to fix the bug of says 4 50 but really is 2 if that isn't fixed I'll be so mad but you guys are doing your very best so will see
I will be that mad if the stat don't improve big ant I have write so meaning stuff telling u to fix the bug of says 4 50 but really is 2 if that isn't fixed I'll be so mad but you guys are doing your very best so will see

if it was all written that poorly i doubt any of it will be fixed as they will have had no possibility of understanding it.

WTF does:

if the stat don't improve big ant I have write so meaning stuff telling u to fix the bug of says 4 50 but really is 2

even mean?
i have to say the shine is coming off now, and this is mainly down to the fielding. constantly having to change/check fields for changes is wearing thin, as are the fielding mechanics. fed up with watching the ball go up in the air towards a fielder and it either watching it go by cos there is another one somewhere behind, or the fielder runs towards the ball, stops and watches it drop in front of him.

do we have any idea when patch 4 is likely to hit?

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