Ashes Cricket delayed officially

Wouldn't be surprised if don't get a game at all, I can 100% guarantee this is just going to be a re-has or no game at all. I mean even Colin had nothing to say about the game and he's not that much of a caveman that he can't tell the difference between the old games and this one from the Lords's event.

Expect a game cuz there will definitely be one... The look on Chris Woakes' face at the preview could tell that it's a "working" game....


Ask if god is real, the answer can not be answered.:(

How in the world did u come up with that?... Simple answer... No
hey everyone please, u can get right information about ashes cricket 13,check official website on facebook,
Yeah so if Ross knew and you knew Chief def knew when he typed the words 21st is still release date!

It would indeed be astonshing to say the least if the producer of the game, remember Jamie was and is the producer of this game, could not know about the delays in releasing the game.

At the end of march or beginning april, I believe around that time, he was in Melbourne for a week and would have know then about the way the game is shaping up.

I am afraid to say that, and it pains me to say it, Jamie Firth knew about the state of affairs and has lead us down the garden path.

Until he has the bottle to come on here to explain what the fudge is gone on and going on and to frontup to the community he was so keen on interacting with, then that is my standpoint.

I have really gone out of my way to support these guys and have even spent a lot of my freetime helping out in the background.

It is over. The trust is over.

In the big scheme of world events we are talking about something relatively petty but trust is trust.

There, it is on the record for what it is worth. Jamie Firth, in my opinion, knowingly mislead us.
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It would indeed be astonshing to say the least if the producer of the game, remember Jamie was and is the producer of this game, could not know about the delays in releasing the game.

At the end of march or beginning april, I believe around that time, he was in Melbourne for a week and would have know then about the way the game is shaping up.

I am afraid to say that, and it pains me to say it, Jamie Firth knew about the state of affairs and has lead us down the garden path.

Until he has the bottle to come on here to explain what the fudge is gone on and going on and to frontup to the community he was so keen on interacting with, then that is my standpoint.

I have really gone out of my way to support these guys and have even spent a lot of my freetime helping out in the background.

It is over. The trust is over.

In the big scheme of world events we are talking about something relatively petty but trust is trust.

There, it is on the record for what it is worth. Jamie Firth, in my opinion, knowingly mislead us.

Sums up exactly how i feel!!

Maybe an explanation is due in an upcoming podcast (weekly)
Ashes 2013

Cant be arsed to search the thread,whats happening,i have a pc will the game be released this friday or not?
Wrong thread - didn't mean it. Sorry :(
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I know we often put a lot of the shortcomings with cricket video games to low budgets and the restrictions that comes with it, but i think in this case that really cant be the excuse. This sounds like really poor management of the entire project if they want us to believe that they were unaware of the delay much earlier and/or weren't able to inform us.
Cant be arsed to search the thread,whats happening,i have a pc will the game be released this friday or not?

Ha ha! Could only be Jara! Dont live in the North East by any chance do you?:p No game Friday me old mate, when? Who knows!

Ha ha! Could only be Jara! Dont live in the North East by any chance do you?:p No game Friday me old mate, when? Who knows!

Bassa:mad,has there been an announcement like dutchy?:mad
Guess what, there has been over 150 people on this forum. The problem, it's not a demo or trailer but a delay. let's see if they say anything on Friday when retailers start wondering where the bloody game is.:eek:

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