Ashes Cricket delayed officially


Only from the online stores saying the pre orders have been delayed indefinitely....

FFS bloody typical,ah well dont think i will bother buying it now,game sounds like a bloody trainwreck.:mad
Number of rumours? I've only seen one... :-) 21st June is still the release date, as evidenced everywhere else.


Barmy it takes two months from submission to shelf, your benefit of the doubt, for whatever reason, should be over. He knew when that was posted, he knew at Lord's.

End of story.

WOW this is sad, haven't heard a word from 505 or Trickstar. At least the Big Ant boys are keeping us informed... ABOUT ASHES CRICKET 2013!!!
Unfortunate thing is, if someone like chief etc had come out said the game was delayed and explained the game was not ready and to ensure that the game was as good as possible on release the date had to be pushed back. Then im pretty sure noone really would have been too fussed and appreciated knowing!

The fact they are hoping we all dont own calendars and have not worked out Friday is the 21st is an insult!
FFS bloody typical,ah well dont think i will bother buying it now,game sounds like a bloody trainwreck.:mad

Train wrecks only happens when things are on the rails......this train didnt even make it that isnt the delay. I can live with that. It is the deceit and misleading and not having the basic decency to keep us informed. We spent hours, hours giving feedback and ideas and god knows what else. Utterly disgraceful behaviour.
Not announcing the delay was all strategy of 505 games
Assume if they had officially announced the delay few months back or even during the press meet that would have given Ross the time to think and big ant's would have gone ahead with releasing their game before ashes series and cricket 14 with all its amazing features would sell really well and people wouldn't buy ashes cricket 2013 ( who would buy 13, when they already have 14 :p)
^^ i doubt that would work given Ross already have known about this delay for the last 3-4 months...whatever BigAnt was planning then should be in track even now.
This forum summarizes how the cricket fans have always been treated. Sorry but this is the first time I am speaking against the AC13 team:(
Sure. Chief has consistently said he does not want to be accused of mis-leading anyone and so has chosen not to answer various questions (including release date) on that basis.

Well the only problem there is that the chief 'did' say that the game would be released on time 'after' Ross had disclosed the delay.


Unfortunate thing is, if someone like chief etc had come out said the game was delayed and explained the game was not ready and to ensure that the game was as good as possible on release the date had to be pushed back. Then im pretty sure noone really would have been too fussed and appreciated knowing!

infact I am pretty sure people would have appreciated that and that would have worked in favour of 505 Games.
Yup, got an email from Amazon delayed release and now only listed for pre-order, so not even a date.... back to Ashes 09 then :wave

Steve S.
Cricket Life, EA Cricket 2009, IC 2010 with broken online and now AC 13... the cycle continues for cricket gaming fans. I wish I could be a fan of other sports like footie, American football, basketball, baseball or even ice hockey. At least I could get a half-decent game once in a while without all the lies and rumors. The length of the garden path we (cricket fans) have been led down over the years should be long enough to get us to the moon I reckon :(

To the folks who have pre-ordered and are upset at the way the whole charade has unfolded - I am looking at you "Fast Bowler" - the best way is to let the retailers get a piece of your mind. 505 Games won't give two hoots about us as to them we are regular folks who don't matter, but I'm sure if plenty of folks let it be known to retailers like Game, Amazon etc. how disappointed you are with them not vetting out the distributor/publisher/supplier for the delay till the last minute, they would let the publisher know of the fiasco. At the very least there's more chance to be heard via retailers than reaching out to 505 Games and listening to "Stay tuned" crappola.
Unless you prove me otherwise, I'll put some blame on Chief as well for misleading us. 5 weeks (from now) is more than enough time to decide whether the game is on time or now.

Listen, nobody knows for sure but I think based on everything we know now and assessing what we were being fed from Ross and Barmy, they would have known by the LORDS announcement at the latest that their game was behind schedule and not likely to make the date - yet were still pursuing preorders and towing the 21st line... whether in-directly or not, Chief does shoulder some of the blame on that, because I find it pretty hard to believe he couldn't pick up the phone and ask a question of someone of reasonable knowledge on the situation...

Like Dutch said, incredibly disappointing...

But here's something that's NOT:

How about chief get's his buttocks smacked with the PC cricket bat of pain, only released for real naughty boys that have done something real wrong...

Glorious. Absolutely GLORIOUS... Needed to be quoted again because I fear it was missed in the cacophony of this thread...

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