Ashes Cricket 2009 bugs thread

Just started my first Ashes match. Bowled the Aussies out for 186 after 30 overs, run rate of just under 6! Was quite good actually, so satisfying when you get someone out by clever bowling, this makes the cheap decisions even more annoying!

The stupid AI running only occured in the space of 3 overs (I got 2 wickets form it) and they kept hitting it past the bowler, and then choosing to run then running back again once the fielder had the ball. This happened every single time and I would have got more wickets if the fielder had hit the stumps. :doh

The other problem was when bowling with Swann against a right hander, with off spin. I left the reticule in the same place, bowled the batter would miss and the wicket keeper would go for the stumps. The EXACT same thing happened for the entire over and earned me 2 wickets. :doh

So that's 4 cheap wickets, with the rest coming from fair catches and some good bowling.

As others have said - this game is SO CLOSE to being really very very good, but these flaws are game breakers at the minute.
Wow, a major major bug, far bigger than anything I mentioned in the review.
Batting second in a 50 over ODI my batsmen suddenly lost the ability to run properly. Strike batsman would collide with the bowler and stop halfway down and when sent back would stand outside the crease.
In other words everytime I pressed run I got runout! Went from 140/2 to 140/7 before realising that I was going to have to score the final 100 entirely in boundaries on a slow wicket and outfield! Got pretty close too 219 ao.

Have some screens too if people want to see but the inability to take runs when batting is a somewhat bigger bug than wrong lengths or AI aggression.
I also forgot to mention that sometimes the batting AI will hit a shot in the air, one of the fielders will catch it (without any 'catching mode') and then the game just continue onto the next ball :facepalm
I had it earlier playing a T20 against the Aussies. Broad bowled a delivery, hit Clarke on the pads and rolled onto the stumps knocking off the bails. The only thing I got for it was a turned down LBW appeal because it hit mile outside off!!!
Wow, a major major bug, far bigger than anything I mentioned in the review.
Batting second in a 50 over ODI my batsmen suddenly lost the ability to run properly. Strike batsman would collide with the bowler and stop halfway down and when sent back would stand outside the crease.
In other words everytime I pressed run I got runout! Went from 140/2 to 140/7 before realising that I was going to have to score the final 100 entirely in boundaries on a slow wicket and outfield! Got pretty close too 219 ao.

Have some screens too if people want to see but the inability to take runs when batting is a somewhat bigger bug than wrong lengths or AI aggression.

I have stopped playing this offline at the moment, that is the only solution i can offer. (presuming it does not happen online:p)
Will they include a new part to the legends section? "How to run like Owais Shah?"
Just had 3 glitches playing Stevie online:

- Had a run out opportunity where he edged to 4th/5th slip and ran. My gully picked it up, but instead of throwing to the wicket keeper's end (easily the nearest and with all 3 stumps to aim at) he decided to launch it to the bowler's end before I had time to select which end to throw to. Not only did he miss the stumps, the ball went for 4 overthrows. :mad: Surely a fix should be made so the fielders automatically throw it to the closest set of stumps to them.

- Due to lag I saw his batsmen running to the same end, even though they weren't - this made it very confusing.

- There was also a dodgy glitch with my custom field where after I selected the delivery my deep cover would become deep point and my point would become cover. This occurred after I had switched my deep point to deep cover (and vice versa with the infielder) - so the game was switching it back.
Wow, a major major bug, far bigger than anything I mentioned in the review.
Batting second in a 50 over ODI my batsmen suddenly lost the ability to run properly. Strike batsman would collide with the bowler and stop halfway down and when sent back would stand outside the crease.
In other words everytime I pressed run I got runout! Went from 140/2 to 140/7 before realising that I was going to have to score the final 100 entirely in boundaries on a slow wicket and outfield! Got pretty close too 219 ao.

Have some screens too if people want to see but the inability to take runs when batting is a somewhat bigger bug than wrong lengths or AI aggression.

I'm adding this to the patch thread. :)
please someone just one thing i want to know i there going to be any patch to fix these serious issue cause otherwise i have wasted my money ????
I got a top edge off of Peter Siddle, bowling as Flintoff. It went high up, catching meter came on. It never went anything other than orange, even when it hit the ground, it sailed miles over the keepers head. Then, first slip ran to get the ball. In slow mo, like the slow-mo part of the catching system where you are waiting for the catch to arrive. He then gets to the grounded ball, and the game takes an age to recognise what it is trying to do. It was also off the last ball of the over, but I somehow ended up bowling the last ball of the over again.
Wow, a major major bug, far bigger than anything I mentioned in the review.
Batting second in a 50 over ODI my batsmen suddenly lost the ability to run properly. Strike batsman would collide with the bowler and stop halfway down and when sent back would stand outside the crease.
In other words everytime I pressed run I got runout! Went from 140/2 to 140/7 before realising that I was going to have to score the final 100 entirely in boundaries on a slow wicket and outfield! Got pretty close too 219 ao.
Had you been drinking? I thought you were supposed to be a teacher :p

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