Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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You're still way against the odds, especially with Badrinath gone, but at least you seem to be feeling 'in' and up for the challenge. Personally if I was the coach I would tell you to continue in the same fashion as you finished the day. Get the bowlers heads down, because it's difficult to chase big runs in a 4th innings by just blocking the snot out of it.

Anyway, good update, hopefully they'll keep coming whenever you get the chance!
Just hang in there with the team and the runs will come, gotta be careful
BTW in that Animation, sis the ball fall from the sky? :p
Nice update

(15 d) Dinner Time

May 14, 2009
Time - 07 : 30 PM​

With the day growing darker in the eveninig, we packed our things after a short batting session & returned to our hotels. Karthik and my coach seemed to have some misunderstanding as they remained quiet throughout the bus journey which was hardly 10 mins though! :p I must admit that - though I hate Balaji, he is a very fun filled person. He cracked some jokes in the short journey which we all enjoyed including the driver of the bus.

Wondering what the joke was? .. Well, I can't tell that out as it's a team secret... Still wondering what it was?

Still wondering? Fine! Balaji SANG A SONG! :eek: :siren We all closed our ears. :laugh

May 14, 2009
Time - 08 : 30 PM​

It was around 7 PM by the time we reached our hotel. We went to our respective rooms and started relaxing. I called up my home & told all the things that happened on the day & they were so happy about my crucial role in the team. After the call, I switched on the TV & it was NEO sports that popped up. They were showing our match highlights & luckily, it was TN's batting. I decided to do some self analysis rather than my coach pointing out. Hence, I started watching my OWN batting.

Self Analysis - It does HELP to some extent!


My team folks called for the dinner but I was so interested to see my batting that I asked them to proceed without waiting for me. I forgot my own hunger and tiredness. My only mindset was - HOW TO IMPROVE MY OWNSELF? In what way I could have played some of my shots better?

My Areas of Scoring( Till End of Day 2 )


To be honest, I am/was always comfortable in playing offside shots. The picture which they showed for my batting surprised me. Yes, I got most of my runs in the day in leg side. Though I faced only 29 deliveries, without my knowledge, I did manage to play some of the wrist shots in legside well! :eek: I just wasn't able to believe that I executed those shots well.

I recollected & realized that my focus was only on the red colored round in bowlers' hands. I never bothered to give a thought about the bowler's line/length. Anyways, as soon as I felt that I was flying on some 9th cloud - as if I have scored some 200 or 300, I gave myself a soft tap on my head and came to this world. :D

Karnataka Bowlers' Pitch Map To Our Batsmen


No surprise there that we did not go over any of the short pitched deliveries. We were well aware of the fact - Short pitched deliveries created huge problems for us in the FIRST innings & hence was happy that we were extra cautious this time.

Likewise, both Karthik & Badrinath seemed to have got out in two very good deliveries. Though Badri's one could have been well left, Karthik's one looked as one gem of the delivery. I thanked God that those kind of deliveries failed to land in correct spot when they(bowlers) bowled to me. :p

S.Vidyut/Suren Ram - Partnership Stats


Again, there was no surprise there. Vidyut played as we planned i.e. supportive role. When I told Vidyut about my plans to go over the bowler, he asked me not to, but later, he praised me in not listening to his words. :D My only hopes at present - Convert this small good looking partnership to BIG ONE! It is very much needed for us. :upray

Well, as the match highlights ended, I joined my fellowmates in dinner. We had a quick fun chats & returned back for a good sleep. " Eat or not, make sure you guys are sleeping well to get a fresh mindset to think fresh tomorrow. It's very crucial for us. Good night!", my coach - Raman added before we departed from dinner.

As expected, my mind started wondering/wandering here and there. I just caught hold of it & shut it down! :D With 270 more runs to chase down, Can we do it? Can we provide a strong fightback especially against the dangerous spinners - Jumbo(Kumble) and NVPrasad? Morning session always remained as a main threat to batsmen - We lost 32 wickets in 2 days. So, I was very much aware that it's not going to be easy. But, I made my mind firm & solid before sleeping. Once again, I went to 10th cloud ( Dreams....................... ). :)

Stay Tuned to know more.

TN : 53/2 ( 2nd Innings, 1st Innings - 83/10 )
Karnataka : 168/10( Kar : 237/10 )

Suren Ram : 36*(29)
S. Vidyut : 11* (43)

Aiyappa 1/14( 5 Overs )

Tamil Nadu needs 270 Runs with 8 Wickets Left.​

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Brilliant graphics! Nice idea of representing your innings graphics in a tv show on Neo,keep it up Suren. :)
Good to see it back!

Unlike the other people out there I will be a bit pessimistic and I say that Suren is gonna get a 50 Sehwag-style but get out when he is trying to defend ;)
You don't klnow where you played your own shots :p

Yes, I was mesmerized at the ball. It just came & I just played without any strategical planning. :D

Thank you guys for the great support & encouragement which always make me to try different things & keep the story moving somehow, with difficulty ofcourse. :p Thanks again for all your views & suggestions, it helps me a lot.




TN : 53/2 ( 2nd Innings, 1st Innings - 83/10 )
Karnataka : 168/10( Kar : 237/10 )

Suren Ram : 36*(29)
S. Vidyut : 11* (43)

Aiyappa 1/14( 5 Overs )

Tamil Nadu needs 270 Runs with 8 Wickets Left.​

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Suren MOTM and Tamil Nadu to win the match. :)

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