@Radman: What you're saying, is that while you're playing on the PS3, you want it to be just like real cricket (i.e. I bowl the ball to you with Move, you hit it with Move).
That's just not going to happen unless you're certain the other person is also using Move. Some people have Move, but at this stage, it's unlikely that many people have it, so it's likely to be you with Move against a guy with a Dualshock when you go to random matchmaking.
As for motion control in a cricket game, who knows. Move is much better technology than Wii, but Wii Cricket was an absolute fail and it let you use the controller as the bat.
Bowling is always going to be tough for them to get right with Move, but hopefully they atleast get the batting right so we can use Dualshock for bowling and Move for batting.
@Params: It will be 100% compatible with Dualshock, like any PS3 game. And looking at Rugby League Live, the online will atleast work better than IC2010.
I just want a video. Not interested in screenies because I know the graphics will suck.