Holmie's Hi-Res Downloads --Aus 06 Kit Released--

could someone make the current pakistan test kit, there has already been one made that is in the main download section, but there trousses are grey and it make the them look funny
ill try to make more kits but currently am busy with overlays and TCP. the south africa kit is under development though. :)
ok great. thanks kshitiz. lets wait to see what burma and rickyp have to say. they were my other beta testers.
Unfortunately, it still crashes for me. I have tested it extensively and, while it crashes much less frequently, it still crashes sometimes when pressing escape to get to the menus and sometimes after autoplaying an innings and trying to continue.

So, in conclusion, although it looks great, it is still rather buggy. :(
:crying why is it always the Pause Menu. other ones dont do this. did you guys get any errors on other screens? batting, bowling, wagonwheel, etc.?

ricky ill send you it right now.
For me, the crashes only occur at or around the pause screen for the most part. As I said though, there was that instance after autoplaying an innings where it crashed when I tried to resume.
ok ive sent STE a pm about this. maybe he can help us with this problem since he's made an overlay himself before.
interesting that yours freezes bf because after an intense cric05 sesh mine worked perfectly and it looked spectacular, except for one thing:

dont worry. i know how exactly what to do to fix that. it the cut seen ( black bar) on the bottom that pushes the text up.

BF can you try reinstalling your cricket 2005. alot of the that is the problem. i went through that a couple of times.

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