Best FC and OD bowling average for 1000+ wickets


Club Captain
Oct 27, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
here's my bowler P.Birch with this amazing first class and one day bowling average having notched 1000+ wickets in both forms of the game though not that impressive international stats.
avk2love said:
avg of 1, 2 :D
do upload the game
i can't beleive it
i've uploaded the game in this forum
"PlanetCricket Forums > Cricket Games Chat and News > International Cricket Captain 2005 Forum >
Best Team's .sav files!"
its dodgy again how can you have for 10M then 5I. and look at the RPO 0.17. do you realy expect us to believe that he goes for 1 or 2 runs every 10 overs
I think I have finally figured out how and why :p With the counters struggling with very large numbers perhaps the runs conceded reached a number that forced it to only show 1700 odd runs conceeded which then took his average down to 1.13!

Same way that when some bowlers take over 2000 wickets it returns to 0 and gives them a bowling average of in the 100s, this has perhaps gone over with runs conceeded and as such now registers as being unbelievable.
possibly but i doubt it. you've just giventhis cheatin ******* another excuse to use
Certainly true jun23 that he posts screenshots in the records forum that are a waste of everyones time and should post his bugged screenshots in one post named something along the lines of "bugged records."

However if you look at the overs bowled, he averages something like 4 overs a game, and runs conceeded something like 5 a game. So I reckon considering he's played a lot of games, he has bowled this offie almost non-stop which would if he on average bowled 30 overs a match with him (which is roughly what he is bowling in the test matches) then he would have around 9000 overs bowled, plus his test match overs for FC figures which comes to already around, or even upwards of 11000 overs bowled.

Then for runs conceded it would be upwards of about 22500, plus the 2000 from test cricket for a total most likely in excess of 25000 runs conceded in FC cricket. This was based on a run per over rate of around 2.5 in FC cricket, somewhat mirroring his test rpo.

Now this is being pretty generous, that he has only conceded 25,000 runs in his career, but using that as a rough benchmark it gives him a bowling average of around 17, something that is a whole lot more believable ;)

Doesn't make it a very honourable record however considering he would have known that a while ago it was a lot higher, and would have played on for 1000 runs worth of matches to at least make it.. in his eyes only.. believable.

Edit - If anyone ever reads this.. do ignore my theory as checking my own game, runs conceeded can go on for a very long time!
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