Bat Pics for bat making

Thank you for your positive responses and for your patience. This is one of the last bats remaining to be made: the Kookaburra Wild Beast as used by a number of New Zealand players. :D


  • Wild Beast.jpg
    Wild Beast.jpg
    136.9 KB · Views: 116
Download the Batpack Preview here!

OK folks, you've waited a long time so, before the release on Monday, I thought you all might enjoy a preview of what is coming your way. In the zip file below is the file containing 47 of the bats that you can see in the Create a Player view (and it's only 2Mb :happy). Just put this file in the root directory and then look at them in the player accessories section of the Create a Player mode.

Unfortunately we haven't found a way yet to display more bats in the editor view but, nevertheless, I hope you'll like what you see. There are one or two imperfections which need tidying up before Monday but believe me, I'm aware of them. Anyway, have a look and tell me what you think.:D


  • Burma's Finest
    2 MB · Views: 50
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I had a look at them through fshed,looks great,my fav bats include Malik's,Kookaburras,Fearnley's and the RBK bat.Top marks for all ofthem.
Thanks Sid. :cheers
Well, looking at them in FSHed is one way but it's not what I had in mind. Just put the file in your root directory and look at them in-game in the Create a Player section. ;)
Burma's Finest said:
Thanks Sid. :cheers
Well, looking at them in FSHed is one way but it's not what I had in mind. Just put the file in your root directory and look at them in-game in the Create a Player section. ;)

I know that BF,just not getting the time to do that. :p
Don't get me wrong Sid, I actually realised after your previous post that I hadn't made it at all clear what to do with that file. I've edited my post as a result. That's what happens when you've been up all night watching England play terrible cricket. :p
Burma's Finest said:
Don't get me wrong Sid, I actually realised after your previous post that I hadn't made it at all clear what to do with that file. I've edited my post as a result. That's what happens when you've been up all night watching England play terrible cricket. :p

ic,none the less the fact remains that the work done in them is fabulous,if anyone deserves reps from me its you.

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