Boss's CoolGamePlayPatch Thread

Will we need an Optional GamePlay Patch?

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muru said:
Hi Boss, you are by far the best of AI Patchers, and You DESERVED it. Keep it up, you really are giving wonderful time with cricket2004 to so many.Your hard work brings thrills to so many of us!

i cant say it better than that - GREAT boss buddy - really great patches by your side, especially your last patch - im only playing with this one.... before your patch was released - i have tested about the patches here. thx buddy - giving us such a great time. hope you will be able to patch EA or BLIC 2005 too.


Boss I heartily appreciate you on doing such nice job and winning best ai patcher award .YOu deserved for this as your patches are very nice and your feedback is superb.Keep it up.

Boss I have a request for you that can you make a fielding patch for me in which a fielder is place right behind the wicket keeper at boundry line specially for fast bowlers as my game suffers with lot of byes and I fed up and quit the game often.I usually do that but whenever I replace it with new fielding I have to do it again and again or when playing with friend .This will ease my load as I can transfer it in gui format with ease.I think may be some other people will also like this idea and if you donot have enough time then it is ok.

What are your next plans or you are working on?

Again splendid work for Cricket2004 as for me this is most important area of any game and you have done well.Keep it up.
Replies on 4.5.2005, 9.35 p.m. IST

Hi Boss, you are by far the best of AI Patchers, and You DESERVED it. Keep it up, you really are giving wonderful time with cricket2004 to so many.Your hard work brings thrills to so many of us!
by muru

Thank u mate for u'r kind app. Ya!, am also thrilled to see the result.

i cant say it better than that - GREAT boss buddy - really great patches by your side, especially your last patch - im only playing with this one.... before your patch was released - i have tested about the patches here. thx buddy - giving us such a great time. hope you will be able to patch EA or BLIC 2005 too.


by akira2291

Thank u akira for u'r app. Ya!, every one working hard to fix the buggy game, so who ever made a try, already won the awards, virtually. These awards don't stop the runner up's/budding patch maker. They will be back on track with all guns blazing, am assuming. So consistency is the name of the game for the success. I also wish all the patch makers good luck for the remaining season/new season. CGPv4 is the best effort from me and no wonder it works for all well.

Boss I heartily appreciate you on doing such nice job and winning best ai patcher award .YOu deserved for this as your patches are very nice and your feedback is superb.Keep it up.

Boss I have a request for you that can you make a fielding patch for me in which a fielder is place right behind the wicket keeper at boundry line specially for fast bowlers as my game suffers with lot of byes and I fed up and quit the game often.I usually do that but whenever I replace it with new fielding I have to do it again and again or when playing with friend .This will ease my load as I can transfer it in gui format with ease.I think may be some other people will also like this idea and if you donot have enough time then it is ok.

What are your next plans or you are working on?

Again splendid work for Cricket2004 as for me this is most important area of any game and you have done well.Keep it up.

Thank u very much mate for u'r hearty app. Ya!, i try my best to conquer this crappy game along with other patch makers, and will continue in the same way am sure. I am very happy with the results of CGPv4, with plenty of rev/fb/comm become positive. Now working on CGPv5, will be released in the last week of this month, which will be a cracking/ultimate/perfect game play patch for EAC2004!, as i tested now.

Ya!,the byes prob, always the headache!. No one find the solun to fix it, though sam gave his best shot a couple of time. As u mentioned, the fielder behind the WK is the good idea, though look unrealistic. But the tricky part is, we have to consume one potential fielder for that place, which might be very painful. I'll try to add that fielder in CGPv5, if more ppl suggest the same. Any way, upto that u may modify the field settings by Field Editor by prakash and can do that, any how be careful when u do that!, choose the right fielder(not usable on reg field pos) for that place.


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hey boss its ofical im using your patch for my series

thanks for making an excellent patch
hey boss its ofical im using your patch for my series

thanks for making an excellent patch
by jazz

Thank u mate for choosing cgpv4 for u'r 20-20 intl cup. Really will be a cracker of the contests to expect. Very nice presentation there mate!. Good luck.

I find batting kinda easy in Noraml mode...ball coming off the bat nicely(hard pitch).
Will Post scorecard later.
Glad to hear that you are working on CGPP5 and you are almost sure about this patch that this will be ultimate or perfect patch.May be you have found something new which you will reveal in the next patch.

Thanks for your suggestions for field as I just want that you are expert in this field so that you can more easily prepare an extra fielding patch by placing the best fielder which does not effect the game.It will be separate and will help those persons who are suffering severly due to byes problems.As it seems that different people have different kind of results here.
Replies on 6.5.2005, 9.00. p.m. IST

Originally Posted by jazz
hey boss its ofical im using your patch for my series

thanks for making an excellent patch

then this cup will have added advantage as it uses the best patch availble
by The Champ

Yes Buddy!, it can be a very exciting series indeed!.

I find batting kinda easy in Noraml mode...ball coming off the bat nicely(hard pitch).
Will Post scorecard later.
by ZoraxDoom

Hi mate!, Ya!, when u timed a ball well, u could feel the good punch in the shots, thats the way i made the shots. But too early in the shots usually fed the curtains for the player. As i intend to make the patch to play by everyone with out a prob, i made it reasonably easy in Normal Mode, but in Hard Mode, it is pretty difficult.'

Glad to hear that you are working on CGPP5 and you are almost sure about this patch that this will be ultimate or perfect patch.May be you have found something new which you will reveal in the next patch.

Thanks for your suggestions for field as I just want that you are expert in this field so that you can more easily prepare an extra fielding patch by placing the best fielder which does not effect the game.It will be separate and will help those persons who are suffering severly due to byes problems.As it seems that different people have different kind of results here.
by Hero

Thank u mate for u'r app as well as comm. Ya!, i'll incl one byes-free field patch along with CGPv5, which also incl reg field settings.


hi boss!!
i just had a doubt regarding your patch making tutorial in the stroke prob. section .
in the example you have given in the tutorial, it says,
StrokeProb 160
Def 0000
Mod 10000
Agg 20000
Six 30000.

so, what i wanted to know was that is there some max and min. values for the def, mod, agg and six shots? and how do you set these? i mean, what do you mean by Mod 10000....etc.
thanks a lot!!
hi boss!!
i just had a doubt regarding your patch making tutorial in the stroke prob. section .
in the example you have given in the tutorial, it says,
StrokeProb 160
Def 0000
Mod 10000
Agg 20000
Six 30000.

so, what i wanted to know was that is there some max and min. values for the def, mod, agg and six shots? and how do you set these? i mean, what do you mean by Mod 10000....etc.
thanks a lot!!
by a47

Already these parameters are explained in detail in that tutorial. Any how for u, i post it here again. btw (min value : 0, Max value : 99999) can be set for the values.

These are the Prime Parameters of how CPU pace the innings in ODI matches (10,20,45,50 Overs Match). These Can be found in Prakash Config Editor "CPU Pacing ODI - 10 overs", "CPU Pacing ODI - 20 overs", "CPU Pacing ODI - 45 overs", "CPU Pacing ODI - 50 overs" tabs.

All These Pacing file uses the common Format. Let us see!

The Common format of CPU pacing is

RunRate 0 x
RunRate 1 x
RunRate 2 x
RunRate 3 x
RunRate 4 x
RunRate 5 x
RunRate 6 x
StrokeProb a b c
Def zzzzz
Mod zzzzz
Agg zzzzz
Six zzzzz

The Pacing format divided in to 7 periods for any ODI matches.

For a 10 Over Match - Every 8 to 9 Balls Partition

For a 20 Over Match - Every 17 to 18 Balls Partition

For a 45 Over Match - Every 38 to 39 Balls Partition

For a 50 Over Match - Every 42 to 43 Balls Partition

For the above Period the CPU Looking into given Pacing values accordingly.

RunRate 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 - x :

"x" Determines the average Run rate CPU trying to achieve on given Period!.

Ex: "RunRate 0 8" in 20 overs match -means the CPU looking forward to score at an around 8 runs per over for the balls between 1 to 18.(i.e. first three overs!)

"Runrate 6 12" in 50 overs match - means the CPU looking forward to score at an around 12 runs per over for the balls between 256 to 300. (i.e. Last 7+ overs!, Slog overs!)

StrokeProb a b c :

These are the important parameters that will define the CPU pacing in particular period for all type of batsmen.

Here "a" describes the innings CPU Played!. If a=0, CPU batting First!, If a=1, CPU chasing the score!.

"b" describes in which period of the innings(as described above)CPU played. This is ranging between 0 to 6. If b=0, CPU batting pacing between 1 to 43 balls in 50 overs match. If b=6, CPU batting pacing between 256 to 300 balls in 50 overs matches.

"c" describes the CPU Batsman Style at that particular period. If c=0, Aggressive Style CPU batsman looking forward to this value at that instance. If c=1, Moderate Style CPU batsman looking forward to this value at that period. Finally If c=1, Defensive Style CPU Batsman looking forward to this value at that period of play!.

Ex: StrokeProb 0 0 0 - means the CPU batting first, An aggressive Batsman playing between balls 1 to 43 balls in a 50 overs ODI.

StrokeProb 1 6 1 - means the CPU chasing the score, A Moderate Batsman Playing at the crease in between the period of 256 to 300 balls in a 50 overs ODI.

So Generally you can see the values given under each StrokeProb a b c,

Def zzzzz
Mod zzzzz
Agg zzzzz
Six zzzzz

This determines the innings played by CPU, For the given period of play, the particular batsman playing various modes of shots, i.e.likelihood of the shots.(Def-Defensive shots, Mod-Moderate shots, Agg-Aggressive shots, Six- 6 hit shots).

For eg:

StrokeProb 1 6 0
Def 0000
Mod 10000
Agg 20000
Six 30000

The above parameters explain that the CPU chasing the score, and playing the slog overs(last 7 overs in case of 50 overs match!), The aggressive batsman playing, and the likelihood of 6 hit shots are veryhigh (50% chance), CPU looking to play aggressive shots with 33.3% probability, and CPU tends to play moderate shots only 16.66%.

As these are the main CPU pacing parameters, we have to set it correctly to get the proper result in the game. Early on in the innings the CPU's defensive and moderate values must be high whereas Aggressive and 6 hit values should be low. We have to gradually decrease the def and mod value and trying to add on more agg and 6hit values as the play goes on. So that the CPU will last the innings as if it was only playing 6 hit shots more in the slog overs.

Hope this will help!


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hi boss!!
thanks a lot for that tutorial oncw more man!!
youre the best boss!!
thanks a lot again
hi boss!!
thanks a lot for that tutorial oncw more man!!
youre the best boss!!
thanks a lot again
by a47

Thanks for the app mate!, thats not a prob to me to help the ppl!.

u have given another tutorial for AI there buddy, good to see u help

yes that was a superb tutorial,

as for as the next quote by a47 thats why he has on the award for the year 2005, great work buddy
by The Champ

Hi Buddy!, thanks for u'r app!, i also like to congratulate u on the awards winning Best New Member award as well as coming close in with Best Story Thread and Most Helpful Member awards. Wish u a very good luck in coming years.



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