Bug Report Discussion

Platform: PS4
Game Version:
Game Mode: Stadium Creator
Match Type:
Teams used:
Downloaded grounds from the academy
Over Count:
Issue (one line description):
Game freezes
Bug description (detail): When I have downloaded stadiums and gone in to look at them I get a freeze. The Settings, Budget, Controls windows display but the rather than loading the stadium the game hangs on the screen with the sponsors (Ashes logos). I have to close the game in order to get away from.
Could you name the specific stadiums you downloaded that do that when you open them? Are there any stadiums you have successfully downloaded and opened?

Can you play matches at those grounds?

As always, I'd be happy to get save data of this - in particular, the Stadiums data, but the logos and profile may help too.
Could you name the specific stadiums you downloaded that do that when you open them? Are there any stadiums you have successfully downloaded and opened?

Can you play matches at those grounds?

As always, I'd be happy to get save data of this - in particular, the Stadiums data, but the logos and profile may help too.
Right, I've just had a look. All stadiums seem to open fine. The ground (Eden Gardens by Abhe645) which caused the crash opened without issue, three times. Haven't had time to play a match but it loaded a match without problem at that game.

I can't remember the first ground but on both occasions it happened after I'd just downloaded it. So, I tried to download another (Chinnaswamy Stadium by DNT-101) and it freezes/crashes when trying to open it. Now, I thought it'd open fine when I restarted the game, like Eden Gardens, but this time it's crashed again.

On a third restart of the game I tried Eden Gardens again and have had the crash.

I've had no noticeable issues other than just having to restart the game. If I can share any more info let me know and I try and get it for you.
Platform: PS4
Game Version: v0.
Match Type: T20
Teams used: Australia & England
Ground: NA
Over Count: NA
Issue: 3 runs requires off 1 ball showed 3 runs required off 0 ball
Bug description (detail):
While batting second, the runs required vs balls left showed 3 runs required off 0 ball instead of 3 runs required off 1 ball.(lost the match anywhich ways)
I have attached the video.
I didn't pay attention till now. I will be able to check further by this weekend if it reoccurs.

This is an old carryover bug since DBC14 , where the last ball of the match is allways shown as Zero , for some reason , been like that in 17 as well.
Platform: PS4
Game Version:
Game Mode: Academy
Match Type:
Teams used:
Over Count:
Issue (one line description):
Logos have all vanished
Bug description (detail): This has happened again when loading the game. I went into the academy and noticed the custom logos had been replaced by the Big Ant logo. In logo creator the options to edit, delete, share are locked because all downloaded logos have gone.
I've had this several times now. For me it seems to be related to switching gamer profile and/or sharing items. I have managed to find most of my logos between 2 profiles but when I re download them the order is all wrong and the wrong logos are assigned to existing items.

It's extremely annoying having to constantly redo everything. It didn't happen to me in db17 and the academy is the same so why is this happening? I'm on xbox.
Platform: Xbox One
Game Version: Latest (all patches installed)
Game Mode: N/A
Match Type: N/A
Teams used: Custom
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Gameplay Modifiers: N/A
Issue: Incomplete Team Name printed on jersey
Bug description (detail): I've created a custom team named 'HSR Cricket Club' which doesn't get correctly printed on the front of the jersey. 'HSR Cricket Clu' is the max that gets shown. Could you please increase the limit by at least 1 character? Thanks


I wouldn't term it a bug as no matter what the character limit on jerseys there will always be a case where the full name doesn't fit. I would instead look at alternate names such as "HSR CC" or some such.
I hope only 5 save files that we are given is also looked at in the next patch.. shud be at least minimim 10 like dbc 17.. especially when we are playing longer format online and save games in between to be finished later.. thanks ...
Platform: PS4
Game Version: 1.05
Game Mode: Competition (WC/ T20 WC)
Teams Used: Some original and some updated via the academy
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue: World Cups not playing at host country
Bug Description (detail)
When playing World Championship and T20 World Cup. Choosing the host team does not work, instead the game chooses the country you play in randomly e.g. host is chosen as Pakistan but the tournament is played in England etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1511704201][/DOUBLEPOST]Platform: PS4

Platform: PS4
Game Version: 1.05
Game Mode: Competition (WC/ T20 WC)
Teams Used: Some original and some updated via the academy
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue: Cannot change teams in WC/T20 WC
Bug Description (detail)
Another issue When playing World Championship and T20 World Cup is when trying to change the teams who participate. In the ODI WC you are only able to change the two non test playing nations. In the T20 WC you cannot change any of the teams. Also it shows 14 teams before you start playing but the T20 WC only has 12 teams participating.

Edit: Just tried the ODI WC again and it only let me change one team this time

@MattW @mikeymerren

I recently sent a post in the bug thread regarding a problem with the ODI/T20 World championship mode. The problem is you couldn’t change the teams in the tournaments and also your chosen host for the tournament was not working correctly instead it was choosing the host randomly. I have seem to found the reason to the problem. It happens after you download a team from the academy or edit the on disk teams which then creates a new team to replace the on disk teams. The only way for everything to work as it should is by deleting the teams and reverting back to the on disk teams. I have tested the modes with the default teams from the disk and everything works fine. If you need anything else please let me know.

Is there any news on the lack of pad away shot? I think it was in dbc17 so shouldn't be too hard to transfer over?
I wouldn't term it a bug as no matter what the character limit on jerseys there will always be a case where the full name doesn't fit. I would instead look at alternate names such as "HSR CC" or some such.
Well, it's a cricket game and I'm guessing '____ Cricket Club' will be a common enough name. All I needed was 3 characters for my team apart from 'Cricket Club' but the game allowed only 2. I reckon there should be an option to fit in bigger names(with smaller font, if need be) or names over two lines. Personally I would just be happy if they increased the limit by 1.
Well, it's a cricket game and I'm guessing '____ Cricket Club' will be a common enough name. All I needed was 3 characters for my team apart from 'Cricket Club' but the game allowed only 2. I reckon there should be an option to fit in bigger names(with smaller font, if need be) or names over two lines. Personally I would just be happy if they increased the limit by 1.
HSR Layout Bangalore?
Well, it's a cricket game and I'm guessing '____ Cricket Club' will be a common enough name. All I needed was 3 characters for my team apart from 'Cricket Club' but the game allowed only 2. I reckon there should be an option to fit in bigger names(with smaller font, if need be) or names over two lines. Personally I would just be happy if they increased the limit by 1.

His point still stands that it isn’t necessarily a ‘bug’
I hope only 5 save files that we are given is also looked at in the next patch.. shud be at least minimim 10 like dbc 17.. especially when we are playing longer format online and save games in between to be finished later.. thanks ...
Yes then we get a terrible logo limit, they have sacrificed some save files to give us more logo space, I prefer that! ;) Consoles have restrictions on save space.....
HSR Layout Bangalore?
His point still stands that it isn’t necessarily a ‘bug’
Well, we could call it a limitation. But then we could have called the missing cover drive in DBC17 a limitation; which we didn't because in a cricket game, its kinda a must to have it.
Well, we could call it a limitation. But then we could have called the missing cover drive in DBC17 a limitation; which we didn't because in a cricket game, its kinda a must to have it.

So you’re equating the cover drive in DBC17... to a letter limitation on the jersey. You do realise how ridiculous that sounds right?

It’s not a bug.

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