Ask Questions to EA Sports Producer Andrew Wilson

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andyptl18 said:
the biggest question of all


Andrew never promised to visit the forums. He will answer any questions that we SEND him via email. Thus we've asked all of you to contribute a list of serious questions that we can forward to him.
Posted this in the other forum but am reposting for this one.

Mr Wilson, give us one good reason why we should trust EA Sports ever again and why should we buy their games given your track record for promising the world and delivering a horse's ass? Every time they have said SO many things hyping up the game and then without fail deliver a bug-filled piece of crap game which is ONLY playable because of the work of the modders. And the thing that rankles the most is that when you complain about these things, instead of coming out in the open, admitting blame, offering patches or even a bloody explaination, EA Sports always presents a stony silence never EVER replying to any criticism. I would like to see Andrew Wilson address that issue before answering any stupid question about the game itself. Their silence before in the face of bitter criticism is just their way of saying "F*uck you" to all the people who bought the game, and basically admitting that they don't care enough about these people who keep them in business. Any response Mr Wilson, or as usual are you going to go stone deaf and dumb?
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irottev said:
Theres 6 pages, why arn't there answers yet?
I suggest you read the thread. Especially just a few posts up where ritwik says:

Andrew never promised to visit the forums. He will answer any questions that we SEND him via email. Thus we've asked all of you to contribute a list of serious questions that we can forward to him.
I think now it is time to send the serious questions as almost every aspect of the game has been covered.As he will also take some time and I hope this time around his answers will be true, fair and satisfying.As I am hoping that this time EA is taking this mediocre product seriously.
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I'll be surprised if he replies to the important questions.

He'll just say the usual rubbish that they are working hard on the game,etc.
I think these questions are more than enough so in my opinion its time to send him the list and we should start to play the waiting game as we always do with EA. :D
My question for him will be :

Is there a carrear mode for a player or a team ?????

Will there be enough faces and bats such that no two significant players get mingle up ????

What new can we expect from it ????
I can answer a few of the more technical questiond for you, from looking at the screenshots. I am basing this information on Rugby 2005, which looks remarkably similar to the Cricket 2005 screenshots.
However, I did nothing on Rugby 2004, so I can't tell if Rugby 2004 and 2005 have similar file tyes, etcor whether they are new for 2005 - except for the .big files.

- TV Overlays.

These will not be editable apart from the little EA logo on the corner, and the team logos. You will not be able to edit the positions of the scores etc. These appear to be identical to the Rugby 2005 ones, and we haven't found out how to edit them yet, as the format is a tough nut to crack.

- Gob File

There most likely will be a .gob file, but it will be editiable with EA Sports Big Editor (a third party program for editing FIFA and such-like). It will actually be a .big file, just renamed. This is easily enough edited, but the file names are likely to be all messed up and therefore hard to work out which files need to be edited.

- Texture Editing

The textures are likely to be stored as .fsh files, which are easily editable, given the correct software. Check out The Rugby Forum for information on editing Rugby 2005 graphics.

- Other information

To apply a patch to the game, it is most likely that you will just need to put the replacement file (extracted from the .gob and edited) in the Cricket 2005 root directory.

- Player Editor

If indeed there is one, it will more than likely be a stripped-down version of the FIFA 2005 player editor. I'm not sure about player sizes. In Rugby 2005 there were only 4(!) body types allowed, but Cricket 2005 may adpot the more typical "Height/Weight" method of creating the skeleton.
Just one Question,
what tournament will you use as South African Domestic, Club or Province or both?
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