Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Great update surendar your graphics are brilliant, bad luck on your duck.

Thank you mate. :) Yes, bit of shame that a player who know to play in cricket ball failed to play in soft tennis ball. :p

Great update Surendar! The wait was worth it, great read and great graphics. Shame on the ducks, but its only beach cricket, but imagine the criticism you would`ve got if your club coach was watching! :p Once again, great update, looking forward to the next one mate.

hehe, already my local club coach just love to scold me, & had he seen my tennis ball game, I would have probably gone to visit him only after entering into Indian team. :D

great continuity man... keep it up...

I suggest you to play Cricket professionally itself rather than Gully cricket.

You know Why?

You are best at pro cricket:p

Brilliant update.:hpraise

Thank you Gary and Zaxotes. :banana2

was just wondering if it was Gally Cricket. anyway nice update Suren.

Yes it was Galli Cricket. :)

Great update!! :hpraise Yeah, it quite often seems to happen that after doing well in a high grade one often isn't as good mucking around with mates

Hope you eventually get a 'branded bat' as you say. Maybe you need to score a few more big innings and then ask your teammates about getting sponsorship...

You will find something in next update. :p

nice updates Suren, your story keeps bringing me back to PC ;)

I am glad that my story has reached the readers properly, thank you. :)

hey suren, your story(diary) not only seems interesting, it is also inspiring man... by looking at your story, as far as i know, 3 members (including me) have started our versions... two of us are new here!

zaxotes added 1 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...
and one more, what did you use to illustrate those gully cricket moments?

Glad to hear that, thanks :) And I used the same fraps to capture the replay of Galli cricket moments. Hope it helps.

Next Chapter Updates coming now, guys. Stay Tuned. :) Thank you a trillions for the wonderful comments and views. :banana2

(14) Team News and Surprises

May 11, 2009
Time - 7:00 AM​

It was a bright Monday morning and I went to nets practice to Chepauk ground 5 minutes earlier. I cannot believe myself that I was able to maintain my punctuality. Some moments like how my local club coach used to scold me for turning up late for the practice, etc etc went past my mind in those five minutes. My TN coach, Raman arrived at 7 AM sharply. We exchanged handshakes and I padded up for the nets practice.

@ Nets Practice


I asked him about the tickets for another journey, i.e to Karnataka. He said that he would be telling that to the team now & it has been scheduled for next day, i.e Tuesday early morning 5 AM. :eek: I was shocked to hear this, since there was hardly a day for getting geared up. Added to this, another shock was that, the match has been scheduled on Wednesday! :mad I was complaining about the lack of plan in deciding the fixtures date & immediately my coach turned me down by saying, " Take it easy! ". :facepalm In the mean time, all the other players turned up for the nets.

My captain, Karthik also joined our discussion, and he was shocked to hear the schedule dates. " It is going to be tiring, hope we get a home game after this! ", Karthik added to our discussion. I asked my coach and the captain regarding the change in team structure. " Is Balaji still playing? :p ", I asked in sarcastic way and this time, my captain got furious on me. :noway " Just because you got a century in your debut, you cannot underestimate the talented man like Balaji! ", he added.

I said, " I am sorry, I was just teasing! " and left for nets practice.

Me Vs Quality Pace bowling!


TN also have some quality bowlers, believe me guys!

With good scoldings from my captain, I silently went for net practice. My coach figured out my change of mood. It was Yo Mahesh who stood with a red ball in his hand. I faced him with plenty of disturbances. I don't know whether Mahesh understood my mind but he tested my mental balance. He bowled a quick bouncer, & I just ducked it by sitting down and ball went above my head. My eyes were like ' :eek: ' and said, " What a classic threatening bouncer! " to myself.

After Mahesh, I saw a new guy there in camp. He was P.Amarnath & it is the first time I saw him in the nets. Later I came to know that he didn't turn up along with the team because of injury. He came charging in and he bowled one deadly bouncer. :eek: IT WAS MORE FURIOUS THAN MAHESH's ONE. :eek: I just managed to get it off from my head. I adjusted my helmet and made sure that there was enough protection.

I cursed myself for cursing Balaji. Probably Karthik would have suggested Mahesh and Amarnath to charge in with the deadly bouncers. However, I managed to leave them alone and stood firmly at the crease with 100% confidence.

"See the red ball alone", command given by my brain to my eyes.


Soon some more bowlers like Ashwin, Suresh and Balaji joined. Karthik kept on assisting the bowlers and gave different suggestions to bowl at me. They bowled to me in different areas i.e different line and lengths. I was so keen to focus only on the red rounded figure that comes near me and I stayed watchful enough to play defensive strokes.

My mind tempted me to go for huge shots but, I was contented to stay on defensive mood. I went behind the ball and made sure that I was able to connect the ball with bat. Added to this, I also made sure that I am not getting any edges too. I was so glad that none of them ended up as edges. My coach said, " Good follow up! " & I thought that he told that to the bowler. But he said, " Suren, it was for you! ". I got delighted :banana2 and it increased my confidence level further.

End of Practice session.


Other batters like Badrinath, Vidyut, Karthik and Mukund also got net practice. Towards the end of nets session, I padded up once again and I stood in front of the stumps with full confidence. It was Balaji, Mahesh and Amarnath again. The first ball was bowled by Balaji and it was slow ball as usual. :p I just came a foot forward and struck the ball with sheer power. The ball went too straight & I nodded my head at Karthik. Probably he would have understood that I gave a reply to his scoldings. :sarcasm Since I didn't want any confusions within the team, I maintained my silence.

With good confidence, I played some attacking shots against Mahesh and Amarnath as well. I felt 100% satisfaction in me when I managed to connect those shots well. It was sweet to feel. :) This was what I missed during the weekend. Fortunately, my confidence level didn't go down because of those tennis ball games. :p

After some minutes, my coach asked us to wind up the session & asked us to come to a room for discussion. He announced the probable XI and I was in the same opening position. I wanted to bat at no 3, but I did not open up and express my desires.

Suddenly my coach got a call in his mobile. He got up and came out of the room to speak over the phone. Myself and team members were relaxing and having some chats regarding our next journey. Suddenly, my coach's head peeped between the door and he called me out.

" What happened all of a sudden? ............................................ ", I wondered and stood up and wiped my face with a small towel and walked out!

" What????????????? ..........." :confused:


I cannot believe that I have been asked to
represent the TN team for Adidas model snap! :eek: :eek: :eek:

There were some group of members with camera in their hand and my coach was talking to them. I did not understand anything but went and stood next to the coach.

He introduced me to the those people and he then introduced them to me. They belong to adidas group and they have come up with the sponsorship to TN team. " Adidas is going to add to our sponsors from now & they wanted a player representing TN to give a small pose to a picture so that it can be added to our TNCA database. ", my coach told me. I understood that I had to give pose to a photograph. :D

Immediately I nodded and took the kits from them and got dressed with new kits. They wanted me to give a picture like batting in front of stumps and hence we went to middle of the chepauk pitch and I just stood with my bat. They captured my photograph and the print came on the spot in that camera. :eek: Then they asked me to sign in that photo as well. :eek: First autograph? :banana2 :banana2 :eek: :banana2 I cannot believe myself. I signed my first autograph. They asked me to check in official TNCA website on the same night. They told that they would be uploading that picture in official website announcing the news of adidas getting added up to the sponsors list.

" This is reward to your role you play for our club! ", my coach said to me and went inside the conference room. We continued our discussion and we decided to leave to Karnataka as planned. This time, we are going by airplane and not train. :) After all the plans, we left the Chepauk stadium.

I went home happily and I was still in 9th cloud after signing that autograph on the photo. I went home and shared this news with all my family members and friends. I gave them the URL of the TNCA website as well and asked to check the site without fail the next day. In that happy moment, I also packed my things for next day's journey.

So, all set to go for next match.... Mixed feelings like failure during weekend in playing the tennis ball, scoldings from my captain, deadly bouncers from Mahesh and Amarnath in nets, attacking shots against the same bowlers and Balaji, and the most important thing of representing TN for the adidas sponsership model.. etc etc made me confident and happy that I felt some nice satisfaction in me.

I think, I am physically and mentally well prepared this time for the match, but things doesn't happen always like we think. Have to wait and see what happens during the match. :upray Stay Tuned to find out more.

An autograph and a snap for adidas:eek:
Those feelings would be great.
And hope Balaji didn't knew your chat with Karthik, as otherwise Some more deadly bouncers and Yorkers would have made a way at you.:p
Great Update mate.
The Writing, The Graphics,etc.[Everything] is PERFECT.:hpraise
So will you be using some addidas kit in the next match?

Those were two incredible updates and this story just continues to improve from update to update :)
Great update. Hopefully you will get your no.3 spot soon, but I am more anxious to find out what goes on between you and Balaji!!
great story bro... you even gave autograph..
BTW, I gave autograph at my debut but you gave it after a FC match..
I am great:p:p
hey suren what do you use to give those fantastic previews man?
@suren: stop playing online and give us an update dude :p
Wow.... Excellent. I always expect something new and better and after a long time, I see your new thread (after India's journey). This is superb.

Keep it up Surenbhai...

(btw I'm Tarzan :spy)
Guys, as some of the members are already aware that, I am struck up in office severely :( Since my project phase is in very critical state, I am giving around 20 hours/day support including the weekends. This hectic situation is likely to continue till October 3rd week ( Thats what I have estimated ) after which, I espect my life to get eased up & should be doing both the stories ( India's journey & career diary ) without any problems. Hope you people understand my situation. Sorry for the inconvenience. :noway Currently, I am even struggling to get my personal balance. This corporate world is just worst!

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