Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Hell yeah! Its back! I love the fact that you are keeping it close to realism and not getting carried away and making a superhuman career of your player in the process.
Thank you. :) It is the moment I realized that there are readers and writers still out here wanting to read/write on the stories section, it inspired me to make a post after 774 days. :D Funny that, there was an alert with red warning message to start a new thread instead of posting on the old thread during my last update!

Also, I would be playing on PS3 as I don't have PC with me at this time with me being away from India for a while due to work stuffs. All I have is only PS3, and will continue this story on the same. Really would love to see this forum again kicking off with stories, hopefully some more writers could come and join me as well. :thumbs
Thank you. :) It is the moment I realized that there are readers and writers still out here wanting to read/write on the stories section, it inspired me to make a post after 774 days.

:D:D:D I didnt had Anything to do with that lol :D
Will have to Read from Page 1 of this Story :D .
Haha, if 2 people( you & Samuels ) had not expressed interest in the stories - probably it wouldn't have stuck my mind for any plans. ;) it's always worth to have a try at refreshing the story forums! With DBC around the corner, I can see few more coming up on the way as well. :)

All we need is bit of patience and determination. Lets see.
Chapter 17
Time to Move ON - Can I pass the selection for IPL to play for Chennai?

May 19, 2009
Time - 08 : 00 AM​

On recovering from the bitter loss against Karnataka, we returned back home with everyone determined to fight harder at home conditions against Uttar Pradesh team. Our coach, WV Raman just maintained silence through out the return journey to Tamil Nadu. Obviously, energy level was down among us but we did not blame each other for the loss. We just accepted it to move over and get better & stronger in the next test match.

With the weekend being spent on the travel back to hometown, I just relaxed the whole day after my travel. I felt disinterested in listening to songs or seeing a movie, just hanged around with my friends the whole day(Monday) to get my thoughts deviated from the bitterness feelings.

It was 10 PM when we all received a text from our coach - 'Make sure, you attend the nets tomorrow @ 6:30! Good Night!' I did not reply to the text, however I started feeling positive in me that I could do much better on home conditions. After all, it was the ground which I scored 200 runs on my first test in state level. This created an excited feeling in me that, I couldn't just sleep till 2 AM. :p

6 AM .. 'Triinnnnngggggg'! Yes, a loud alarm at my ears and I just felt dizzy to get up with me hardly slept around 4 hours. I just banged the alarm back & dozed off again. :eek:

My coach called me up & said - 'You are fired from TamilNadu state cricket'! A voice that took me to panic.... But then, I realized that it was just a dream! :rolleyes However, I stayed in panic kicking myself out of the bed as it got very late to the training nets. YES, it was 8 AM! DAMN! I rushed to training nets reaching the ground @ 8:30 AM. Oh my *******! it was 2 hours late when I observed everyone finishing up their practicing sessions. :noway I apologized to my coach, & he seemed to be very disappointed with the maturity level that I have been displaying for past few days - on & off the field. :(

" You seem to be over confident, I guess you would need to realize what the word 'bench' means to the players. I thought of nominating your name for Chennai franchise in upcoming IPL season, but I have now changed my mind. You need to prove yourself and earn yourself the opportunity! " - says WV Raman, The coach of Tamil Nadu.

Extended Nets Session but still Guilty!


Every time I wish to rewind my time, I deserve this!

This was my toughest day of my life where someone made me to look bad that, I started feeling guilty from the moment I heard those words from my own coach. Now, I am not even sure whether I would be in playing XI for my next match but I continued to feel worse on hearing the mentions of IPL. Obviously, it would have been my golden opportunity to play for some franchise which would inturn bring me some lights of INTL experience and the selection in National side. Looks like, I have dropped my own cup of tea down. :noway

On my request to my coach for extended nets session for the second chance, he agreed to spend some more time with me. Yo Mahesh, TN key pacer also assisted us for the extended session. He started bowling at me & I continued to face the heat again. Geeezzzz, it was all bouncers! Yes, I should have preferred the nets next day instead of insisting for an extended session. :p

It looked like, he purposefully bowled at my ribcages & my face! :rolleyes I had to check my shot everytime, but it was this moment which I realized that I am so poor at playing the well pitched bouncers. Yo Mahesh outclassed me at the nets, and I hardly managed to place the ball with my bat. Coach called off the session after 30 minutes and the day was pretty much bad for me after that. Things continued to be on worse side as I started thinking over the words of my coach again & again even after reaching home.

Poor thing is, I couldn't prove myself in the 30 minutes nets session as well! Will I be in playing XI for the match against UP at my home ground? Will I get a second chance for my behavior? Will I prove my coach to nominate me for the selection for Chennai Super Kings in the IPL? Will I even bang my alarm next time which triggered all bad things of this day? - So many, so many questions kept running in my mind as my eyes closed for the night's sleep!

Suren Ram's FC Career Figures @ State Level :


Battle Continues in Suren Ram's Career! Is it always 'Born to fight for success?', Stay Tuned to find out more.

Chapter 18
Any Penalty for breach of behavior? TN Vs UP - Ranji Trophy, Match 3

May 21, 2009
Time - 10 : 00 AM​

With all the necessary preparations for our 3rd match Vs Uttar Pradesh, our entire team reached the Chepauk stadium by 8 AM. Thank God that, I did not over-sleep by snoozing the alarm again & I was on time to the ground for the main match. However, tension within me prevailed as I wasn't sure whether I would be in the playing XI. As soon as I saw Raman, our coach - I immediately rushed near him to know more about the playing XI. One shock that created tremors in me was the return of Murali Vijay who was on INTL duty for first 2 matches. :eek:

Despite the sign of negativity, I still hoped for positive signs somewhere. I didn't utter even a single word after seeing Vijay in the dressing room. "Damn, why the hell is this guy around at this time!" - I uttered these within myself. :p My coach also refused to utter a single word( not even a good morning wish ) at me, looked like he is still angry at me for my behavior in the nets. :noway

Beautiful Conditions @ Chepauk Stadium!


But the pitch looked like batsmen's devil :eek:

Keeping aside my tensions, I was just observing at the conditions at the ground and I should admit that it was beautiful clear skies though it stayed on hot side a bit. With having a close look at the pitch - it looked to have some cracks opening up early, and it seemed to me as a bowler friendly pitch with batsman needing to wait patiently for getting the fruit out of it.

I was just impatient that I started speaking about these pitch conditions to my coach and the team, Raman immediately responded saying 'You don't have to worry about it!'. Does that mean, I am out of this game already? :( Waves of tension filled my stomach which kept my face dull. Tamil Nadu Skipper(D Karthik) patted me on my shoulders like a convincing one for which I did not get his interpretation. Captains were ready for the toss, I was still not confirmed about my presence in the line-up.

UP Won the Toss & elected to Bowl First


Huge Relief for me after the Toss! Guess what? :D

Uttar Pradesh Skipper won the toss and elected to field without any hesitations. This was an expected decision from the team winning the toss considering the pitch conditions, as none is aware of how crucial it would be for those cracks opening up early! Uneven bounce? Ball keeping low? Ball swinging more? None knows.

It was only during the toss when my coach informed me that, " You guess what? I am not going to keep you in bench, but I am going to send you as last possible recognized batsman in the line up for today. Meaning, you should prove your worth to me if you really like to keep climbing the ladder higher & higher. No excuses if declaration is done even before you go & bat! Nothing against you, but I am very frank in giving you this open challenge. Good luck! "

Well, this made me to run out of my reactions as I didn't know what reaction to give back. :p One side, I was happy that I am still in playing XI. On the other side, I was under pressure to prove myself better to my coach. I just accepted it and moved quietly back to dressing room. After hearing that we would be batting first, I passed good luck message to Vijay & Anirudh - changed openers for this match.

Teams : [Left Side] TN XI [Right Side] UP XI


Actually, I didn't like this picture :D

Looks like, the line ups were changed to a significant amount compared to last game and I felt lucky a moment for staying in playing XI still. Like my coach said - I am being placed as batsman number 7, only 4 bowlers to follow after me. :rolleyes However, I did not like the fact that we are going with only 1 specialty spinner & 3 pacers in this match while UP have 2 key spinners in their line up.

Good or bad, pressure or no pressure, gain or loss - I made my mind that I would be going for it by staying positive on whatever happens. Hope I can survive this 'Survival of Fittest' competition. All my dream is to have a blue cap in National side for which, I am ready to sacrifice anything. Hope 'All is Well'. Just sat quietly in the seats watching Anirudhu & Vijay getting ready for the battle against UP.

Suren Ram's FC Career Figures @ State Level :


TN : 0/0( 1st Innnings )
Anirudh : 0*
M Vijay : 0

Battle Still continues in Suren Ram's Career! Is it always 'Born to fight for success?', Stay Tuned to find out more.

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I'm loving these update Suren! I read this story a week or so ago when I was browsing the forum, reminiscing haha. Looking forward to new updates :)
I read your hole story when your not active here.good see you back and continuing the great work.:clap
Thank you Leftie & Arun :) Great to know that we have quality readers still around in our forums for supporting the writers. Thank you again.
A Teaser!
Lunch Time Update, Day 1 - TN Vs UP, Coming Soon!


...Stay Tuned to Find Out More...

That track looks lose enough to be fit for a digging a grave. Good luck Ram!

Did I forget to mention that is brilliant PS skills at display and good writing too. Nicely done.
Your Presentation is just Mind blowing.
I am still way back in the Story, trying to catch up. :D .
But yeah nice Story and just loving the presentation for your work :thumbs
Chapter 19
It's time that matters! TN Vs UP - Day 1, Lunch

May 21, 2009
Time - 02 : 00 PM​

After our team was asked to bat first, Murali & Anirudh went from the dressing room with very determined manner. Though I was coming as #7 batsman, I just hoped for my team to get on with a good start. That had some selfishness as well - Well, who would prefer to get into platform under pressure than the one under well settled conditions? I sat in the next row behind my coach and the every moment right from ball 1 just kept my heartbeat increasing every now and then.

Fabulous Work from RP Singh & Praveen Kumar


...Tougher & The Toughest...

Both the pacers utilized the conditions of the pitch which did bit too much than expected. Yes, the early cracks on the pitch helped these pacers with swing and an uneven bounce. Most of the times, RP & Praveen just kept it low swinging into the batsmen asking questions in batsman's mind most of the times.

Anirudh & Vijay did not look comfortable in putting away the deliveries for runs. Scorecard looked like no changes happening to the runs. First bounday(4) came only during 9th over of the innings. Looking at these things, I somehow wished that I shouldn't come to bat on this Day 1. Am personally expecting the pitch to soften up as day progresses with favor turning back to batsmen after first day.

Wickets fell like a Pack of Cards!


What is happening? :eek:

Very first wicket was Anirudh which was an unfortunate way to be dismissed in a test match - Yes, RUNOUT! Batsmen were so desperate in keeping the scorecard ticking that they fell into the trap of committing suicide while calling for a run. Replay showed that Anirudh was well short of the crease and he had to come back to pavilion with sad/frustrated face.

I tried to convince Anirudh by saying better luck next time, but it was disappointing still. However, this did not just stop. UP skipper introduced Mishra early in the spell & it started to be devastating even more. Wickets kept falling and batsmen were returning one after another to pavilion.

I even thought that coach would send me as no 4 as he always looked to be on challenging side of me, but he was biting his nails in a rejected manner by looking at the things happening for our team.

Vijay - Calm & Steady Resistance


Something positive out of Many Negatives for TN

Vijay on the other end looked comfortable of the things he was doing on the pitch. He just maintained his calm temper, and tried taking singles only when situation offered him something. However, we were onto our foot cheering when he smashed Mishra - a HUGE SIX! We all thought that pitch might turn a bit soft after the first 1 hour, but wickets didn't stop. I started to pad up as I was very certain that I would be there on the ground shortly, though as number 7! :eek:

TN skipper was dismissed for a duck, Badrinath went back to pavilion without any resistance. Wickets kept tumbling as TN reached 30/4. Karthik joined Vijay though I was very much tempted to go out and face the challenge. This would be an ideal situation to play an heroic role, but I guess I was too much greedy that my coach was contented to send Karthik. :D

Karthik and Vijay provided some resistance and team went past 50 runs and we were close to lunch time. It was just when we were having some smile in the dressing room, Vijay was dismissed. :( It was 20+ runs partnership but it broke before it reached some milestone.

Yes, it was time for me to go to the pitch! "Make sure that you don't come back the very next second you leave from here " - my coach said this with lot of frustrations.

Awaiting Moment for ME under Pressure!


.... Yes, it was very Nervous! .....

As soon as I joined Karthik, he passed few information regarding the pitch conditions. I was told that, turn and bounce was so unpredictable that I should keep my eyes wide open. I was comfortable when he preferred to help me but I realized that he wanted to dominate there than helping me.

" You don't have to call me for a run unless you see the ball going the fieldsmen near boundary ropes. It would be my call, wait for my call before you decide on what to do " - I just felt it so illogical and uncomfortable on hearing that he wouldn't trust my decisions, probably due to my inexperience in the side? Well, with the situations/pressure around - I just had to nod my head. With play closing towards the lunch time, I was contented with playing defensive strokes and umpires removed the bails off for the lunch.

Myself & Karthik walked back to pavilion, though he just walked first to the dressing room without waiting for me. :mad However, I didn't mind it. I was just merrily chatting with RP Singh and Mishra of my opponent team with the tease that they just got lucky with the conditions on pitch for having dominated for entire session. ;)

"Oh, you are still hanging around for these 20 balls? Don't get overwhelmed with this, you are still in the figures of being unimpressive( i.e. 0 next to my name in the runs section ). You need to prove me wrong still, all I would say is to go & hunt down in hunger! " - my coach said these to me and left the place as soon as I reached the dressing room. I decided to skip eating, Yes I just drank some fruit juice and waited for the session to begin.

TN : 71/5( 1st Innnings, 30 Overs )
Karthik : 20*(63 balls)
Suren Ram : 0*(20 balls)

M Vijay : 27(56)


Battle Still continues in Suren Ram's Career! Is it always 'Born to fight for success?', Stay Tuned to find out more.

Good job here suren nice to see some old timers making a story still. this part of the forum died out huh? :(

I'm sure you're waiting for db14 that will help this story a lot?

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