Ashes Cricket 2009 bugs thread

Has anyone seen off a spinner, mainly this has happened off offies. The ball will drift in a crazy amount and hit plump in front get given out... then when it shows hawkeye it looks nothing like the ball that was bowled...

something tricky going on lol

this seems to happen quite a bit, at first i thought it was due to a strong wind but it happened again last night when the wind was in the opposite direction to the drift, very strange maybe this is the spinner glitch that has been mentioned previously and as you say hawkeye shows no drift at all!!
fearsome tweak !! fearsome tweak !! fearsome tweak !!!

this automated hook shot is annoying me like crazy......
whenever i try to slog, it automatically plays the hook shot (even when the front foot button is pressed)
resulting in me getting out LBW !!!! :mad::mad::doh:doh
also, many a times i feel as though the timing is dependent on the colour of the marker.

same speed,same swing and similar area. if the the colour is yellow, the timing window is less, but if its dark green we have all the "perfect" timing in the world.

its quite a screwed up system...
Figures of 8/22 and 10/22 in a Test Match and no reward :(

How did other people get test match bowling reward for the kitbag stuff?
Funny Bug

This bug happened to me once while playin the ashes. This actually started after I ran-out Simon katich with a direct hit from deep square leg (lucky.!!). 79 for 1...After that all the remaining batsmen thought that the middle pitch was their crease:rtfl ( I think that run-out might ve created a confusion among teammates:laugh) But when I decided to throw to their end, the batsman suddenly woke up and'll run to his crease. Also I can't able to avoid that.I should've to made a throw to an end, is it.?? So this bug cost their remainin 9 wkts within 2 overs.

I had a bug yesterday. The AI batsman hit to square leg. The ball went between the fielders at square leg and fine leg and crossed the boundary. The game did not move from there. I waited for two minutes. I could get the menu up but the game did not move. It was on 360 by the way
No matter who develops the game (EA/Codies), I feel that only Cricket games have these many bugs and gets RELEASED with bugs. We cannot find long list of bugs as this in FIFA, Baseball, NBA, NHL....

Why is it so?

Is it because lack of knowledge about the game on Developers/Testing side?
No matter who develops the game (EA/Codies), I feel that only Cricket games have these many bugs and gets RELEASED with bugs. We cannot find long list of bugs as this in FIFA, Baseball, NBA, NHL....

Why is it so?

Is it because lack of knowledge about the game on Developers/Testing side?

Its because of eagerness of all of us to buy any crap they dish out as a cricket game. Developers' take our enthusiasm for granted and we get played into their hands. I think we should make a vow at least at PC level not to buy any more crap games, although I know we will still be sucked in :facepalm
Its because of eagerness of all of us to buy any crap they dish out as a cricket game. Developers' take our enthusiasm for granted and we get played into their hands. I think we should make a vow at least at PC level not to buy any more crap games, although I know we will still be sucked in :facepalm

I took that vow this time and didn't buy the game. And I am very happy that I kept my cash.

The next step is the patch, if it ever arrives.
the games frame rate slows down very much when i turns on the crowd. this occurs when the ball goes near the crowd. a patch is needed for this urgently. what should i do? my config is phenom2 9650 @2.3 4gb 800mhz. gtx 260. isn't enough.?:facepalm
A perfectly timed straight drive hits either bowlers foot(which is ok understandable) , unmoving umpire and non striker.
keeper while standing back collects catches of second and third slip.
keeper while standing up takes reflex catches of all slips and almost gully position.
all fielders diives to take catch (9 out of 10 times)
fielder suddenly disappears and comes at other position
bowlers dont come to the stumps to collect theball.
a throw to the keeper automatically goes to bowling end (i think the ball swings while on air hahaha:banana2:laugh )
cant turn on crowd on pc version. as the frame rate goes far below
if a ball goes exactly between two fielders then they will look at each other and ball passes between them
overall bounce is high.
plays back foot pull shot to a overpitched ball when we plays attacking shot.
the good area marker is annoying as it reduces the option of pitching the ball where ever we want. only ball quality meter was needed.
the worst AI of a cricket game. its stupid.
an overpiched ball which bounces below knee until it reaches the batsmen suddenly it bounces at waste height . because the cpu played a perfect hook shot in front of mid wicket.(stupiud)
lol .. i had a sitaution whr the ball hit the pads and went on to hit the stumps after deflection ..

there was an lbw appeal which was turned down and the game ignored the bowled :P

funny .. but the games playable and fun otherwise :)

Stupid run rates really p**s me off. I want to play a realistic match but all the AI do is slog slog SLOG!!
Run Bug

has Anyone noticed that the batsmen stops in the middle of the pitch while talking a run and then get runout :facepalm
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