Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Good to see that it hasnt died out, I was thinking it might due to superb updates in your other story. Good performance by Karnataka but I guess you guys can do it. Leave Balaji Alone mate :p
I've read this story somewhat from beginning.Loved that gully cricket update.It was cool.Well,Karnataka have been bundled out for an average score and you guys can catch them.Let's see how you go here.And Balaji is really very bad:p

(15) TamilNadu's Horrible/Pathetic Start

May 13, 2009
Time - 6:10 PM​

With their score of just 200+, our dressing room seemed to be bit overconfident in getting a good lead. Though I felt it very odd to see such a overconfidence in our dressing room, I didn't utter a word when I walked with my captain outside to start our innings.

Walked with Some Sort of Disturbance in Mind.


With good cheerings from my dressing room, we felt the evening sunshine on us as we chipped out of the room. Karthik seemed to be cool, but my mind was very much unsettled for two reasons - 1) I wasn't prepared to bat on the day 1 for some reasons right from the toss 2) I don't want to face Kumble on the evening conditions.

But the things had to continue, we took guard & my captain clearly indicated to me to keep myself cool without taking any risks. " Our main motto - Not to loose wickets! ", Karthik added.

DAMN! Concentration Struggles, " Com'on Suren! " - Uttered Myself!


" Their pace bowling was miles better than ours! ", this was what I felt on the very first ball. Vinay Kumar was their bowler. He started off the things with good threatening manner.

Chain of bouncers reached me & I was totally disturbed by his line & length. For some of the bouncers, I bravely took step to clear them off but I miserably failed. :mad The bouncers went past my head, hit my helmet, struck my gloves, struck my ribcage & totally threatened me on the field.

" Suren, what happened to you? Why you feel too shaky today? Com'on think it as a practice nets session! Feel calm, we have time in our hands. ", Karthik added these words to me between the overs.

Disastrous Fast Bowling Spell by VINAY.


But the pity thing was, person who encouraged me fell in the opponent's trap. :crying Yes, Karthik departed. :noway It was an excellent outswinging delivery from Vinay & Karthik had a firm edge to the slips. He was so much frustrated while walking & this added flavor further to my mind disturbance.

Adding to the opening breakthrough, we were put into huge trouble when last test heros - Badri & Vidyut got departed in the similar way of Karthik. :eek: The ball was swinging very nicely & we batsmen found it too tough to control our shots.

I was kicking myself each & every ball I faced & somehow kept my patience going. I waited for some loose deliveries but I never found their accuracy dropping down.:facepalm In particular, Vinay Kumar! He was the bowler who picked all the important wickets - Karthik, Badri & Vidyut, Three big scoring batsmen!

The pressure on my shoulders was just increasing ball by ball. With Balaji sent as night watchman, the pressure automatically increased. :D

Increase in Pressure ON ME!


Karnataka's pace bowling standard clearly troubled us. I did my best to play just the strokes & get away with those deliveries. But with wickets falling like pack of cards, I was forced to take more & more strikes. When we batters ourselves struggled, it was not a surprise for our coach to see Balaji struggling as well.

Every moment, I tried my best to keep my mind on track to adjust to their pace bowling & outsmart them but I didn't get much success in the clean hitting of bowlers. However, as the time went by, the spinners got introduced. N Prasad & Kumble were the spinners & they continued to carry on the momentum left by their pacers.

Atlast, SOMEHOW the Day Ended for US.


Due to negative mindset or due to the reality fact, Jumbo(Kumble) remained as the toughest bowler for me to face. He just shuffled the deliveries & I totally got confused.

These spinners added further damage to our batting line up. They dismissed our next three batsmen - Balaji, Prasanna, Arun Karthik. Kumble got back to back blows in his two overs.

No wonder, Ashwin got 6 wickets in his 8 overs. It was when myself & Ashwin were trying to read the bowlers' line/length correctly, the day faded off & put a temporary stop on our batting collapse. :mad

Tamil Nadu Scorecard


Scorecard was definitely looking pathetic. The pitch has behaved completely in favor of bowlers till now. 16 wickets in ONE DAY? :what :confused: We could not even imagine a day worse than this. We ( Ashwin/myself ) walked into the dressing room silently which was already filled with tragedic silence.

All That HAPPENED - Can't it be a dream? :what


With me left alone, what else I can do? What other options I have to take my team up from this crisis. With our team trailing by 197 runs, we need some huge showers of luck to fall on us. With this match just being my second match, the pressure & expectations on me from my teamside was very huge. My coach didn't utter even a single word after the horrible collapse & we silently packed our things to the hotel rooms. My mind continues to be in undisturbed state...

Tamil Nadu - 40/6 ( Kar : 237/10 )

Suren Ram : 19* ( 57 )
Ashwin : 0* ( 2 )

Kumble - 2/6 ( 3 Overs )
Vinay Kumer - 3/12 ( 8 Overs )

16 Wickets in One Day? Bowler Friendly Pitch Puts TN in STRUGGLING SITUATION!​

My God! 40/6. Disastrous start for Tamil Nadu. Common Suren a century from you will be great for Tamil Nadu

Great update Suren Bhai.
Oh my!What the hell were the batsmen upto over there?That is disastrous start by you guys,now all hopes on you to get to that total of Karnataka which looks a huge ask atm.Good Luck for that.The updates are just quality.
Great update there Suren. Not a good start at all for Tamil Nadu in their batting innings. It's a bit hard for you to do anything now that you're batting with the tail.
Surrender The Man For Karnataka...Cheer's For Your Knock You Play...

(15 a) Karnataka Overpowers TN, End of Innings 2

May 14, 2009
Time - 07 : 00 AM​

With Tamil Nadu put in the most backward position, I did not have any peaceful night after the Day 1's play. The coach just said few words to me - " You are the only option & make it a chance to mentor your tail-end players". With great difficulties, I forced the sleep to come on me & the next day, I got up at 5 Am without any alarm. :eek: The time quickly passed by as we went back to stadium for the Day 2's play.

May 14, 2009
Time - 08 : 30 AM​

It was just about an hour for the match actions to begin, & my coach called me to have a look at his laptop.

My Coach's Analysis on Me - I


" Suren, these were the areas where the bowlers had their targets. You should be cautious enough and should learn to pre-meditate few things during the play! "

I felt more & more pressure because I never thought about such things when I step into the ground. I just want to play freely like how I wish! :mad

My Coach's Analysis on Me - II


My coach also showed the pitch map, but I wasn't interested that much. It looked fine for me i.e. I only have played the deliveries which I felt comfortable. :sarcasm

Day 2 Actions Begins!


May 14, 2009
Time - 09 : 30 AM​

Day 2 starts with players coming to the field. I walked off with nervousness though I have faced plenty of deliveries on Day 1. The sunshine on me was very bright & I just wished that the day should go well for me. :upray

I instructed Ashwin clearly that there is nothing left for us to hurry up & we should be utilizing most of the time to get comfortable. " No Loss of wickets till Lunch " became a mission Impossible for us. :p

" Don't loose your wicket, Suren ", my heart Pumped UP!


Vinay Kumar, Anil Kumble and NV prasad attacked us with aggressive fielding around us. Obviously when there are two inexperienced blokes batting around, these things are expected. I made sure to remain alert in each and every delivery. I tried my best to keep giving suggestions to Ashwin as well. But he seemed to be cool though.

With all fielders around us, I really don't want the scorecard to stay still. With great difficulties, I did manage to put some of them in the gaps & kept ticking the scorecard. Our first intention was to cross the 100 runs mark but Ashwin disappointed us. :noway

Disappointment after Disappointments.


Vinay Kumar continued to impress with his pace. His two deadly yorkers remained too much for the tail. Ashwin & Srinivasan had no answers for his yorkers & as the result, both the batsmen went back to the pavilion.

Back to back wickets lowered the confidence level of TN in this match. In the other end, I slowly reached to 49 runs and the scorecard was 83 runs. My heart was somehow pumping fast as I was about to reach another 50 of my career. But Kumble deceived me. :mad:

Experienced Jumbo Got my Wicket!


I was deceived by his speed. It looked like a slow delivery & I tried to go over the top but the ball came to me at the speed faster than I expected. :( It struck the gloves & landed safely in the hands of silly point fielder.

I was so disappointed to throw my wicket, but I remained helpless. There was no motivation and no co-operation for me there, what Can I do alone? :sarcasm It is supposed to be a team game, right? :sarcasm I walked back to the dressing room & coach tapped my shoulders and said, " Don't worry, you have done your best well! " :)

Wicket 10 also fell immediately and it was a run out. :doh Tamil Nadu was all out for just 83 runs. It was the biggest nightmare for us. :crying

Batting Scorecard


Bowling Scorecard


Without doubts, it was an impressive bowling performance from Kumble, Vinay Kumar and NV Prasad. They have been exceptional right from the start & with the current lead, Karnataka stay in a very dominating position. How are we going to bounce back? This continues to remain as a mystery for us too in the dressing room.

Tamil Nadu - 83/10 ( Kar : 237/10 )

Suren Ram : 49

Vinay Kumar - 5/19 ( 13 Overs )

Struggles continue for Tamil Nadu, Karnataka to begin the Innings 3 shortly!​

You played well there Suren. But except you there was no one who was able to stay at the crease and 83 is a very low total. I guess we can see some exceptional bowling performance from Tamil Nadu lets see.

Presentation is awesome as usual. :)
I've got to learn a lot from your Indian story. That analysis thing is just mind-blowing. Maybe, I'll be able to do something like that in future for my story. I hope Tom, treva, Pakistani_Army, shantanu_rooney, Ollie_H, you and others (good writers) keep going with your stories for us to learn. I always try to gain something or the other from all the stories which I read.

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