Argha's Downloads

short leg u post the pic of TV overlay used in Pak/Ind Series 2005.........this Tv overlay is already made by talking about the TV Overlay used in Pak/Eng series 2005 and Pak/Ind series 2006.......i remember someone ask about it before and posted some pics but i cant find it.......please whoever can find those pics please post the pics in this thread........

arghasen your supersport TV overlay is EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!good work.....UR BEST
Farrukh_|$B said:
Arghasan PS : ur avater is nt the correct size i think :p
If it wasn't the right size then the avatar would have been blocked from uploading. It's fine.
Absolutely superb SABC Sport graphics! I will use them from now on thanks!
wow, great stuff, should be in PC patch team ;).
SkateBoarder said:
If it wasn't the right size then the avatar would have been blocked from uploading. It's fine.
Absolutely superb SABC Sport graphics! I will use them from now on thanks!

oh yeh it is the correct size :p i didnt notice sorryyy :D
that link seems to be correct. I just clicked on it and it showed the proper download size.

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