Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Great mate... Good to see you again updating. But Don't defeat karnataka as its one of my home team..:p:p

Just joking, run your story how ever you feel..

And, I even have a small suggestion.
Do change the practice kit and even you may use the Chepauk stadium by me in C2K7.(It has correct model.

I have to figure out the practice kit and bat file used for practice kit. :( I didn't search still for those. Even I would love to have some good kits during practice session.

And chepauk stadium model? Well my first match was played on C2004. :D What will be used for second match? I am thinking to stick with same C2004 because, it's just classic. ;) Lets see.

Thank you for the feedback/suggestion :thumbs
i loved this story... it's really great... great work surendar
:happy Thank you guys, for the wonderful comments and views. :happy The team creation of the opponent is time consuming!:facepalm Anyways, Updates coming up soon! :)
I might just sit here and wait untill you update just because I love this story so much! I am eagerly anticipating the next update Mr Ram.

(13) My Life apart from my Professional Cricket!

May 09, 2009
Time - 7:00 AM​

With the weekend knocking my room door, I woke up at 7 in the morning. I was glad that I got some good sleep without any disturbance. Since there was no TNCA practice session, I went to my local club nets. My local club was very happy to see me & I received his blessings for a change. ;) ( Remember, I always used to get scoldings from my local club coach :p ) Then we spent some time in discussing the atmosphere of domestic cricket & also discussed various politics that happen in National selection. ;)

After seeing some of my district level mates, I went onto practice for sometime in nets. I felt happier myself and I don't know why, but I felt quite a lot improved myself. " All your shots are getting tuned nicely, now! ", my coach said to me and I went to some ninth cloud.

It's always nice to play Tennis Ball Cricket! :D


Since I have heard only scoldings from my coach's mouth, when he praised about my shot selection, I felt as if, I have achieved something in life. :banana2 After some nets practice in my local club, I came home and planned to spend the weekend. While I was having breakfast, my family had a separate plan for me on Saturday. I never denied any of their plans and continued to spend as per their wish. We went to relatives house and met my cousins. Since they were around my age group, the time quite flied.

In the evening, when we were coming back home, I got call from my college friends group. They said that they have scheduled a beach cricket for Sunday morning & asked my availability for that. I readily nodded them since I like playing cricket on the beach in that early morning chill/fresh atmosphere. Luckily, the TNCA nets were having a break for the weekend. And thus, Saturday went off so soon. As usual, I checked my mails and browsed for few minutes before striking the bed.

May 10, 2009
Time - 05 : 15 AM​

Alarm once again disturbed my sleep like always it does. ;) I started to get ready for the small level cricket. When I took my bat and packed in the bike, I was like I wanted to hit SIX 6s today and felt like smashing every ball that would be coming to me! :p

I reached the beach and some of my friends have arrived already. Some of them were eagerly questioning my experience with Tamil Nadu team. " What is happening, I have played just a match and these people are bugging me too much! ", I felt. :p Some moments after, two of the guys were also quarreling in selecting me to their respective teams that day. :p

Finally, we settled down with teams and unfortunately, my team guys were put into bowling. I was fielding in slips and in some random positions. I was feeling so restless that I desperately wanted to bat. :D It was 10 overs match and they put 70 runs on the board.

With me in the team, all my friends thought, " Suren will finish it off in 5 overs! :banana2 " I was also in the same mindset that I should smash all the balls and entertain my friends. I went and stood in front off the stumps and took the guard.

I was Over Confident?


The very first ball which came in looked like damn slow delivery. Without any problems, I defended it. But I want to hit for huge one? :what Why did I defend? :confused: I myself didn't get the answer. I rotated the bat in my hand and got ready to smash the next ball, whatever speed it comes to me. " Com'on Suren! ", I cheered myself.

The very next ball was a good length delivery. It had good width in offside, and I had no problems in going to backfoot for a offside drive. I had a huge swing of my bat in offside, but the ball did not connect properly to the bat. :facepalm It got the bottom edge and went to the person who stood beside the stumps. My friends in the opponent team were celebrating and I stood in shock! :eek: :facepalm How in the hell I failed to connect the ball? I didn't get any answer. Friends of my team were disappointed too. I have let their major hopes on me down! :noway I stood in the corner disappointed.

" I should have pulled that ball, I should have played a cover drive, I should have did this and that! ", were my thoughts that ran in my mind. Finally, my team felt short of 10 runs and lost the match. None of my friends bothered actually that I got out for a duck, but I was bothered and disturbed more. :( We decided to leave the ground since the sunshine was bit bright and hot. We decided to have one quick match on the same evening before sunset.

Hence we all went back home. After going home, I was not at all satisfied. I did not do anything in that morning match. " What was my role? Nothing! ", this thought affected me more. Then I spent the day watching Tv and relaxing. I left home one hour earlier before the match and visited the bat shop.

Desire For Branded Bats!


I always had desire to have a branded bat with me. The current bat which I use for playing is just the plain wooden bat without any labels. After seeing some players like my captain-Karthik, Badrinath, Vidyut, my desire of having some good bats increased. :(

Hence went to Santhome sports shop and had a look around of different bats there. But all were costly! :noway No way, I can afford to buy those bats. I am just coming up in life slowly and steadily. Hence, I can't afford to spend thousands from my own pocket. :(

With disappointed face, I left the bat shop and went to beach.

OverConfident Always get Paid!


We teamed up and started playing. This time, my team was batting first. Hence I had some confidence in getting some nice runs for the team.

But, the things were even more worse this time. The very first ball came slowly and nicely on to my bat. I middled it very well and applied my full power in that shot. The ball went very high in the air but it did not get the enough distance! :doh

I was praying that, my friend should drop the catch. Unfortunately, the catch was taken and I got my KING PAIR! :mad: :( :facepalm I felt so shameful in front of my friends. A player who represents the state getting out for ducks in irresponsible way? My mind was totally disturbed.

The match went on and I was completely in some lost world. I felt so disturbed to such a extent that I didn't realize that sunset came & match also finished. My team won, irrespective of my duck.. but I wasn't satisfied with my own role.

Later I came back home after some chats. Then I went to my room, switched on my fan and struck the bed with uncomfortable mental disturbance. :(

Born to fight for Success?


The entire Sunday was a crap day to me. Morning, I was overconfident and that has shown what I deserve. Then those bats prices, they were too costly for my likings. The things should have been fine if atleast, I would have scored some runs in the evening. Yet another duck! Totally, I was shifted to off-balance.

" How could you be so irresponsible? Tennis ball or plastic ball or cricket ball, your profession is cricket & can't you do your profession professionally? Very poor! ", were my thoughts that disturbed so much in my mind and I did not have dinner that whole night. Somehow, my eyelids closed kissing farewell to that Sunday night & all it hoped was, A better Monday practice in Chepauk...

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Great update surendar your graphics are brilliant, bad luck on your duck.
Great update Surendar! The wait was worth it, great read and great graphics. Shame on the ducks, but its only beach cricket, but imagine the criticism you would`ve got if your club coach was watching! :p Once again, great update, looking forward to the next one mate.
great continuity man... keep it up...
I suggest you to play Cricket professionally itself rather than Gully cricket.

You know Why?

You are best at pro cricket:p

Brilliant update.:hpraise
Great update!! :hpraise Yeah, it quite often seems to happen that after doing well in a high grade one often isn't as good mucking around with mates

Hope you eventually get a 'branded bat' as you say. Maybe you need to score a few more big innings and then ask your teammates about getting sponsorship...
nice updates Suren, your story keeps bringing me back to PC ;)
hey suren, your story(diary) not only seems interesting, it is also inspiring man... by looking at your story, as far as i know, 3 members (including me) have started our versions... two of us are new here!

zaxotes added 1 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...

and one more, what did you use to illustrate those gully cricket moments?

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