Batting in career mode is a serious issue

Something else that needs to be looked at - ok it's no biggie but would add realism: when playing as the non striker batsman, I find that I always have to call the run - the striker just stands there twiddling his thumbs unless I press the call run button. OK, I am not the world's most knowledgeable cricket fan but I'm sure the striker is supposed to be the one who calls the run?
I was always taught that it's up to the guy with the better view to call the run - i.e if it goes in front of square = striker and behind square = non striker. This was just at a club team though so may not be how pros do it, but yeah I would like to see the AI go for some runs on their own and you having to react to it. Would make being the non striker at least a little more involving.
I kind of agree here. Whilst its good to start at 16, let's look at it objectively for a minute. If you are good enough to start first class cricket at 16, then you're good enough for first class cricket, period. I mean, why would you have shit stats for that level of cricket? Look at Sachin Tendulkar for example. He didn't get where he was at 16 by being shit.

Let's face it, with the stats we are given for a 16 year old, we shouldnt even be playing first class. If Big Ant are serious enough about the stats to say that's how it's intended, then really there ought to be an appropriate level of cricket for that. I'm not saying village cricket, but semipro club level would be more realistic.

Wasn't the original vision that you started as a schoolboy and had to get picked-up by a professional side (and earn contracts, too)? Anybody know why that was dropped?
Their vision of the game prolly changed a lot from those early days of announcing things and I guess grade-cricket bit the dust, which given everything else they've delivered on or added back in (nets) it's not really something that's actively missed. But I do look forward to the potential of it maybe being included in any future sequels.
Apparently their original idea was a full team career mode - extremely glad they dropped that.

Couldn't agree more. The individual career player mode is what makes this game special and so addictive. A team career mode would have been playing "casual mode" matches over 20 seasons and I probably would have given up after a season or two. But the individual career mode keeps you going back for more as you want to either improve on your poor performance last time round (most often) or you want to replicate a successful knock thinking you have finally cracked the game.
Apparently their original idea was a full team career mode - extremely glad they dropped that.
I would still like to be able to play the career mode as the whole team - currently there's no way to play a whole domestic season with the competitions in place as the whole team.

The career mode as it is now as one player is great and if I were to choose one or the other I'd choose the current one, but I think there could still be a traditional 'season' mode.
Their vision of the game prolly changed a lot from those early days of announcing things and I guess grade-cricket bit the dust, which given everything else they've delivered on or added back in (nets) it's not really something that's actively missed. But I do look forward to the potential of it maybe being included in any future sequels.

Oh I agree, completely, in the current incarnation I think that it isn't really needed. Would be a nice curio to have in future though.
but I think there could still be a traditional 'season' mode.

Doesn't building a tour kinda do that already though? I mean you could set up a domestic season in the tour creator somehow, surely?
Doesn't building a tour kinda do that already though? I mean you could set up a domestic season in the tour creator somehow, surely?
I'll look into it next time I'm on, I didn't think you could have multiple competitions with their various formats and structures like that.
Doesn't building a tour kinda do that already though? I mean you could set up a domestic season in the tour creator somehow, surely?
Yes you can, but I think that having a dedicated Career Mode with features such as recruitment of players / development of players / and also relegation / promotion over multiple seasons feels more immersive than creating a single season in the tour mode.
I didn't think you could have multiple competitions with their various formats and structures like that.

I'm pretty sure you can structure a tour however you like. It would just be a "domestic tour" I guess. Would take a bit of putting together

I think that having a dedicated Career Mode with features such as recruitment of players / development of players / and also relegation / promotion over multiple seasons feels more immersive

For sure, but that's just not this game... that's a sequel.
I'm pretty sure you can structure a tour however you like. It would just be a "domestic tour" I guess. Would take a bit of putting together

For sure, but that's just not this game... that's a sequel.

Agreed. I didn't realistically expect it for this release. I'll check out the structure of multiple competitions in tour mode as well.
Yes you can, but I think that having a dedicated Career Mode with features such as recruitment of players / development of players / and also relegation / promotion over multiple seasons feels more immersive than creating a single season in the tour mode.

Agreed. I'd love a "Career Mode" (Individual) and, separately, a "Franchise Mode" where you own a team and sign players etc.
I'm pretty sure you can structure a tour however you like. It would just be a "domestic tour" I guess. Would take a bit of putting together

it seems to me you're limited to basically, a certain number of warm up games, and one competition in each format. a competition can either be a series, or a triangular tournament. anything with more than 3 teams won't appear.

this is based on my observations setting up a tour for my Barbarians side playing a number of Associates.
You can play a competition that is a '9 Team 4 Day League' which is the same as the County Championship divisions, but you can't have the One Day/T20 competitions included, and the Tour Designer isn't suitable for creating domestic seasons.

The bells and whistles like player development/recruitment would be nice in a future iteration, but I would be quite happy with just the career mode as it is now with the ability to control the whole team.

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