Bunny thread

yep Asif was immense, absolutely faultless. I think the one real technical aspect that improved him was the steroids. How can you be a bunny when someones cheatings to get you out?

Go ahead and delete my post again Manee, I'm just stating the facts, no matter how well asif bowled his performance was enhanced by the drugs.
Yes he made a fair few. Only if he was lucky enough to walk out to the middle as Asif was just fnishing his spell or not bowling. Asif has such good control and knew to put it just outside off for KP and nip it back into the stumps. I'll try to get some stats for that tour.

My comment was a tongue in cheek one.

You've implied that Asif dismissed KP 7 times with 5 of them being ducks which is ludicrous.
yep Asif was immense, absolutely faultless. I think the one real technical aspect that improved him was the steroids. How can you be a bunny when someones cheatings to get you out?

Go ahead and delete my post again Manee, I'm just stating the facts, no matter how well asif bowled his performance was enhanced by the drugs.
I feel his recovery was sped up by drugs, not his performance. It's not as if he took a drug that improved his bowling ability.
If they don't enhance performance why are called performance enhancing? Surely it would give him that little bit extra strength and energy to send down a special ball when he was tiring? either way they're illegal and for that reason it isn't fair, i'd much rather we gave the credit to a bowler who didn't cheat in getting the wickets in question, it demeans their wickets imo.
Go ahead and delete my post again Manee, I'm just stating the facts, no matter how well asif bowled his performance was enhanced by the drugs.

Do you really no anything about cricket? Drugs don't make you a 'better' bowler, especially when your bowling relies on cutting back on pace and use of variations.
yep Asif was immense, absolutely faultless. I think the one real technical aspect that improved him was the steroids. How can you be a bunny when someones cheatings to get you out?

Go ahead and delete my post again Manee, I'm just stating the facts, no matter how well asif bowled his performance was enhanced by the drugs.

Come on people, now that is funny. Whether he's a sted head or not (which he is) it's still funny to laugh at it. :D
If they don't enhance performance why are called performance enhancing?.

Due to their effect in making the body perform better in athletic events, where they are more commonplace than any other sport.

Come on people, now that is funny. Whether he's a sted head or not (which he is) it's still funny to laugh at it. :D

I believe that his plea of ignorance was an honest one. Shoaib, on the other hand...
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Asif only playd in the fourth Test

4th Test - Bowled for a duck by Asif
Twenty20 - Bowled for a duck by Asif
1st ODI -Bowled Asif caught Akmal for 2
2nd ODI -Bowled Asif caught Navel-Ul Hasan for 17

The other few matches Pietersen was either not out (small chase) or out by another bowler. But 4 out of about 7 is pretty good for Asif.
If they don't enhance performance why are called performance enhancing? Surely it would give him that little bit extra strength and energy to send down a special ball when he was tiring? either way they're illegal and for that reason it isn't fair, i'd much rather we gave the credit to a bowler who didn't cheat in getting the wickets in question, it demeans their wickets imo.
It takes far more than strength and energy to send down a "special ball". If you ask a test bowler, most will tell you that getting batsmen out is not all about bowling that one perfect ball, but often bowling to them intelligently enough to make them play shots that they don't.

I don't think performance enhancing drugs have anything to do with Asif having Pietersen's number, or for that matter, anyone being anyone else's bunny. Giving credit for wickets taken by Asif is a discussion for another thread.
Whether he was innocent or not, he's still a druggie.

KP on the other hand, has never been in trouble with drugs and stuff. He clearly listened to Mr. Mackey.
Do you really no anything about cricket? Drugs don't make you a 'better' bowler, especially when your bowling relies on cutting back on pace and use of variations.
Manee why do you ask me that? They obviously do make you a better bowler because they make you a better athlete. Theres obviously a reason most bowlers are athletic. Being stronger will make him better, he's already got the skill but the steroids give him an edge, if they didn't have an effect on your performance no-one would bother taking them would they? There's a reason for them being illegal.
Whether he was innocent or not, he's still a druggie.

KP on the other hand, has never been in trouble with drugs and stuff. He clearly listened to Mr. Mackey.
Regardless of substances, KP was still Asif's bunny. :D

...if they didn't have an effect on your performance no-one would bother taking them would they? There's a reason for them being illegal.
There would be a reason---to recover quicker from injury!
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Well he shoudln't be allowed to recover quicker from injury though should he? Thats part of the game so he should deal with it properly, not by resorting to methods which will in the long term damage his body.
Well he shoudln't be allowed to recover quicker from injury though should he? Thats part of the game so he should deal with it properly, not by resorting to methods which will in the long term damage his body.
Who said he should be allowed to? I'm not justifying him taking drugs. I'm just countering your argument that the performance enhancing drugs he took enhanced his cricket abilities, which is clearly not the case. I don't for one second condone Asif's, or anyone's, desire to take banned substances for any reason.
Manee why do you ask me that? They obviously do make you a better bowler because they make you a better athlete. Theres obviously a reason most bowlers are athletic. Being stronger will make him better, he's already got the skill but the steroids give him an edge, if they didn't have an effect on your performance no-one would bother taking them would they? There's a reason for them being illegal.

'No one would bother taking them', I have stated that he pleaded ignorance and I agree with him. Need I remind you that he was tested positive in the World Cup 2007, not September 2006 (which was when the Natwest Series occured, can't be bothered to search).

What 'edge' do steroids give him. They give him more anabolism in his muscles. What on earth do they have to do with bowling medium pace? Strength plays only a small part in pace and suggesting that those with bigger muscles bowls faster only tells me to point you in the direction of the modern Shoaib Akhtar.

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