Batting in career mode is a serious issue

I have to agree with the majority of posters here at least regarding the console version in career mode: there is something wrong with batting. I'm playing an all-rounder who's in his second year and I've not scored more than 20 runs in -any- form of the game. I've taken easily 135 or so first-class wickets, but bowling at least is well-designed and simple.

I appreciate any game company's desire to have a vision regarding a game, but in this case, especially regarding batting, I think the vision has obscured the fun factor. Whereas bowling has really only a little to do with the thumbsticks, batting overcomplicates itself with combinations of triggers, bumpers and stick movements. I'm also of the older gamer/casual crowd, so I relate when people say that they don't have the reflexes necessary. And there is a significant difference between what practice you do in the nets (I average now 40 out of 60 shots attempted) and what happens in career mode where I attempt exactly the same shot that should score runs only to get the faintest of edges or some other whimsical bowling magic that occurs.

Some people here are saying 'well, it's meant to reflect how cricket really is.' Well, I'm sorry...I'm playing an 18-year old who's routinely picking up five wickets a match yet can't bat to save his life. It's a video game first and foremost and if the realism isn't at least exaggerated, it should be. I want to see more time to hit the ball. I wouldn't even mind and would welcome a pitch indicator like prior games. And for goodness' sake, it's just an option you could toggle on and off. It's not going to break the back of the game or reduce it to something silly as some have suggested. I don't know what the sales figures were for this game, but I do know you can't pitch yourself at a niche market in the video games world and hope to be successful. Yes, cricket fans might applaud you for some semblance of simulated reality, but that doesn't translate necessarily into commercial appeal and a game that anyone reasonably should be able to pick up and play. If you eliminate players like myself or casual players who just want to have a bit of fun online with their mates, then you cut down the chances of there ever being another iteration of this game.

Add things to make the game more playable. If the difficulty level is brought down, just add more AI as you have to accomodate more shot types so the illusion of player control is in place. I know from my experience I often forget or am too intimidated to sweep or try an unorthodox shot, because there are literally too many button combinations to be aware of, let alone execute in the painfully small timing windows that are currently being provided. I'm a cricket fan and follow it passionately, but I am not gifted with the timing of an A-grade or international player. I want to feel empowered as a player and I do not currently as a batsman to the point where until I can read about a change being made, I'll completely ignore the batting side of things or at worst get rid of the game. I shouldn't have to feel like there's an invisible barrier put up by a learning curve. And I've genuinely practised and do net sessions after every game.

There's a disparity here between what people perceive as a challenging learning curve and what makes for a fun gaming experience. And Big Ant, I have to say that generally speaking, you have a fun game, but again, don't let the vision get in the road of playable fun. I sincerely hope you make this aspect of the game more casual-friendly.
I'm going to agree with you before the hardcore crowd comes in and shouts you down.

I've made the same argument, that certain aspects could be tweaked to allow for more enjoyment by the casual crowd (like you and I and I'm sure many others). Unfortunately, the contingent who want's nothing but complete reality is also the loudest (loutish?) posters who get the most visibility.

But sure, let's make a sport which is already a niche sport in most places more so when it comes to gaming. I guess there's always lawn bowling and darts, eh? ;)
I have to agree. I've been playing the game for 70 odd hours and have gotten to to the stage where bowling is so, easy, its getting boring (regular 5 or 6 wicket hauls). Yet batting is frustratingly difficult. I have spent so many hours in the nets and causal, tour game, career just trying to get batting right but to no avail.

Highest score of 16 out of many, many games. I've even started rushing bowling just to try get another practice of batting but fail at 3 of 18 balls most of the time. At this stage getting past 10 is an accomplishment. This game is so well done and a lot of fun to play, but batting is something else entirely.
I have to agree with the majority of posters here at least regarding the console version in career mode: there is something wrong with batting. I'm playing an all-rounder who's in his second year and I've not scored more than 20 runs in -any- form of the game. I've taken easily 135 or so first-class wickets, but bowling at least is well-designed and simple.

I appreciate any game company's desire to have a vision regarding a game, but in this case, especially regarding batting, I think the vision has obscured the fun factor. Whereas bowling has really only a little to do with the thumbsticks, batting overcomplicates itself with combinations of triggers, bumpers and stick movements. I'm also of the older gamer/casual crowd, so I relate when people say that they don't have the reflexes necessary. And there is a significant difference between what practice you do in the nets (I average now 40 out of 60 shots attempted) and what happens in career mode where I attempt exactly the same shot that should score runs only to get the faintest of edges or some other whimsical bowling magic that occurs.

Some people here are saying 'well, it's meant to reflect how cricket really is.' Well, I'm sorry...I'm playing an 18-year old who's routinely picking up five wickets a match yet can't bat to save his life. It's a video game first and foremost and if the realism isn't at least exaggerated, it should be. I want to see more time to hit the ball. I wouldn't even mind and would welcome a pitch indicator like prior games. And for goodness' sake, it's just an option you could toggle on and off. It's not going to break the back of the game or reduce it to something silly as some have suggested. I don't know what the sales figures were for this game, but I do know you can't pitch yourself at a niche market in the video games world and hope to be successful. Yes, cricket fans might applaud you for some semblance of simulated reality, but that doesn't translate necessarily into commercial appeal and a game that anyone reasonably should be able to pick up and play. If you eliminate players like myself or casual players who just want to have a bit of fun online with their mates, then you cut down the chances of there ever being another iteration of this game.

Add things to make the game more playable. If the difficulty level is brought down, just add more AI as you have to accomodate more shot types so the illusion of player control is in place. I know from my experience I often forget or am too intimidated to sweep or try an unorthodox shot, because there are literally too many button combinations to be aware of, let alone execute in the painfully small timing windows that are currently being provided. I'm a cricket fan and follow it passionately, but I am not gifted with the timing of an A-grade or international player. I want to feel empowered as a player and I do not currently as a batsman to the point where until I can read about a change being made, I'll completely ignore the batting side of things or at worst get rid of the game. I shouldn't have to feel like there's an invisible barrier put up by a learning curve. And I've genuinely practised and do net sessions after every game.

There's a disparity here between what people perceive as a challenging learning curve and what makes for a fun gaming experience. And Big Ant, I have to say that generally speaking, you have a fun game, but again, don't let the vision get in the road of playable fun. I sincerely hope you make this aspect of the game more casual-friendly.

I completely agree with you regarding Career Mode on PS3, but now after the Patch 2.5 in PC, batting is much better. I am averaging above 80 (Because of many Not Out Innings I suppose) in FC and scored more than 3000 Runs already on Pro difficulty. But Yes, I found batting on PS3 is quite difficult.
If you guys are struggling play full games rather than career for a start. Play 10 overs with the goal of not getting out, not worrying about scoring runs too much but blocking when the ball is going to hit the stumps and leaving when it is going wide. Then begin using 2 shots you are comfortable with (non trigger shots). One for legside and one for offside while still blocking balls that are going on to hit the stumps. Once you get used to them start adding shots one at a time to your repertoire and before you know it you will have 5/6 shots that you are comfortable playing and runs should start flowing. Well that's the theory anyhow.

Saying that batting overcomplicates things with all the triggers may well be the case for some people. I know I don't like the double trigger aggressive grounded shots, I think mainly due to having a PS style controller which I find more awkward in my hand compared to the XBox controller. My suggestion would be to not use the double trigger shots then it would be not far different to how all cricket games have been played ( a button/trigger for aerial shot, a button/ trigger for block)
If you guys are struggling play full games rather than career for a start. Play 10 overs with the goal of not getting out, not worrying about scoring runs too much but blocking when the ball is going to hit the stumps and leaving when it is going wide. Then begin using 2 shots you are comfortable with (non trigger shots). One for legside and one for offside while still blocking balls that are going on to hit the stumps. Once you get used to them start adding shots one at a time to your repertoire and before you know it you will have 5/6 shots that you are comfortable playing and runs should start flowing. Well that's the theory anyhow.

Saying that batting overcomplicates things with all the triggers may well be the case for some people. I know I don't like the double trigger aggressive grounded shots, I think mainly due to having a PS style controller which I find more awkward in my hand compared to the XBox controller. My suggestion would be to not use the double trigger shots then it would be not far different to how all cricket games have been played ( a button/trigger for aerial shot, a button/ trigger for block)

Absolutely. When I bat in FC matches, my only aim is to be Not Out at the end of play, no matter how big or low I score. I play well within my limitation. I used to leave balls going outside the off stump, and play balls coming towards wickets or towards leg side only. Only after I cross 50 and if Field Placement is correct, I go for shots towards Off Side. I only play Ariel Shots in case fielders are within the 30 yard circle and never if a fielder is outside the circle. With time and practice, you should find ball coming towards your stump or leg side easy to negotiate. Play to your strength and have patience till you are in 30s/40s before going for Shots (And dont try the Big Shots if you are not 100% confident)..
Absolutely. When I bat in FC matches, my only aim is to be Not Out at the end of play, no matter how big or low I score. I play well within my limitation. I used to leave balls going outside the off stump, and play balls coming towards wickets or towards leg side only. Only after I cross 50 and if Field Placement is correct, I go for shots towards Off Side. I only play Ariel Shots in case fielders are within the 30 yard circle and never if a fielder is outside the circle. With time and practice, you should find ball coming towards your stump or leg side easy to negotiate. Play to your strength and have patience till you are in 30s/40s before going for Shots (And dont try the Big Shots if you are not 100% confident)..

So okay, I just finished playing a Sheffield Shield match where I bowled and with my Drift rated somewhere over +30, I took 5/36 and dismissed NSW for 176. So then I thought I'd see how the blocking game went. I dedicated myself to absolutely nothing else. And I mean nothing. I lasted 51 balls until such time as a fast-medium bowler put one past me and without even hearing the faintest of edges (which I presumed was the aural cue for knowing if you've hit something or even disputing an umpire's call, more on that in a minute), I was deemed to be caught behind.

Quite frankly, that's crap. And I mean total and utter crap. I've had this issue in limited over and Test matches where if I have the chance for a referral, I have 100% of the time never hit the ball and yet the replay inexplicably shows a snicko and a hot spot that's so faint that what....the audio doesn't register? Why would I even bother if there was a sound?

Congratulations, Don Bradman Cricket 14. I can apparently bowl like Shane Warne, but I cannot bat. At all. Under any conditions. I've deliberately forfeited three matches because of the amount of ragequit I was having over batting. The disc is now out of my PS3, and it will not be returning unless the next patch significantly improves batting to the point of playability, or I'll simply trade in the game at EB for something else.

I'm only going to say this once more, Big Ant, and I sincerely hope you're reading and taking feedback on this. Your vision is admirable, and compared to a number of games in the past, this is a very good game. HOWEVER. You can't have your cake and eat it too when you make no allowances for the varying skill levels of players and put in a system that demands a sharp learning curve, a mandatory degree of reflexes, and a perceived sense of players sharing the vision. Seeing as this thread alone is at 36 pages, the feedback should be amply clear that something is wrong. And I don't want to boycott your product at all, but the gameplay is forcing me down that route because gameplay that punishes you is not fun gameplay. I'll also reiterate that if the nets are meant to be practice and reflective of the game, then why is there a demonstrable and noticeable difference in time to react? The disparity of how well I hit the ball in the nets and what occurs in gameplay is staggeringly glaring.

I sincerely and genuinely hope this is corrected (even if you have to 'dumb it down' for players like myself) otherwise as I again said, this will be the only iteration of this game.
Having played the PC version for a while I can say with a bit of authority that when these alterations come to the PS3 you will be very happy with it. The console version on patch 2 isn't particularly playable and I understand your frustration but salvation is coming.

Unless you're Alastair Cook. Your salvation is never coming.
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I've switched to playing at one level below pro (is it amateur?). I still find the most consistent way I can make decent scores is by moving all the way across my stumps and playing all my shots to balls on my body, leg side or pulling anything short, nearly scoring all my shots off the back foot. Once I've hit 50 I start playing a few more drives and front foot shots. Anything else I just block and my default now is to hold the tigger for blocks until I see where the ball is pitching and release it if I can pull it, at amateur difficulty I find there's enough time to tell properly.

I've only just started playing again but so far my 16 year old has played 3 FC games and scored 55,67,110,65,23,14 and 2 one day games where I've scored 43 and 50 (games saved just as I hit 50 this morning and had to leave for work). I think they probably need to work on the difficulty levels with bat and ball in the next game, bowling feels a good doable challenge at higher difficulty levels but batting feels to me to be at a good balanced level with what I'm playing at now just below pro. If they could mix the upper level bowling with the lower level batting it would suit me. I guess some people will be happy with the current level of batting though and it's hard to get it right for everyone but I've found it hard to play an all rounder when either batting is too hard for me or bowling is too easy depending on the difficulty I play at.
I hope the patch comes out soon on consoles. It's been more than a week and I haven't played DBC 14 and it's a problem when a hard core cricket gaming fan would rather watch something on TV than play the game. I would request Big Ant to push out patch 2.5 ASAP which fixes the "shots going in the air" issue as the current scenario has the potential to impact the franchise's sales for the next iteration. Not many would be hardcore or patient enough to continue to wait on the patch may decide to forego any future versions of the game. Waiting to add more stuff in the patch is fine but an emergency patch to fix the broken batting mechanism is a necessity at this point. Other stuff can wait for patch 3 but the batting needs to be made playable at the earliest.
I hope the patch comes out soon on consoles. It's been more than a week and I haven't played DBC 14 and it's a problem when a hard core cricket gaming fan would rather watch something on TV than play the game. I would request Big Ant to push out patch 2.5 ASAP which fixes the "shots going in the air" issue as the current scenario has the potential to impact the franchise's sales for the next iteration. Not many would be hardcore or patient enough to continue to wait on the patch may decide to forego any future versions of the game. Waiting to add more stuff in the patch is fine but an emergency patch to fix the broken batting mechanism is a necessity at this point. Other stuff can wait for patch 3 but the batting needs to be made playable at the earliest.
Patching on the consoles is expensive.

Note that I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying, I'm just pointing out that it's Mickey$oft and $ony who get in the way of incremental game balance patches being a thing.
Patching on the consoles is expensive.

Note that I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying, I'm just pointing out that it's Mickey$oft and $ony who get in the way of incremental game balance patches being a thing.

That's true but the damage done to the franchise if most of the console consumers move on will be more. We are seeing console players on, which are some of the hard core fans of the product, give up on the game and not playing till the next patch comes along. What chances are there of the majority of console gamers continue to back the game? You have to keep in mind it's the console sales which bring in the profits and if those consumers walk away from the product, the damage to the DBC franchise would be big.
As I have both PS3 and Steam version and I play a lot on both (Career & Online), it is very clearly evident that after the Patch 2.5 on PC, there is a huge difference in the game play between PC & Console (I can barely score on PS3, but on Steam in career mode on Pro Difficulty I am scoring century consistently). So I can really feel the frustration of console players who are waiting so patiently to play the Improved version on console. Hope the Patch 2.5 or final Patch 3 release by this year end.
Its unthinkable that we would have to wait til the years end to get the patch for console. I haven't touched my career for quite a while which is a shame as the bowling was fantastic in test matches(pro), I completely understand that it costs money for BA to patch on console, but as this is fundamentally ruining the game, you'd hope it will be very soon. The problem is two-fold as I see it, pre patch 2 the problems were superhuman fielders and dodgy run outs, nothing to do with lack of aerial shots, but by tryin to add more content, patch 2 has made it worse, so the big worry is what else could be made worse by fixing the aerial shots? Its much easier to patch and re patch on PC, using PC owners as QA. On console we'll have to wait til BA are sure its not gonna cause more problems than it fixes and as they're still added things(fair play to them) it doesn't look like we'll have it soon.

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