Beta Patch Improvement Area Thread

You really have an issue with the colour coding clashing with the sky??

If so, i never had any issues with catching. If im honest actually i thought the catching system was the best so farr.

And i was wondering with future games, with this company, surely more testing will go on before releasing new cricket games??.

A blind man could see that ashes cricket 2009 had no where near enough testing that was needed.:facepalm
Trouble is, I have dropped every outfield catch with overcast matches. With clearer skies, I have caught most (but not all).

Probably your fielding sucks and you need a LOT of practice in overcast conditions. :p
How many times do the people creating or tweaking this patch have to tell people that there will be no MAJOR changes in the patch. I have gone through all 21 pages of this thread and continually have to smack my head.

Also, the amount of people not happy or complaining at the moment, if you dont like the patch then simply dont use it. They are trying their hardest to get this game to an even higher standard and we should all be grateful for their efforts.

Keep up the great work guys. :cheers
Probably your fielding sucks and you need a LOT of practice in overcast conditions. :p

Or it could just be that it's very hard to see the green circle in overcast conditions? :sarcasm If my fielding 'sucks', I'd drop catches in clear weather as well (where you can actually see the green circle properly), yet I've only ever dropped one. Funny that.

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

How many times do the people creating or tweaking this patch have to tell people that there will be no MAJOR changes in the patch. I have gone through all 21 pages of this thread and continually have to smack my head.

Also, the amount of people not happy or complaining at the moment, if you dont like the patch then simply dont use it. They are trying their hardest to get this game to an even higher standard and we should all be grateful for their efforts.

Keep up the great work guys. :cheers

Well said. These are the best patches I've ever seen.

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...

You really have an issue with the colour coding clashing with the sky??

If so, i never had any issues with catching. If im honest actually i thought the catching system was the best so farr.

And i was wondering with future games, with this company, surely more testing will go on before releasing new cricket games??.

A blind man could see that ashes cricket 2009 had no where near enough testing that was needed.:facepalm

I agree - I love the system, but with 'overcast' conditions (not cloudy or clear), the green colour clashes with the sky and I've dropped all outfield catches in overcast matches. With cloudy/clear, I've only dropped one.
MB, I must say I've really not noticed this problem at all. Usually, I don't actually wait until it turns green before deciding to press the button, but instead anticipate its greenness by how long it's been orange for.

Also, if you can see the orange but not the green, surely you can tell it's gone green when you can no longer see it. I mean, the catching system would still work even if they went red, orange, no ring, red.

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