Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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(14 b) Pre-Match Events

May 12, 2009
Time - 2:30 AM​

Surprisingly without any alarm I woke up at 2:30 AM & started to feel some tension for the next match vs Karnataka. I got ready soon in 30 minutes & left the house @ 3:15 AM & headed towards the airports. My parents were keen to send me off from airport but I denied them as it was too cold outside. I searched for Auto's or Taxi's but the road remained deserted. With great difficulty, I managed to woke up a auto fellow from his sleep & agreed to give a high amount. :noway I reached airport @ 4:15 AM and found that my team members were already waiting for me. We then headed towards the security check-in & waited for the airbus. It came @ 4:40 AM and the flight was delayed by 15 minutes. We boarded the airbus & then the flight.

Here we come, Karnataka!


May 12, 2009
Time - 6:30 AM​

Time flew away like a second & we reached Bangalore airport in a hours time. I slept off even in that one hour while my team mates kept chatting with each other. :p

Karnataka cricket association was very kind enough to receive it's visitors as they arranged an air conditioned bus to the hotel. We went straight to the hotel and stepped into our rooms. We got ready for the breakfast & spent the time in a room discussing all the strategies. Raman clearly told us that Karnataka team would be very competitive & strong with senior players like Kumble & Dravid still playing for the state even after their retirements from national side. :eek:

I was shocked to hear that legends like Dravid & Kumble are going to play against our young looking side. :eek: At the same time I was excited to meet those two gentlemen. :banana2 I planned secretly to get an autograph from them(Dravid & Kumble). Coach continued to give all the necessary tactics & motivation for next day's match. We did some short catching session outside the hotel & took rest majorly. The day passed & the match day arrived...

Last Minute Preparations.


I tried to search more for Dravid & Kumble practicing than
me practicing. :D
May 13, 2009
Time - 6:30 AM​

Yes, it was the match day & we got ready for the nets session before the match. I padded up for the practice & there was no change in the decision of sending me as the specialist opener. I suggested no 3 position for myself but my coach didn't get convinced.

" Look Suren, you do have the ability to spend long time at the crease & play watchfully at the bowlers. So your major job is to soften the new ball making the job easy for our middle order players to continue the momentum! ", my coach added. I was not in the position to deny him, so I convinced myself & played the practice session with confidence.

I started off with leaving some good deliveries & a guy called Amarnath bowled a deadly bouncer which did hurt by shoulders. But fortunately, there was nothing serious as it was just few minutes pain. I took rest for few minutes and continued the remaining session with confidence. This time, I also had a feeling that our fast bowling got enhanced a bit.

Finally, The Match.


Our practice session came to an end & the match time came. We all packed up the practice kits and went to our arena. I silently went with my captain, Karthik to have few glances at the pitch. The pitch did look to be supportive for the bowlers. My heart was beating fast as I don't want to bat on this pitch & was praying that Karnataka should bat.

Surprisingly, Karnataka chose to bat first after winning the toss. :eek: Kumble expressed his view of getting the spin assistance on later days from the pitch. However, I was relieved as I am not going to bat any time sooner. :p Karthik also seemed to be happy with the way the things have started.



My opening partner is My captain

I was surprised when the final XI was decided. Mukund was missing from the list. I felt sorry for him for being left out from team XI. Karthik decided to bring himself up the order & accompany me in the opening position.

Amarnath was also added to the side to strengthen the bowling line up. We went with confidence for the match & we huddled together before the start of the match. Everything was set for the match to start & I stood in slips along with my captain. I was surprised to see even Uthappa in Karnataka squad. Yo Mahesh had the ball in his hands & the umpire gave signal to start the match...

Kar : 0/0

B Chipli : 0*
R Uthappa : 0*

Karnataka chose to bat first.

That's more like it!
You are back!
Dravid and Kumble playing against you is really not a good news for TamilNadu.
Good Luck to you.
And,How many times should I say-'Great presentation'
Bro, tackling Kumble isn't a big thing. I'll get him to the Blitzers nets and you practice against him at Golden Dragon..:p:p
BTW, its a great presentation ever seen in PC.
Great story Suren!
Though I've only read your last to updates, and they've both been a great read.

(14 c) Karnataka First Innings - 237 AllOut!

May 13, 2009
Time - 4:30 PM​

Number 13 - An unlucy number for me. I hate to do any good things on that day. When Karthik made me to stand in slips, I was bit nervous & was kicking my mind, " DON't DROP ANYTHING COMING TOWARDS YOU! ". YoMahi & Amarnath shared the new ball for us and they did produce some good deliveries. Unfortunately, Uthappa seemed to have been in great mood.:sarcasm

No Peace of Mind for ME!


Balaji always spoil my mind, it's just horrible to see his bowling! :sarcasm

Uthappa looked very threatening right from the ball 1 he faced. I wanted to go near him & remind him, " Dude, this is a test match! ". :p However, Amarnath got rid of Chipli by a sensational bouncer. The batsman went clueless as the ball struck his glove and went straight to the silly point.

The experienced Dravid walked in. I felt like running to him & getting an autograph. :p He looked like an extraordinary gentleman when he arrived. He showed his class in his batting too. Uthappa & Dravid got rooted to the crease & Mahesh-Amarnath didn't get any clue to break this pair.

Karthik immediately turned his trust to, BALAJI! :facepalm I didn't utter a single word, but silently was cursing that bloke. :spy To me, who was standing in the slips, the bowler's runner up completely looked unthreatening & crap.:doh Dravid & Uthappa did not find any problems in putting those away all around the park. Uthappa, in particular went crazy at times.

Unlucky Pacers


Pitch looks green, but pacers are not finding any help!
Are they unlucky, Or they really struggle?

Amarnath-Mahesh-Balaji-Srinivasan were experimented continuously by Karthik. The pitch looked very green & hence the trust of Karthik on these pacers was understandable. But the pacers were made to look very ordinary by these experienced pair - Uthappa & Dravid.

The partnership grew & became stronger & lunch time was called. Uthappa was about to reach his fifty & the partnership was already 50+. Dravid, however was just contended to stay for the long time at the crease rotating strikes.

" No wonder, he is called as Indian WALL! ", I blabbered to my coach. He looked at me and said, " What? ":D I managed to change the topic by stating our bowling weakness.

' India can't be long time No 1, as they DON'T HAVE CHAMPION BOWLERS - Chappell ', I quoted this article as the reference & asked my coach, " If he can come out with such a beautiful analysis of our poor pace bowling, why can't we do something to it? I wish I was born as a fast bowler. If the pace bowling comes out as an extraordinary one in domestic level, then we could produce champion bowlers in international level ", I added. Poor Balaji didn't get that I was criticizing him indirectely. :laugh

Getting Even More Pathetic - Fielding.


:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

After lunch, the thing which annoyed me was Balaji's fielding. Karthik introduced me into the attack for a change. This surprised me because, I am not at all a good bowler. Introducing me ahead of Ashwin really took me by surprise.

In one of my overs, Balaji just left two fours without even taking any effort. For first time, I struck my foot angrily at the grass & umpire looked at me with odd face. In very next ball, samething happened.

I was like, " What the F***, Balaji! ". I shouted the same but anyways, Balaji didn't hear this. He just realized that I showed my angry face at him. Karthik, TN captain, however did his captaincy job perfectly. " Controlling the temper even when we loose is very important, Suren! ", he said. That was indeed true. :p

Karthik also did mention few things to Balaji, may be about the fielding near boundary ropes? ;)

Ashwin - Yet again, A Troublemaker for opponents. :hpraise


Karthik's only plus point obtained among his bowlers - Ashwin

It was Uthappa's run out which opened the new doorway for us. Yes, typical Dravid style run out. It was when Uthappa called Dravid for 2, he refused lately to Uthappa's call. This resulted in Uthappa's suicide.

It was the same time, where Karthik brought Ashwin too. After Ashwin was brought into attack, the things changed miraculously for us. :eek: The wickets kept falling like pack of cards. Ashwin grabbed 6 wickets within his 8 overs. :eek: I was shocked to see such a champion spin performance from this talented young bloke. :hpraise

Yo Mahesh did not have any problems in cleaning the last two tailenders. We were brought back to the commanding position because, they were all out for 237 runs. Things looked good for us, & unfortunately, I had to bat now. :( Number 13 in date.. the pitch looking green.. Kumble's spin might be huge one to face .. all these factors kept running continuously when I was putting my gloves on!

" Good luck, dude. Our main mission - Not to sacrifice ourselves! ", said my opening partner - KKD Karthik. Somehhow, I was very much tensed when I got up from my chair & took the helmet in my hands and walked towards the play area.

As I came out of the dressing room, I looked at the clouds for some rain from somewhere... but, the IDIOTIC SUN winked at me & did put his toungue outside taking me to the next level of irritation. :p

Karnataka - Scorecard


TN - Bowling Card


Right, after all the lonely hardworks from Ashwin, can we batters live up to the expectations taking TN to a good lead? In particular, could I be successful against the mighty Jumbo(Kumble) & co? We will wait and see what happens. Stay Tuned! :)

Tamil Nadu - 0/0 ( Kar : 237/10 )

Suren Ram : 0*
KKD Karthik : 0*

Luck favors us in form of Ashwin! Can we utilize during our batting? Well, I am tensed!​

Dang! Ashwin is good!! You better get some wicket soon, atleast you're economical, Good update :D

You know, I am not a bowler at all. I only know to release the ball from my hands & after that I don't know what happens. I wonder why my captain has even a little trust in my bowling. :p KKD Karthik can bowl better than me I feel. ;)
Once again a good update BTW i never expected Dravid to get out by a spinner :noway anyways its a story ....:)

But, he irritated so much even in the game. He faced 100+ balls for that 30+ runs. :eek: Till lunch, Karthik didn't even bring on Ashwin. :mad: :p

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