Batting in career mode is a serious issue

Wasn't the original vision that you started as a schoolboy and had to get picked-up by a professional side (and earn contracts, too)? Anybody know why that was dropped?

I think it would be a pain to have all these extra teams which for the most part would be nothing but window dressing. Especially given the game seems to lack a regen system and any real form of team selection and development. In all honesty, it's understandable this isn't included as AI to manage the teams is a whole other module of gameplay.

definitely something to focus on in future iterations as the top priorities should be making the game more realistic and fun to play and developing the career mode into a more immersive experience.

However, in it's current state I would have probably preferred points allocated for achievements and automatic skill boosts at the end of the year, perhaps allocated as the user sees fit to enable players to develop their own style. Right now levelling by simply playing thousands and thousands of deliveries is a problem because batting is so difficult that could take many, many innings to tally up.
I dusted off my old XBOX 360 today as I was going to play some Rugby League Live 2 and decided to play my XBOX 360 copy of DBC14 (no patches applied) just to see how the game was before the patch. The batting felt so much better and fun prior to Patch 2. I played 3 hours and enjoyed batting. All the shots went along the ground, hit into the pitch, no shots in the air to point / square leg. Shots being driven off the pitch bouncing over fielders. Shots being hit back to the bowler on the bounce rather than on the full. Hitting beautiful on drives into the pitch down to long on. Aggressive trigger shots went more flatter in the air rather than ballooning up out of the view of the camera - I actually hit some nice flat sixes which I have never done in the PC version. Batting felt so much fun and not frustrating at all. Not sure what they did with Patch 2 but batting seems to be ruined now with a lot of frustration and no fun.
I totally agree about the batting being more fun before the patches... so many shots now fly into the air for catches now no matter how you play the shot. The biggest bugs before any patches were the ai fielders always knocking down the stumps with their throws and the suicidal ai batsman at the bowling end standing out of his crease. Wish I could play with the fielding fixes but without the batting tampering.

edit: is there a way I can revert back to playing just using patch 1 ?
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If you're on console you can 'Arry :D

Just delete the game data and don't download the patch when prompted.
You can't go to Patch 1 though - you'd need to have no patches at all and won't be able to play online.
^Oh yeah, and that...

The game with no patches is still playable though and you'll get those gorgeous cover drives and pull shots which actually get hit into the ground :yes
so can't just have patch 1 on it's own? Not worried about online play (ps3 by the way, have given up with xbox version for now)
I totally agree about the batting being more fun before the patches... so many shots now fly into the air for catches now no matter how you play the shot. The biggest bugs before any patches were the ai fielders always knocking down the stumps with their throws and the suicidal ai batsman at the bowling end standing out of his crease. Wish I could play with the fielding fixes but without the batting tampering.

edit: is there a way I can revert back to playing just using patch 1 ?
I might try playing the game as it was pre patches. I'm sure that I could tolerate the buggy fielding and run outs if it meant getting a more rewarding batting experience.
The game with no patches is still playable though and you'll get those gorgeous cover drives and pull shots which actually get hit into the ground :yes
Loved those shots.They were very beautiful to watch..Those were the days I used Interactive Replay more to admire those shots..But these days using replay system to see whether "that was a catch", "did that go through the bat"...
^Oh yeah, and that...

The game with no patches is still playable though and you'll get those gorgeous cover drives and pull shots which actually get hit into the ground :yes

You are 100% right with those cover drives. Here is an example:

You don't get anything CLOSE to this with Patch 2. Patch 2 has ruined the batting system.

^This was my favourite shot of them all, but now if I were to play it the ball would just loop up into the air instead of going into the ground.

^This was my favourite shot of them all, but now if I were to play it the ball would just loop up into the air instead of going into the ground.
Yeah that too if there's a point or backward point then impossible to hit in the area...
Has there ever been any comment at all on why the batting was changed? Those videos above are delightful to see.
We have a lot of elements to look through on this one right now, there's more than 6 months of tweaks to systems that we have to go over with a fine tooth comb to make sure we can pinpoint what is potentially not working as intended and why certain parts are and certain parts may not be.

We also have to be sure not to make changes hastily in case other elements end up broken due to a change. There's deep systems at work that we have to finely tune if anything is to go ahead.

We're looking into it and taking everyone's posts and videos into account, we'll update in due time once we have looked into this enough to get answers as to what is going on.

Indeed, this is all too correct. We have tweaks, new processes and systems, re-worked elements and animations that have all gone in since release. So there's a lot of stuff that we are having to wade through to check if and what has been changed to present differences. Patch 1-Patch 2 isn't really a thing in our eyes as so little was changed from a functionality point of view, it was mainly bug fixes so we're basically working from the base of the released game and going forward from there checking every element that has gone into all patches and fixes that we've applied.

We'll narrow it down, it'll just take us a bit of time to truly find the root cause. Everything that has been put up here has been a massive help and the videos are even more so as it helps give us a tangible effect to show our programmers of what is going on rather than having to explain one thing or another.
Depending on the time to get it in I'd assume it'll be on Steam first then we can know to go ahead with it for a patch.

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