Bunny thread

The steroids will also give him increased stamina and obviously this will allow him to bowl better. i know a kid who won tons of swimming events from taking steroids because he kept it up 100% effort throughout and it's the same in cricket, he'll be able to bowl with more intensity throughout.

I've got nothing against the kid, he didn't take it knowingly although it pisses me off when people blame Leicestershire. It's just not fair imo, they obviously have an advatage on his body, if Dwayne Leverock took steds he'd be better than Murali. might not be true
The steroids will also give him increased stamina and obviously this will allow him to bowl better. i know a kid who won tons of swimming events from taking steroids because he kept it up 100% effort throughout and it's the same in cricket, he'll be able to bowl with more intensity throughout.

Steroids do not give you more stamina. They give you large muscles which equals more mass which means less stamina in the case of bowling.
Actually the steroids is took (without knowing) were performance enhaincing. By performance enhancing I mean that he had more stamina than other players. he could train for up to an hour more every session than all his teamates. However, stamina isn't skill. It may prolongue his ability to perform but it doesn't give him talent or do the work for him. I agree it isn't fair for players to use drugs but if Asif really wanted to take drugs he may have chosen a different type of drug that would suite his style a little more.
Whether you like it or not Asif shouldn't have been playing, he was injured but his rehab was sped up, he was physically better and had an unfair advantage. Even the Pakistanis agree with me! Also the scandal came out aroundthe champions trophy but obviously his injury was before then and the drug stays in the system for a while.

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