Help with batting some questions

Can anyone tell which ball gets more edges to the keeper ??
Mostly all my shots go upish and im really annoyed, as much as i love this game and addicted, it frustrates me and i end up turning it off. Someone please help me, get me out of this depression... Please help, especially the cover drive, my favorite shot and the short cover always ruins it.
Mostly all my shots go upish and im really annoyed, as much as i love this game and addicted, it frustrates me and i end up turning it off. Someone please help me, get me out of this depression... Please help, especially the cover drive, my favorite shot and the short cover always ruins it.
I'm afraid that, since patch 2, this has been a bit of a problem most people are encountering.
@HBK619 said here that they are looking into this but it's going to take some time to determine what is causing this issue. Personally I wouldn't expect this fix to be in time for 1.3, since they'll first have to find the cause, then work on fixing it so it doesn't break something else. The perils of being a developer, lol :D
hey bowling help.
when should you move the ras up?shoulld you watch the bowling arm or the non bowling arm.and is it when the arm is going in backwards direction or forward(just ready to release)and is good length when the arm is highest?
thank you
I don't think this is quite correct - I believe there is _less_ assistance in Pro difficulty, not none.

I also think that the footwork you choose isn't always the footwork you get. I just got out (again) trying to play a back foot leg glance to a ball that was too full for the shot, when my boy leapt out to the offside.

I was very definitely playing straight back, not back and to the offside.

I was actually just going to post something similar - trying to play down the legside off the backfoot and my player decides to walk across my stumps and is bowled around his legs. It's very annoying and moments like this that make it a frustrating experience trying to get better. It was the second time in the over it happened, too, the first time going wide of the stumps.
when should you move the ras up?shoulld you watch the bowling arm or the non bowling arm.and is it when the arm is going in backwards direction or forward(just ready to release)and is good length when the arm is highest?

I don't really know what you're asking, but my suggestion would be to turn on the audio bowling guide, for an idea of when you should be moving the sticks. Practice, basically. The earlier you push up, will give you varying lengths of delivery depending on the type of delivery you chose, so it's just trial and error and practice.

trying to play down the legside off the backfoot and my player decides to walk across my stumps

You need to move back in the direction of the ball. So if you're playing a shot off the backfoot onto the legside, move the stick back, and across to the left. Or straight back if its on middle/off. Again, you're prolly better off playing down the legside off the front foot, which is simply push forward, then play around your pads. It's always the better option in real life too...
You need to move back in the direction of the ball. So if you're playing a shot off the backfoot onto the legside, move the stick back, and across to the left. Or straight back if its on middle/off. Again, you're prolly better off playing down the legside off the front foot, which is simply push forward, then play around your pads. It's always the better option in real life too...

Sorry, should have said that I had moved my footwork diagonally down to the left, which is why it annoyed me. And the only reason I was on the backfoot was just to try and get some points in the skills from the pace bowler. As I say, it was twice in the same over that my guy went to have a chat with the man at gully, with the second delivery costing me.
Honestly, its prolly a cheat but I never ever play off the back-foot in career mode. It's suicide without decent skill points. I just chillax in the nets and get skill points in back-foot there, rather than in game. If it's short, I leave or duck it unless it's pullable from the front foot. I guess that's kinda how it is in real cricket with not too many players comfortable playing off the front and back foot anyway.
There isnt enough time to choose what button/stick/trigger(s) or bumper....and when you do try and choose which modifier(s) they are too clunky and unresponsive. I applaud the makers vision to make the game as realistic as a cricket game could be but we mere mortals aren't up to it. :o

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