Considering co-op is only about 3-4 hours max of content (unless they release co-op DLC, which I think is highly likely) and singleplayer is about 6-7 hours long max as well, you basically are buying the game just for the multiplayer.
Wow. I'm addicted. I've played 10 hours so far, and I'm not even close to getting bored. The unlocks are awesome, at this stage I don't think I've played a single match where I haven't unlocked something. There is very little camping in the core modes, all the campers have flocked to TDM, which, might I add, is quite terrible due to the COD players and the camping. However, TDM is pretty much just as fast-paced as COD and has smaller maps, so there's something for COD players here too.
Jets are amazing, but my only quarrel with them is that on console there isn't much dogfighting, especially on rush. So far when I've been in a jet, which has been about 10 times, I've seen another air vehicle once, and that was another jet which killed me immediately with heat seakers. Still really fun to fly, but I feel they need to patch in more jets as right now when you have a team-mate in a jet, it's like you're playing a man down.
Jets are much easier to get used to flying than choppers. Choppers are bloody hard, much harder than Bad Company 2. Will take time to get used to, but I see them being very effective a few months after release.
I must confess though, I am highly disappointed with the sniping opportunites. The maps are designed in such a way that only a couple of the maps allow for long range sniping like in Bad Company 2 where you had quite a while to line up headshots at long range. Even the bolt-action snipers aren't a one hit kill at close range, which is also a disappointment, and the starting two snipers are complete turd, unusable in my opinion. Having said that, you do see a couple of snipers each game, so I think it's just I have to get used to the new sniping so I can play as well as these other people.
Overall my first impressions are a 9.5/10 for the multiplayer. The 0.5 is due to the jets and the snipers. But honestly, this is a complete package so just a couple of elements missing is nothing big. It's still crazy fun. You are doing a disservice to yourself unless you buy this.
Anyway, time for me to go basejump off Damavand Peak