Boss's CoolGamePlayPatch Thread

Will we need an Optional GamePlay Patch?

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HI boss I have not tried ure new patch yet coz v2
is absolutely brilliant been at work most of week
so not had time 2 try new one but i feel Idont need
a new patch because last patch perfect
boss my friend your patches are awesome man, but I don't know how to install the tvstylecamera man...Need help!!!
Hi Nik & preet,

I had the same question answered by bobmotty!

boss has posted a revised explanantion as well it as follows.

Hi all members!

I have to explain how to install NewCameraSettings and CoverDriveAdvance shot tweak!(i'm mistaken in my web page and readme install notes!,sorry 4 that!, anyhow thanks to sai and bob to explain few thinks!)

To install New TV style Camera : install List.txt(provided with patch) in ConfigEditor v2.0 folder. Now copy the content of tvstylecamera.txt into ConfigEditor v2.0-Camera Settings 3 tab. If u like to un-inst it copy the content of regularcamera.txt into ConfigEditor v2.0-Camera Settings 3 tab.

To fix the Advance Cover-drive problem: install List.txt(provided with patch) in ConfigEditor v2.0 folder. Now copy the content of coveradvance.txt into ConfigEditor v2.0-coveradvance tab.

Both the Camera Settings 3 and CoverAdvance can be found @ right at the bottom of the ConfigEditor v2.0 tabs. In case if the size mismatch error occurs,try to copy again from text file correctly coz there may be few blank spaces covered!. Guys!, don't confuse it with ConfigEditor V3.0 coz still am using CE v2.0 for patch editing and find it pretty easy!, i think i made it clear now!, hope this will help!!

Hope this helps guys.

The mistake i made was i did not copy the list.txt file from boss's patch to your configv2 folder, you must do this first otherwise those settings are not there before trying to paste camera and cover advance into it.

Once again many thanks to bobmotty who pointed me in the right direction.

kymsheba (mike)
thanks, kymsheba my friend for your help... now I got it and it works well... Good patch boss!!! man you and tusi are releasin good patches.
Hi preet,

By preet:
thanks, kymsheba my friend for your help... now I got it and it works well... Good patch boss!!! man you and tusi are releasin good patches.

Your welcome preet. :)

ps. - this forum site and the guys in here are by far the most helpfull and truly amazing bunch of guys i have had the pleasure to converse with everyone is a genius in my books.

Great job everyone give yourselves a pat on the back.

kymsheba (mike)
Reply: 05-03-2005, 8.55 p.m. IST

hi boss i wanna uninstall your tv camersa settings so i copied the content from regular camera and pasted it into config editor 2 camera settings 3 tab but wen i play my the camera settings dont change to regular settings they stay at the new camera settings.

please help thank you
by jazz

so wot do we click on out of these?!
by nik

but I don't know how to install the tvstylecamera man...Need help!!!
by preet

Hi Nik & preet,

I had the same question answered by bobmotty!

boss has posted a revised explanantion as well it as follows.

Hi all members!

I have to explain how to install NewCameraSettings and CoverDriveAdvance shot tweak!(i'm mistaken in my web page and readme install notes!,sorry 4 that!, anyhow thanks to sai and bob to explain few thinks!)

To install New TV style Camera : install List.txt(provided with patch) in ConfigEditor v2.0 folder. Now copy the content of tvstylecamera.txt into ConfigEditor v2.0-Camera Settings 3 tab. If u like to un-inst it copy the content of regularcamera.txt into ConfigEditor v2.0-Camera Settings 3 tab.

To fix the Advance Cover-drive problem: install List.txt(provided with patch) in ConfigEditor v2.0 folder. Now copy the content of coveradvance.txt into ConfigEditor v2.0-coveradvance tab.

Both the Camera Settings 3 and CoverAdvance can be found @ right at the bottom of the ConfigEditor v2.0 tabs. In case if the size mismatch error occurs,try to copy again from text file correctly coz there may be few blank spaces covered!. Guys!, don't confuse it with ConfigEditor V3.0 coz still am using CE v2.0 for patch editing and find it pretty easy!, i think i made it clear now!, hope this will help!!
by boss

Hope this helps guys.

The mistake i made was i did not copy the list.txt file from boss's patch to your configv2 folder, you must do this first otherwise those settings are not there before trying to paste camera and cover advance into it.

Once again many thanks to bobmotty who pointed me in the right direction.

kymsheba (mike)
by mike

The method to inst/un-inst camera settings, cover advance shot were already explained!, anyhow thank u verymuch to mike to relax my work a bit! ;)

like everyone i did not try cgpvrr2 but instead i tried funny patch. it was cool to play with it. batting is very easy as bowl always bounces and feilders just watching the bow going to the fence but bowling is difficult in it as u can get even a wicket as i tried and got nothing.

well i will try cgpvv2 and give review of it soon
by faraz haider

thank u faraz to try out funny patch!(u'r the first one to put some comm on it!), getting wicket was made harder in funny patch, i.e.what it is all about!, expect u'r rev of cgpv2rr soon!, cheers!

HI boss I have not tried ure new patch yet coz v2
is absolutely brilliant been at work most of week
so not had time 2 try new one but i feel Idont need
a new patch because last patch perfect
by tommyhorn35

ya!, i still feel CGPv2RR is better than cgpv2 coz few bugs fixed in there is well!, so if u get time u may try u'r hands on CGPv2RR, but it is still u'r personal preference though!, thank u mate!

Good patch boss!!! man you and tusi are releasin good patches.
by preet

thank u preet 4 u'r app!, without u guys support these patches were not possible!

ps. - this forum site and the guys in here are by far the most helpfull and truly amazing bunch of guys i have had the pleasure to converse with everyone is a genius in my books.

Great job everyone give yourselves a pat on the back.

kymsheba (mike)
by mike

Ya!, i'm also agreeing with this one mike!,


I'm currently working on two thinks!!

1. A Complete Tutorial For The AI Config Patch Makers!

2. A Complete Re-making of Player Characteristics! (That will turn the game into more or less Real!)

More Detail Will Follow!,

Any Comments!, Have a Say!!!


Boss :cheers
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gold639 said:
I am curious mate.How are you doing this?
Maybe by posting a new roster.pak?
If yes, I suggest you use the Updated Version of Ajits Roster which I have released, with a lot more new players.
ZoraxDoom said:
Maybe by posting a new roster.pak?
If yes, I suggest you use the Updated Version of Ajits Roster which I have released, with a lot more new players.
ya the ajit roster got lot of space for new players
I am curious mate.How are you doing this?
by gold639

Hi gold!, changing all the player char parameter in roster.pak with prakash's player editor!

Maybe by posting a new roster.pak?
If yes, I suggest you use the Updated Version of Ajits Roster which I have released, with a lot more new players.
by zoraxdoom

ya the ajit roster got lot of space for new players
by faraz haider

Ya Zorax!, your guess is correect!, am trying to modify player char in roster.pak!, the in-game player char is simply pathetic!, thats why its also affects the game play, player style, and pacing etc!, As i'm already started with my roster.pak, i'm trying to import new players from ajit's roster!, anyhow thank u for u'r suggestion for zorax and faraz is well!


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boss said:
by gold639

Hi gold!, changing all the player char parameter in roster.pak with prakash's player editor!

by zoraxdoom

by faraz haider

Ya Zorax!, your guess is correect!, am trying to modify player char in roster.pak!, the in-game player char is simply pathetic!, thats why its also affects the game play, player style, and pacing etc!, As i'm already started with my roster.pak, i'm trying to import new players from ajit's roster!, anyhow thank u for u'r suggestion for zorax and faraz is well!


but i think boss this will take a lot of time
Ya faraz!, it'll take atleast a week to finish!, but still worth it!

Hi Boss,

In the process of doing second test not long to go...will post results and see if spinner problem comes up again or see if it was just a spinners wicket the last time.

cant wait for this boss should be good if it works out how you want it too.

How do you plan on doing it though? make all batters moderate or aggresive is that how you plan on doing it?

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