BATracer: PlanetCricket Championship Season 6

We should aim for at least 10 so we can fill the final qualifying spots. How many do we have so far?
We've already got 9. I've bumped a few old threads, so people who played earlier and are still active might join in.
I guess there aren't too may actives.
Out of Mercules, Pavan Bhardwaj, Themer, ursonly11, only Themer is active, so we might as well ask him.


Edit: Just checked, Themer's last visit was on 4th Feb, so that's hardly active :p
I have also VMed a lot of earlier players who are seemingly active. Let's see if some can join in. Luckily, in private games the teams do not matter much, so we've got atleast 3-5 spots left with good teams.

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