Batting in career mode is a serious issue

It wouldn't be for score restricting purposes because they'd still be restricting the score if the ball was fielded rather than caught.

What I mean is that by having the player know it's a high-risk shot, they'll either look to score elsewhere (which may not be an area as easily milked for boundaries) or try and score there and risk losing a wicket. The net effect of that is to reduce boundaries in those areas or taking wickets.

Like I say, if the pull shot went along the ground you could play it all day relatively risk-free (unless badly timed) because you'd either beat the fielder and get 2-4 runs or or nick easy singles if it were fielded. And given the predilection of the AI to bowl down leg-side, that's a lot of runs. Whereas if there's a decent chance you'll be caught playing that shot - however perfectly-timed - to the effect that you only attempt it 2 instead of 4 times an over, you score less runs purely because of that situation. If you have the pull and drive boundaries 'blocked-off' in such a fashion then you either play riskier shots (so greater chance of getting out quicker), more defensively/sensibly (so score runs slower) or risk it (we're back to getting out quicker again).

It's just a theory, I am happy to be told it's just a quirk and not intentional, but as I say, I don't think it's been responded to anywhere across the forum by BigAnt (has it?)
I think I agree with people that say that some of the issues are down to the career player starting with a very low level (I don't bother starting at 16 now, I just play as a 21 year old) however, it's one of those weird catch 22 situation that I don't think works very well.

if you start as a career player of 16 then you are in the position of having to grind and scrimp and make no errors ever to get good, if you're bad at this considering how hard it is, it means your progress is incredibly slow, if you're good enough to play perfect cover drives on the right ball all the time or something it means the game then gets much easier. i think the game moving up the skill levels is a good idea but I'm not quite sure the system of making your guy just more error prone and unable to play shots at the start is a very elegant system.

putting in a ton of practice so the game becomes gradually much, much easier doesn't really make sense.
How would that work without premeditating every shot? You would have perhaps a second to sort footwork, shot and then rotate the bat which isn't enough time for something that would require some finesse. Plus you'd have to represent how much you'd opened the face on-screen, too, lest you open it too much, so that would give even less time to consider the delivery of the ball.

I know it's a completely different system and dynamic - which puts more emphasis on the actual timing than the shot selection - but IC10 (which I do tend to go on about a fair bit) worked well in giving you the freedom to play into the gaps and worked off the same 8 basic shots, it's just that it let the AI pick the shot for (whether front or back foot and with/without modifiers.) So it was a simpler system but did let you (arguably) spray the ball around the field a bit more than in DB14.
Well I wouldn't be too bothered about the animation appearing differently on screen (to an extent), and I don't think it would eat up so much time that you have to premeditate as it could be done instantly after initiating the shot.

The shot animation would still be triggered as it is now, as soon as a right stick input is received, but if a further RAS rotation is performed following this then depending on how much you rotate it, the angle of the shot becomes finer. Obviously not to the extent that shots would look totally ridiculous like a straight drive animation playing the ball to third man, but perhaps a 30 degree difference max, allowing you to play drives a little squarer rather than cutting etc.

Could sound better in theory than practice, or not sound good in theory at all - I don't know... It may not even be implementable into the way the physics model etc works, but I definitely think that going forward there needs to be improvements in the way the shot selection/placement works, especially on the off side.
I think an aftertouch sort of system sounds perfectly reasonable. Your thumb has already pushed the right stick in more or less the direction you want it to go to trigger the shot, so I think it would be pretty intuitive to fine tune just before the ball arrives.

The main plus for me is that it gives the user some degree of control through the shot rather than being done with your input way before the ball arrives. I really want to feel like I've got a bit more control, and more of an opportunity to really respond to the most important phase of the delivery.

Also, it could potentially open up more shot selection options - you could trigger a square drive by hitting a cover drive and the aftertouching over to point, say (whoops, you already mentioned this)
After playing for a Month. Started Career, im a 1 star career player, Highest Score 91, can tell you that these "uppish drives, Hooks" is a career mode problem. Maybe because the starting career player has such low skills that DBC14 internal calculations result in shots like that. However i have hit some beautiful cover drives on the ground to the boundary. So there must be some technique to it.

I have played a lot of International games with some pretty skilled batsman and I can assure you the uppish drive and hooks aren't restricted to career mode only.
Well I wouldn't be too bothered about the animation appearing differently on screen (to an extent), and I don't think it would eat up so much time that you have to premeditate as it could be done instantly after initiating the shot.

The shot animation would still be triggered as it is now, as soon as a right stick input is received, but if a further RAS rotation is performed following this then depending on how much you rotate it, the angle of the shot becomes finer. Obviously not to the extent that shots would look totally ridiculous like a straight drive animation playing the ball to third man, but perhaps a 30 degree difference max, allowing you to play drives a little squarer rather than cutting etc.

Could sound better in theory than practice, or not sound good in theory at all - I don't know... It may not even be implementable into the way the physics model etc works, but I definitely think that going forward there needs to be improvements in the way the shot selection/placement works, especially on the off side.

I think that there must be some sort of foot movement animation, just when the ball is delivered. That way we can sense that we have reached to the pitch of the ball, when hitting offside. this would solve the frequent edge problem while timing late to keep the ball down. By the way, i dont like how jerky the bowler ball release animation is, ball should come out of the hands smoothly. These glitches should have been patched till now.
I have played a lot of International games with some pretty skilled batsman and I can assure you the uppish drive and hooks aren't restricted to career mode only.
Yes this is a problem in Non-Career Mode also, but not so frequent as in Career Mode. Its like every ball is "uppishly" played. I've had 1000 instances of Catch and Bowled by the bowler, when hitting straight drives. In reality a fast bowler cant touch the ball so low after delivering the ball, It's quite difficult and Rare. Mostly, bowler can block it while running using his feet or falling down trying to stop the ball.
Really? I can't remember the last time I was caught by the bowler if ever under patch 2.

Getting caught off the pull shot is really pissing me off though. There's a nice big field and every time I hit it straight to the man.
I have got like 500 wickets and 6 runs in my first season.

Totally annoying. God I hope that they fix it soon.
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Really? I can't remember the last time I was caught by the bowler if ever under patch 2.

Getting caught off the pull shot is really pissing me off though. There's a nice big field and every time I hit it straight to the man.
Once got like 500 wickets and 6 runs in my first season.

Totally annoying. God I hope that they fix it soon.
That pull shot seems to be a weak point for a few of us... the temptation gets me out rather often.
I think I agree with people that say that some of the issues are down to the career player starting with a very low level (I don't bother starting at 16 now, I just play as a 21 year old) however, it's one of those weird catch 22 situation that I don't think works very well.

if you start as a career player of 16 then you are in the position of having to grind and scrimp and make no errors ever to get good, if you're bad at this considering how hard it is, it means your progress is incredibly slow, if you're good enough to play perfect cover drives on the right ball all the time or something it means the game then gets much easier. i think the game moving up the skill levels is a good idea but I'm not quite sure the system of making your guy just more error prone and unable to play shots at the start is a very elegant system.

putting in a ton of practice so the game becomes gradually much, much easier doesn't really make sense.

I kind of agree here. Whilst its good to start at 16, let's look at it objectively for a minute. If you are good enough to start first class cricket at 16, then you're good enough for first class cricket, period. I mean, why would you have shit stats for that level of cricket? Look at Sachin Tendulkar for example. He didn't get where he was at 16 by being shit.

Let's face it, with the stats we are given for a 16 year old, we shouldnt even be playing first class. If Big Ant are serious enough about the stats to say that's how it's intended, then really there ought to be an appropriate level of cricket for that. I'm not saying village cricket, but semipro club level would be more realistic.
I have noticed when Sometime I tried for fine leg shot It works for Cover , where fielder catches or I got LBW. Ii seem the BUG of game
I kind of agree here. Whilst its good to start at 16, let's look at it objectively for a minute. If you are good enough to start first class cricket at 16, then you're good enough for first class cricket, period. I mean, why would you have shit stats for that level of cricket? Look at Sachin Tendulkar for example. He didn't get where he was at 16 by being shit.

Let's face it, with the stats we are given for a 16 year old, we shouldnt even be playing first class. If Big Ant are serious enough about the stats to say that's how it's intended, then really there ought to be an appropriate level of cricket for that. I'm not saying village cricket, but semipro club level would be more realistic.
Agreed - I wish the career mode were much more flexible/moddable to facilitate this sort of thing. I also wish we could play the career mode (or similar) as the whole team with the competitions/fixtures in place. Unless I'm mistaken the only options to play like this are one off competitions and tours.
Really? I can't remember the last time I was caught by the bowler if ever under patch 2.

Getting caught off the pull shot is really pissing me off though. There's a nice big field and every time I hit it straight to the man.
I have got like 500 wickets and 6 runs in my first season.

Totally annoying. God I hope that they fix it soon.
If you hit the ball in the air from a pull shot it nearly ALWAYS finds a fielder. You may get 1 or 2 that go wide of him. But it always goes to him. It is like you were destined to get out. Does not feel realistic at all, especially when square leg pulls out a super human type of catch in career and non-career mode:

I don't understand why the short ball needs to always be pulled to square leg, where is the tuck off the hips down to fine / square leg shot? That should be the default shot and the pull shot should come with the trigger buttons used.
It is a problem that everyone is facing. I mean i can understand if the shot is played in the air when the timing and footwork are not correct. But, if everything is perfect, it should play ground shot, weather in the hands of the fielder, or for 1,2,3, a boundary, or a six. @HBK619 (BigAntStudios) needs to check on that and deliver the fix asap :)
Something else that needs to be looked at - ok it's no biggie but would add realism: when playing as the non striker batsman, I find that I always have to call the run - the striker just stands there twiddling his thumbs unless I press the call run button. OK, I am not the world's most knowledgeable cricket fan but I'm sure the striker is supposed to be the one who calls the run?

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