Ashes Cricket 2009 v1.1 Open Beta 2

Following is my feedback on the beta 2 patch

1. It is very very difficult to get edges in beta 2. I was playing Aus (AI) v/s Eng. Please help me guys if this is not right. I tried every possible trick like changing the delivery type and bowling in yellow area and also moving the cursor around until the last moment. The batsmen were fearless during this time and it was impossible later to get them out. Please help :crying

2. I felt that once the AI batsman is fearless, it is very very difficult to get him out unless he slogs like stupid.

3. The AI batting runrate is much better now with 3.0 to 3.5 RPO

4. The AI doesnt run at all many times when the ball is at long on/ off.

I'd agree with all of that. 'Mr Fearless' is the one remaining thing that annoys me about this game. If TG can't/won't do anything, maybe our P.C. boys can at some point...

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

Yeah, I knew i was digging myself into a hole when I made that comment. I'm still bitter.

It's very annoying when the fielder misfields a ball that bounces once and then reaches them, either in the outfield or close in. It seems to happen too often!

Well, you really should've won that series, but never mind, eh? You guys had it to yourselves for fifteen years or something, so the current arrangement of 'we win it on our turf/you win it on your turf' is much more acceptable to us. Assuming we don't win it on your turf as well, of course... :D
No, it works now.
Another major problem that I am facing is that the game often freezes in the offline mode.
Is there anyway to knock the stumps over when you get a batsman bowled? If not then maybe it could be included in the next update of the patch.
Is there anyway to knock the stumps over when you get a batsman bowled? If not then maybe it could be included in the next update of the patch.

No this won't happen on the patch.
I think someone needs to summarize what's going wrong in beta 2 so that we can come up with a list which we like both in beta 1 and beta 2. Final patch should contain all the cool stuff.
I did find it easier to get edges against the CPU in Beta 1 epecially in first 10 overs of a ODI. But surely they haven't changed any of the edges from Beta1 as this is something everyone was pleased with - right?

So can we confirm whether or not this has been changed between patches
I think someone needs to summarize what's going wrong in beta 2 so that we can come up with a list which we like both in beta 1 and beta 2. Final patch should contain all the cool stuff.

Here's what I posted earlier:

So, anyway, I suppose what we're looking for is the best of unpatched:

AI taking quick singles from defensive shots and taking easy singles when on offer.

with the best of Beta 1:

More varied methods of dismissal when bowling at AI.
Better edges.
Realistic AI/Player run rates (on hard).

with the best of Beta 2:

Online play restored.
Bowled/LBW usually come from beating the bat, rather than leaves/stupid shots.
Fixed bowler's stamina - you have to change your attack now, because if not you'll wear certain bowlers out.

Mix that all up (and maybe do some work on 'Mr Fearless'), and you have one hell of a final patch!!

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Also, make lofted shot less powerful, and increase them to the current wehn the batsman is fearless, but still hard to time.
by the sounds of it Mr Fearless is a problem.
wasnt that the main aim of the patch?

Even taking 'Mr Fearless' into account, the run rates have been slashed in the betas and of course, we haven't yet got the final patch, so they might have done some more work.

Either way, by the sounds of it once the P.C. boys have figured out how to edit the game, they should be able to do something about 'Mr Fearless', so even if TG don't/can't do it, I'm sure they will. :)
i am extremely for for Robkey and hamza i didnt quit the game, it was power-cut 3 times in same day

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