Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Predict & Play contest -
Match result - Draw
MOTM - Suren

Suren will play a match saving innings here.
No need to post this Zax. He told me on msn that he is damn busy with his offfice work. We should not forget he has a life. Give him some time whenever he is free he updates his stories. :)
No need to post this Zax. He told me on msn that he is damn busy with his offfice work. We should not forget he has a life. Give him some time whenever he is free he updates his stories. :)

i just asked thatsall... i did not force him or yelled at him...
No need to post this Zax. He told me on msn that he is damn busy with his offfice work. We should not forget he has a life. Give him some time whenever he is free he updates his stories. :)
He told YOU but not us. So, be clear:).
And Zax said "Any update", but din't say "Update it".

You must have been bit clear.

BTW, Suren Bhai, take your own time to update:).
Chapter 16
Winning Dreams Shattered!

May 15, 2009
Time - 06 : 30 PM​

With everyone's expectations of bringing the local state team, a victory under pressure conditions - I just walked into the ground with Vidyut for Day 3's play and with 270 more runs to chase in 3 days time for what we can call it as 'Remarkable Win Under Pressure!'. My heart had every right to pump at the highest possible rate & it rightly did so. All I did to calm it down was to ask for a bottle of water towards the dressing room even before the first ball of Day 3.

Probably Need to Learn to Handle Pressure Situations!


All I wished was - just do a rewind on the time :noway

Yes, I remember very well that my score was at 40 on the board and I just needed another 10 for my second milestone of my career in the very second match. I knew that I missed it by a run during the first innings and probably, I was thinking bit too much about it when my own team needs our(myself & Vidyut) partnership to keep ticking.

In one of the deliveries bowled by a mediocre pacer, I just attempted for a suicide while demanding for a quick single after gliding it on the leg side. Fielder did not make any mistake of throwing it back accurately to the stumps, & with hesitations all over between me and Vidyut, bowler collected it clean and had a go at the stumps moving its beautiful bails out. Though I dived big to make my crease safe, on-field umpires went straight to the third umpire. Probably, some crows were hiding the on-field umpires vision when I was making such a big dive at the crease. I was just confident that I made it!

I convinced Vidyut by apologizing for the mess that I made in calling for a run, however I could not believe my own eyes when decision came out. YES, it was RED - OUT! I stood at the crease and inquired for another time to check whether it was really a 'red' light that glowed some moments back. On-field umpires confirmed it as out, & I had to walk back to pavilion.

Frustrations, anger, madness, agitation and all the possible feeling just occupied me when I walked back silently to the dressing room. I was clearly not out, but I really wondered on the world which our 3rd umpire was living on to give such a terrible decision. Oh Well, it wouldn't have resulted if I had not called for an unnecessary single. This should be a lesson for me as it all happened while I was starting to think of a personal milestone over a team's milestone(a possible win!!!).

It was just sad that, after my departure none of the players hanged out for a long time at the crease. They were coming back one by one to the dressing room, it just made me to feel that, 'They all missed me so much that they can't hang around at the crease!' :rolleyes My coach just threw his pencils and books to the ground on seeing the extent of irresponsibility when the target looked very possible at the beginning of Day 3. I continued to feel guilty as it was me who initiated this mess at the start of this day, & it just continued without any recovery. Very sad that, my team wrapped up to 160 runs for the loss of all our wickets giving Karnataka the very big margin of victory by 163 Runs. I was just seated at the corner of my dressing room without giving any single reaction at the happenings, and just kept my head down during the exchange of handshakes after the defeat.

Though it didn't look good on my personal upfront in the dressing room with the grief feelings, my records in state level looked to have started on positive side of my career.

'Don't feel for the past, think what is there to get for the future! You didn't do that bad compared to all the others there, however you need to learn a lot when it comes to playing of a test match!' - My coach handed over this piece of words to me before leaving the ground. I was touched by his words, and I started to the hotel room with my team mates along with my sad feelings on the mess that I made despite all the ill-lucks around me. Well, I just hope it gets better from where I am leaving at this moment.

Suren Ram's Career Figures @ State Level : 30, 176, 49, 40

TN : 160/10 ( 2nd Innings, 1st Innings - 83/10 )
Karnataka : 168/10( Kar : 237/10 )

Suren Ram : 40(36)
S. Vidyut : 39 (90)

Aiyappa 4/30
Karnataka Won by 162 Runs

Recap :

Since this post is just after 774 days(:p), a very high level recap is as below.

For all those who are wondering on this - It's a career story around a character 'Suren Ram', who is starting the career battling every dream of his with the hard works/efforts to make it happen. Would highly recommend the readers to read every chapter indexed on the first post of this thread.

As a writer - though I am highly occupied with my career at this moment, I would try my best in attempting to bring some activeness in this story forum. With new games expected to be released, I would assume this as a right time frame for another story writing era. Hoping the things to go fine. Cheers.:cheers


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