Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Sensational batting from Mr.Ram! Still don't think it will be enough for Tamil Nadu to win, but it won't do your confidence any harm at all.

Fantastic update Suren, a great read :)
Thank you, Trev :) But one last hope is, " It is the Mumbai Cricket Pitch ". The fourth innings is generally tough on typical Mumbai wicket. The classic example of that is, Aussies failing to chase a total of 100 runs. So, that is the only confidence booster our team has! Lets see ;)
uhmm-uhmm, does someone remember its his debut and he is not the captain? :p

I mean chill man, pissing Balaji off at breakfast then getting angry at team during tea. Gosh! You are one red headed guy. :p

Nice innings there btw. Would love to see you scoring a double century though. ;)

Also, I loved the video bit of it and our bowling action sucks. LOL :D Its like right handed Paul Adams. :D

Nevertheless, great update. Interesting storyline and lovely graphics. KUTGW.
A fighting knock for someone on debut. It would be a excellent victory if you won from here, you would need at least 150 to stand a chance.
MuchMore said:
uhmm-uhmm, does someone remember its his debut and he is not the captain?

I mean chill man, pissing Balaji off at breakfast then getting angry at team during tea. Gosh! You are one red headed guy.

Nice innings there btw. Would love to see you scoring a double century though.

Also, I loved the video bit of it and our bowling action sucks. LOL Its like right handed Paul Adams.

Nevertheless, great update. Interesting storyline and lovely graphics. KUTGW.

hehe, Paul Adams? I don't even know to bowl but still survived somehow! :p

Please continue this Suren. I was enjoying this immensely. :(

Definitely, this story is running still blake. :) I am not able to update in weekdays because I hardly stay in home during office working days. You can expect an update tonight. :)

:happy Thank you guys for wonderful comments :happy
Fantastic to hear that this will be update in the future. I will be asleep with this is update, but i am sure to read and comment on it, when i wake up tomorrow morning.

(10 a) Tamil Nadu vs Maharashtra - Final Day ( In Progress ).

May 05, 2009
Time - 09:30 PM​

Well, after the disappointing performance by the team, we did not eat well during dinner. Everyone's face looked disappointing and they were all like sitting in some grief. :p The coach did not join us for the dinner.

" Hey, what's happening? Are we going to get anything useful because of this silence? The match is not even over, we still have 2 wickets and 3 sessions left. What is the use of getting angry or disappointed over other's performance? this will only spoil our way of playing the game tomorrow! ", I interrupted the silence and addressed those towards my folks.

However Karthik revealed his disappointment over his team for not being able to play on the good batting track. " Maharashtra's pitches are like this? Remember India vs Aus some years back where India succeeded in defending the 100+ totals in Mumbai stadium. Why can't we take as our inspirations and give us our best? ", Badrinath interrupted and said those in tamil. I was also thinking the same thing that evening but I did not open my mouth because I don't want to pour oil over the already burning flames. ;)

After some quick chats, we went back to our rooms. On my way back, once again, I knocked my coach's door. Raman opened the door and after he saw me, he said, " We will have our discussions tomorrow. I am not feeling well now! " and closed the door. I understood the anger of Raman and went to my room.

Though I am on my first century in second innings of my domestic career, I was not able to celebrate it with the team. I closed my eyes hoping that something good should happen to my team and slept.

May 06, 2009
Time - 05:30 AM​

There was a knock at the door! I got up in panic and saw the time and it was one minute past 5:30 in the morning. I opened the door and saw my coach standing. " Com'on guys, we are going to stadium early today for some practice. Get ready soon & we are leaving by 6. ", he said and went to knock the next door too.

Some Early morning Practice!


We got ready and left the hotel at 6:30 AM. As soon as we reached the stadium, our coach stood in the center surrounded by us. We were standing like a circle.

" So, today is the climax! But that climax seems to be revealed already with we falling like pack of cards and one man alone offering some resistance. Anyways, we still have 2 wickets left. And 3 sessions left! What are we going to do? ", the coach, Raman asked us. We all stood in silence.

Coach looked at me. " Suren, you are on 146 and you have done exceptionally well against those bowlers! It is upto you now to extend our innings to last long atleast till lunch. Mahesh and Suresh should make sure that they are not going to come back to pavilion forever. :rolleyes: Our strategy should be like, surviving till the lunch and add another 70-80 runs atleast on the board. 150 on last 2 sessions should give them a little pressure. Lets try to execute this strategy atleast! ", Raman said with most of the time addressing to me.

" THIS MAN IS CRAZY! ", I thought on Raman. " With two tail enders, I should survive 3 more hours? :rolleyes: :eek: Also, what do you mean by ' Execute atleast this strategy' ? Atleast? It is like asking to climb a couple of steps and touching the sky! :rolleyes: ", is what I was wondering. After the short discussion, we went for practicing.

I pitied Mahesh and Suresh because they were forced to practice batting along with their bowling. The match time neared.

May 06, 2009
Time - 10:00 AM​

I got my pads and gloves on. None of our players had breakfast. I was bit hungry too. :( But I drank just a bottle of ice water and filled my stomach. The umpires called all the players and myself/Suresh went for the Day 4's play.

We walked in with too much of responsibilities dumped on our shoulders. I started to feel so uncomfortable that my mind was only with the thoughts about lunch. Already I did not have breakfast and thoughts about lunch ruined it further.

" Hey, lets not think about what Raman said. 3 hours is not a joke! Lets take the license and break free and get the runs for our team! ", I said to Suresh with great risk. " Ain't I violating my coach's words? ", I thought for a second but cursed myself for having so many thoughts in that small head. :D

Not As Per What We Thought!


I took the guard for the fourth day and the play began. I was staring at those bowlers and fielders half the time with pity look. Yes, I was clueless of what to do next. I forgot the fact that I was nearing 150 and I had to achieve that first. Raman's words were eating my brain. I stayed calm and denied myself from taking any risks. I tried to stay away from the ball as much as I could. Those Dole and Fallah guys are hell a lot of bowlers. :mad: Dole was the one who bowled the first over of Day 4. Fortunately, Fallah did not turn up. It was Khadiwale.

I alerted Suresh to be aware of early morning moisture on the pitch. " It should swing a bit, so be sure that you make contact with the ball only when it comes and tries to hit your pad. If its away from the stump-stump, just don't bother to touch those. If it's coming straight to you like a yorker, have the license to go in straight over the bowler's head & if it's coming as an overpitched one, go over the bowler's head wildly. Keep your eyes OPEN! ", I said to Suresh and that pity bloke got further confused! :p

For some overs, we did not get any runs. We stayed calm and started to bore those fielders and bowlers. Khadiwale, however struck for his team at a crucial time. He got rid of Suresh. :eek:

The ball was straight and Suresh tried to go over the bowler in straight but there was a thick edge. It went straight to slips and the fielder did not have any problem in catching that ball!

I lost my partner Suresh. It was a 80-runs stand and he provided a great solid support. I got tensed more because I had a feeling that my words/advices have costed his wicket. I stood pale and gave a blank expression towards my dressing room.

With 11th batsman, Mahesh coming and joining me, I had to survive hours & hours of the play? I went down in confidence level and I felt more uncomfortable. " What should I do? What are you doing? What will you do? " are the thoughts that kept running in my mind! :(

TN : 199/9(Second Innings, 243/10)
Maharashtra : 357/10

Suren Ram : 146*
Mahesh : 0*

Dole : 4/85
Fallah : 3/22

TN Leads by 85 Runs. Just ONE more wicket LEFT

It wont be easy and I don't think Mahesh will last long but you can be happy you made a big ton.

Brilliant presentation and writing mate kiu!
It will be dissapointing that you couldn't offer more runs to the teams total, with the 11th batsmen in, i don't think he'll last 5 overs.. But on a players point of view, you can be very proud of yourself for making 150

Wonderful update, its been a long time coming for this update and i enjoyed it. Best of luck for the next one.
Thanks very much for the update Suren. A very interesting match - I hope Suren can at least go on to make 150. :D

I don't think Tamil Nadu can win from here - although if they make a lead of 100+, then maybe something strange could happen... perhaps Suren might be involved with the ball?

Could be an interesting finish.

Very good update. :D
It wont be easy and I don't think Mahesh will last long but you can be happy you made a big ton.

Brilliant presentation and writing mate kiu!

It will be dissapointing that you couldn't offer more runs to the teams total, with the 11th batsmen in, i don't think he'll last 5 overs.. But on a players point of view, you can be very proud of yourself for making 150

Wonderful update, its been a long time coming for this update and i enjoyed it. Best of luck for the next one.

Thanks very much for the update Suren. A very interesting match - I hope Suren can at least go on to make 150. :D

I don't think Tamil Nadu can win from here - although if they make a lead of 100+, then maybe something strange could happen... perhaps Suren might be involved with the ball?

Could be an interesting finish.

Very good update. :D

Thank you very much guys :happy I am done with the preparation for next update too.. So you can expect another update as well in some hours. :) Thank you again for the wonderful support. :hpraise

(10 b) Tamil Nadu vs Maharashtra - Final Day ( End of Innings 3 ).

May 06, 2009
Time - 10:45 AM​

Well, with one wicket in hand, Mahesh brought a message from coach. Mahesh informed me that I have the license to break free and go for runs. Coach has asked us to target on that 120-130 mark instead of 150. Also Mahesh told me that the coach was very keen to cross the 100 run mark in the lead.

I have understood one thing now, that I had to keep my head cool irrespective of whatsoever have the pressure situation is! Thinking too much on coach's message and thoughts are just limiting me from playing the normal game. Hence I listened to Mahi's message in one side of my ear and let it pass freely in other side & I wanted to play the game like I wish. :D

" Com'on Suren, You can do it! Attack those blokes with the red ball in their hand! ", I gave a self confidence booster to myself. :p What to do, there was no one to encourage/support me in other end! All my team wants is more & more of runs to make a respectable score, & I feel that they are just not bothered whether I get a 50 or 100 or 150 or whatsoever! :noway

One-Man Attack!


I don't want to get bound by other's thoughts &
I don't want to play as per others' wish! I just want to be my ownself! :mad

Yes, my focus was set on the bowler's face and the red ball which he had in his hands. First I decided to break the shackle and go past 150 & I did it in Dole's over by taking a single. I didn't raise my bat for the 150 knock because I don't want to! :rolleyes: Instead I just nodded my head towards the captain and the coach. Though my hunger of going over the bowlers dominated my own hunger for food( Remember, None of the players had breakfast!), I asked some water to drink.

I got yet another message from the coach! I was scared to hear another lecture. But it wasn't the message I expected. The message was very precise. It was, " Well done, Suren.. Keep hunting! ". :) I was surprised to hear that. ;)

After crossing the 150 mark, I wasn't bother to defend anymore. I wanted to blindly go over the bowlers and I did the same. Dole, Fallah, Khadiwale were the bowlers and I went blindly over them. The bowlers were giving some stare at me and sledged in hindi but I never bothered to respond in words. Instead, I showed them the response in terms of boundaries. From 150, I went to 175 quickly.

I myself can't believe that I can bat like this also! :eek:

Every damn thing in this World has to END!


I would have loved to stay more at the crease, but my mindset
did not love the same & hence the result!

The team score was around 236 which was close to the first innings score. I felt bit relaxed because we didn't do that bad in second innings. Knowing my aggression, Maharashtra's captain cleverly switched to the spinner. Enamul Haque was the bowler and he was the bowler whom I hated to face. He dominated our batters in the first innings.

Nevertheless, I can't think about those and spoil myself again. I decided to maintain the same aggression and it turned out to be a wrong decision. I tried to go over Enamul but the ball turned a bit too much and got the nice top edge. The ball went straight to Enamul and he did not have any problems in catching the ball.

I just hit the crease strongly with my bat showing away my frustrations but I cannot help, it's over! :(

Mine and team's journey in Second Innings - THE END.


It was the last wicket, all over for Tamil Nadu. I returned back to the pavilion with my face down. Though I got around 175 runs, some things like ' I could have stayed at the crease for some more time ' kept on running in my mind and keeping my mind disturbed throughout.

Well, is there an end to one's desire? Sky is the limit! I convinced myself and walked into the dressing room. The coach and captain came out of the dressing room and applauded for my innings. They gave the warm tap over my shoulders and the captain said, " Well done, champ! ". I was happy to hear those words but still, I could have stayed at the crease for some more time and should have got that double ton! Lol, my desires are greedy, right? :D

" We have now got a lead of 122 runs. Defending 123 is going to be too tough, but remember the similar target has been defended well by our national side against Aussies. Lets keep that as benchmark now. All we have to do is, deliver the ball in right areas. No bad lengths, no bad fielding and no bad disciplinary bowling! Lets do our basics perfect. Getting a couple of wickets before lunch should put us back in a tight contest. If they can bowl so well to us, we can also repeat the same. Lets do it and we can do it! ", my captain Karthik told our lads.

My Scoring Areas.


I cannot believe that I hit 3 SIXES!!! :eek:

TV screens showed my scoring areas and I got bit interested to analyze myself. Not bad, I have hit 3 big sixes. I didn't know how I managed to hit those but I have done somehow. :p

" You have done well, Suren! We can see all these graphs later & now it's time to focus on our fielding and try to put up a good fight on the field! No time to watch TV now! ", said my coach.

bah, these coaches go crazy sometimes. :rolleyes: Com'on I have spent almost a day at the crease and don't I have freedom to relax for some minutes and watch TV. Am I watching some movies or cartoons? I was just watching my own analysis to improve my batting. But this Raman was not happy with it. Put up a fight on the field? I should equip myself with some thick wooden sticks and knock the opponents' batters only! :rolleyes: Why this coach is demanding more and more from me? I am not understanding only!

Well, with all internal mind battles/confusions within the team, I got ready for the fielding. Still I did not have my meals and I was going more & more hungry. :mad: There was some sufficient time left for lunch break & I was loosing patience. :p What's going to happen next in our bowling? To know more about that, stay Tuned :)

TN : 236/10(Second Innings, 243/10)
Maharashtra : 357/10

Suren Ram : 176 OUT
Mahesh : 7*

Dole : 4/85
Fallah : 3/22
Enamul Haque: 2/9

Target 123 for Maharashtra.


(10 c) Tamil Nadu vs Maharashtra - Final Day ( Off-The-Field Chats ).

May 06, 2009
Time - 11:45 AM​

In the short change of innings break, our coach didn't want us to waste even a seconds time. Hence we came out of the dressing room for the short practice session with the ball. Mahesh & Balaji straight away started their practicing with their runner-ups.

I was slowly walking near that area and had no interest in practice to be honest. I was feeling very tired and I wanted to take rest and sleep for a hour atleast. :D In the other end, I saw coach and my captain discussing something seriously. Some more players like Badri, Mukund were also there and they seem to discuss the bowling strategy.

I wondered what it could be & hence I went near them. I heard Karthik's strategy to open the bowling with spin and continue with spinners till the lunch. He wanted Ashwin and Suresh to open the bowling. However, coach was not feeling so comfortable with the idea. Badrinath and Mukund also stressed the importance of Ashwin and Suresh in the first innings where they brought the regular breakthroughs.

I thought that it's the right time to interrupt and I did. :D I know that I am poking my nose too much but I had to say what I felt.

" Mahesh should open the bowling! He is our 'Bond' of the team. But he is too unfortunate that he is not getting any success. Mahesh opening the bowling and Ashwin sharing the new ball should be fine. But remember, Enamul the spinner dominated on this wicket in first innings but it was their fast bowlers who dominated in the second innings. ", I told them.

Karthik, Badri and Mukund maintained silence and my coach was also patiently listening to me.

Best delivery of my Career!

If all bowlers can bowl like this every ball, then none
of the quality batsmen can do much domination against the bowlers.

I also shared with my team about a delivery which completely decieved me. I thought that it would not only deceive me but it would have deceived most of the batsmen. It was such a wonder delivery ( See it in the uploaded video :) )!

It was Dole and he was as aggressive as he could through out his bowling. One of his deliveries made me to play and tricked me at the same time with minor movement of the seam. Thankfully, it didn't get any edge on it's way. I used this as an example/benchmark and stressed the importance of Mahesh to my team lads.

Coach also seem to agree to my point. " Like Suren said, we will start with seam bowlers for first few overs.. say 4-5 overs, and if it did not work as we expect, lets shuffle the bowlers. Ashwin and Suresh should play more than their 100% in the spin role of this awaiting climax! ", Raman added to my comment.

And we got the call from the umpires and it was all set ready for the fourth innings to begin. With one hour and two sessions left, defending 123 should be an interesting task if we manage to get regular wickets. 2-3 wickets in next one hour is what we looking for.. And what's going to happen? We will have to wait and see that! :)

TN : 236/10(Second Innings, 243/10)
Maharashtra : 357/10

Suren Ram : 176 OUT
Mahesh : 7*

Dole : 4/85
Fallah : 3/22
Enamul Haque: 2/9

Target 123 for Maharashtra.

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