Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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Perhaps we should just change this thread name to the 'sour grapes over the Harbhajan case' thread.

Fact is, there was not conclusive evidence. That's the frickin' bottom' line! There are no ifs ands or buts here!

If you wanted to be a fair and impartial moderator, you could rename this thread to "BCCI wielding too much power over ICC?". Of course that would be fair and impartial and clearly you have an agenda already set in mind, and have designed this thread to spew your hate and vitriol.

As a member, I'd question your abilities as a moderator if you continue to make such biased threads.
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Even if Harbhajan Singh was innocent, India should have kept quiet and carried on with the tour. By threatening to cancel it, there was an impression the BCCI think they control world cricket, which they obviously don't.
To be honest, for BCCI to say they'll pull out of the tour is not really fair. That's just putting tremendous pressure on ICC and was bound to make it look like they caved to BCCI's pressure when they let off Harbhajan, it doesn't matter if it was fair or not.
I feel it was poorly handled in that regard, we should have carried on after filing the complaint/appeal.
But if BCCI 'obviously don't' control world cricket, I don't see what all the fuss is about.
To be honest, for BCCI to say they'll pull out of the tour is not really fair. That's just putting tremendous pressure on ICC and was bound to make it look like they caved to BCCI's pressure when they let off Harbhajan, it doesn't matter if it was fair or not.

who wants to play with liers ? if you think lieing will win matches then sorry .. no one will play with australia
The BCCI has become too powerful for the ICC and someone needs to take a stand right now. If India had pulled out of the tour, ESPN would have come down on Cricket Australia, and a split of the nations could easily have occurred. Needless to say, cricket would have been damaged, perhaps irreparably.

I believe that the idea of leaving the tour came from the Indian staff who were in Australia and that Sharad Pawar had no real intentions for a pull out. You have to understand the seriousness of a racism charge though; having a player accused of one is certainly not to be taken lightly. Any threat of a pull out was also on the conditions that the BCCI be not happy with the decision which seems to mean if Harbhajan is punished with no concrete evidence since concrete audio proof is undeniable obviously.

My question is, will the ICC ever take a firm hand or will they continue to allow the BCCI to steamroll them without protest?

Have the BCCI overstepped the line here by blackmailing the ICC and Cricket Australia, who unsuccessfully tried to persuade the Australian players to drop the charges against Harbhajan because of the threat of an abandoned tour?

Have the BCCI blackmailed CA and the ICC? I don't think that any of the people in charge with any sort of intelligence would really think that India would have realistically pulled out of Australia. As far as I see it, the proper precedure was carried out. Harbhajan was charged and found guilty, effectively banning him for three Tests. India appealed, which delayed the ban until after the appeal and he was found innocent, citing lack of evidence.
Excuse me? NO nation has the right to abandon a tour midway for any reason unless the ICC explicitly allows them, and that would be in extreme circumstances ONLY.

Certainly no team has the right to abandon a tour because they can't handle the match referee's decision.

I am not saying that Harbhajan should have been found guilty (though I have no doubt he was guilty based on the evidence - even though it wasn't enough to hold up in a courtroom), but I am saying that if he was, the BCCI have no right to argue with the decision. They can appeal it, but if it is not overturned they simply can not just say "Well stuff that, we're not going to play."

That is blackmail.

As for your statement no one will control cricket, are you honestly that stupid? Who is meant to control cricket? The BCCI?

where is this rule ????? did u made it ?

any team has the right abondon the series if they have been treated to crimes. (australian players committed crime by liening without any evidence they themselves told they havnt heard any word)
who wants to play with liers ? if you think lieing will win matches then sorry .. no one will play with australia

Welcome to planetcricket. I understand that the situation plays close to your heart but try to give other members' views more respect.
where is this rule ????? did u made it ?

any team has the right abondon the series if they have been treated to crimes. (australian players committed crime by liening without any evidence they themselves told they havnt heard any word)

No team has the right to cancel a tour, definitely not in this case.
any team has the right abondon the series if they have been treated to crimes. (australian players committed crime by liening without any evidence they themselves told they havnt heard any word)

The domestic cricket boards, I believe, have all signed contracts with the ICC over tours. While I do not know for sure, I would be amazed if this is the case.

If this is the case, surely there wouldn't be any contoversy about England touring Zimbabwe? The ECB has no power to stop the tour, only government intervention can.
Perhaps we should just change this thread name to the 'sour grapes over the Harbhajan case' thread.

Fact is, there was not conclusive evidence. That's the frickin' bottom' line! There are no ifs ands or buts here!

If you wanted to be a fair and impartial moderator, you could rename this thread to "BCCI wielding too much power over ICC?". Of course that would be fair and impartial and clearly you have an agenda already set in mind, and have designed this thread to spew your hate and vitriol.

As a member, I'd question your abilities as a moderator if you continue to make such biased threads.

This thread is by no means biased.
Welcome to planetcricket. I understand that the situation plays close to your heart but try to give other members' views more respect.

austrilians here look like kids to me .. they dont even understand how bad is racial charge without even any evidence .. it shown their kiddish nature
austrilians here look like kids to me .. they dont even understand how bad is racial charge without even any evidence .. it shown their kiddish nature

Trust me, none of the Australians on planetcricket have kiddish views about cricket. They are all knowledgable (yes, even you Hooper:p) and are merely arguing their point of view.
No team has the right to cancel a tour, definitely not in this case.

haha i think u r saying this
"even if a player is murdered by an australian player .. then also tour should continue"

our govt doesnt permit such things sorry ..
austrilians here look like kids to me .. they dont even understand how bad is racial charge without even any evidence .. it shown their kiddish nature

There is evidence Harbhajan said something offensive to Andrew Symonds. Australia interpreted his comment as racist, so they had every right to report it.

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