Indeed but his point is that developers aren't usually over-supportive of modding in cricket titles. They are in football games for example though and have been for years. Cricket just needs to catch up.
This is a really good point... and it's not just sports games. There's lots of big name titles that actively encourage modding and additions to their games within legal parameters - those being - if they've paid for the game legally, then their entitled to make additions to the game to make it more "personal" for their playing experience. Many PC based games will allow extensive sharing of in-game elements, extensive modding simply because, it's gonna happen anyway - so they may as well embrace it!
Any new sports title, especially a cricket one, should almost be going out of the way to make it easy for people to make changes to the game as it adds value to purchasing the product legally - along with making the games lifespan longer, encouraging OFFICIAL mods and gameplay changes and most importantly, making any "add-on" packs released more valuable and saving time (and money) on developing whole new games.
One area I think can be utilized in any new title would be an easy in-built (read: online) based system to share rosters. It's the biggest hassle of ANY cricket title to have to constantly change teams, players and keep up to date with their relevant stats. Whether this is handled inside of the game or connected to an online database, users SHOULD be able to share and create players and rosters easily, quickly and with little hassle. short, third party applications wouldn't exist (or shouldn't) in an ideal world. Graphic and game-play changes are another kettle of fish all-together. I know "Faces" are important to some folks, again - a simple way of sharing these mods would be a smart move. I believe the WWE13 title I mentioned earlier had a "marketplace" on the PlayStation store where users could share their CAW's - a similar thing for PC Players might be a good idea? - Or a shared resource for Xbox/PlayStation and PC users?
I think you get what I mean.