Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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I have been reading this story for quitea time..Don't know why I didn't care to comment..
The story is damn brilliant man...All those things....Well sometimes I feel like this shall go on like a movie where the Hero always does the great things..I also thought that Suren will score a ton in every match and all..But the story becomes too much unexpected at times..that makes it damn interesting..Keep up the good work!
Chapter 25
TN Vs UP, End of Match, Suren's ton in Vain & Injury pulls Mr.Ram out for 4 Weeks

May 24, 2009
Time - 11 : 00 PM​

With twisted and swollen ankle, I was being examined in hospital awaiting my medical results. Only thing I realized was, I wasn't able to move my leg and remained on the bed through out the night. Both Karthik and Raman called me to find out more on my health informing to take good rest without worrying or thinking about the match stuffs. My eyes just closed longing for good sleep due to heavy medications to avoid pain.

TN Bowlers attempt in VAIN - Raina played a spoilsport!


Just ONE more wicket would have taken the contest to edge, but full credits to Raina taking control of the situation

With UP coming into Day 4 having to chase 211 runs to win this match, it was a real challenge for TN bowlers to get some early wickets. Surprisingly session 1, which was known to produce high number of wickets on a day( from behavior of last 3 days ), turned out to be in favor of batsmen for the first time in this match. Gupta & Raina started to look solid with regular rotation of strikes and playing the game with atmost maturity. Yo Mahesh, Balaji, Sam and Kumar were shuffled for several short spells but UP batsmen looked to have been in entire control of the context nearing the target.

As soon as Gupta reached his fifty, Balaji finally opened up the small window by getting rid of the fifty man! Gupta, while trying to go after Balaji, got a thick inside edge on one of the slower deliveries and he was sent back to pavilion. Nath, who replaced Gupta joined hands with Raina and got some quick acceleration of the score. In other end, Raina who was known to play some agressive strokes, just walked past his half century with ease and energy levels of TN bowlers kept going lower. In particular, Kumar who was our only spinner was smashed all round the park by both Raina & Nath.

With continuous fight being put up by TN bowlers, Sam did get another break-through by getting rid of Nath with another inside edge bowled but Srivastava added another little partnership with Raina. Day 4 pitch just looked like a batting paradise with the way UP batsmen were accelerating their scores. Raina, with all greatness, lead from front on the pitch taking UP close to victory. There was only a little margin left( around 30+ runs ) when Srivatsava got dismissed, but TN bowlers did not have another opportunity to get break through with Raina finishing the remaining things to get that victory for UP. Suresh Raina, remained unbeaten on 97 Runs helped UP to a great extent but things could have turned out tighter if TN bowlers could have managed to get a wicket or 2 after Srivatsava's departure. Though there wasn't much challenge for UP to finish their things up, my knock of 199 Runs looks to stand out still as one of the finest knocks in attempting to restore a team back on winning road. Just was disappointed more when I heard the news next day on this loss, & all I felt in me was to run back immediately for practice session. Yes, it is kind of very hard feeling when you realize that you could have done bit more extra giving chance for your team to be on the strongest position. :(

All the Odds of Fate against ME? But, Why ME?


I know it is swollen, I know it cannot move but I want to go above & beyond battling my ill-fate of my career! Geeezzz!

Latest medical reports in hospital added further disappointments to me, my ankle bone have hair-size fracture & doctors just advised me to be on bed for 2 full weeks and start attempting to walk only from the week 3. This means, I will not be able to participate in any of my state's matches for next 4 weeks at the minimum and this could go longer if condition doesn't improve quickly.

Oh! :eek: My cricket dreams at threat? :( My dreams of IPL selection shattered? :mad Is this the result which my destiny gives me after a brave attempt out of nowhere in my career? Is 'Fortune favoring the BRAVE' just a group of no meaning words put together? :noway All these frustrations and disappointments led to the restless behavior on hospital bed, a kind of depression you can say! People around me just tried to convince me, and my family called Karthik directly explaining the situation. All I heard from Karthik is, ' Tell your son not to worry, TN cricket team is gifted to have such a brave bloke in our side & it is not the end. He can break all these shackles in no time, looking forward to it '. Yes, phone was on speaker and I managed to hear those sweet words despite my restless condition. My day just ended with my mind continuing to torture me & pain killers inducting a good deep sleep on top of all these.

What will happen next? None knows the destiny in advance!

UP : 262/5( 2nd Innnings, Day 4 )
[ TN : 333/10, UP : 378/10, TN : 306/10, UP win by 5 wickets ]

Suresh Raina : 97*(128 balls)
Gupta : 55(85 balls)

Y Mahesh : 2/50(15)

Will Suren Ram be strong enough to make a positive come back? Is this injury, a career threaten so early in career? Stay Tuned to find out MORE. :)
I have been reading this story for quitea time..Don't know why I didn't care to comment..
The story is damn brilliant man...All those things....Well sometimes I feel like this shall go on like a movie where the Hero always does the great things..I also thought that Suren will score a ton in every match and all..But the story becomes too much unexpected at times..that makes it damn interesting..Keep up the good work!

Thank You Anirudh for popping up here & reading this. Very much appreciated on the feedback. Thanks. :)

Wow, how unlucky he is:( 199, 1 just one 1 needed to touch sky high figures. How cruel this game is:(:p

haha, yea even I did not expect that I will get dismissed as I had 200 in my mind while playing the game. :D

Hoping for speedy recovery for Ram.:)

Hoping for speedy release for DBC 14, as I am feeling that it would help a lot in terms of career mode. Especially, after seeing the play session videos. :p

Thank you guys for the feedback, very much appreciated on the views given which is much needed for any writer. :cheers
Chapter 26
Return of Suren Ram, Challenges & Opportunities!
... FOUR weeks After ...

June 21, 2009
Time - 7: 00 AM​

After being advised to take complete rest for speedy recovery of my ankle, I completely opted out from any outdoor activities though I was discharged from hospital after first few days. I wanted to try walking around, but I couldn't and I only realized the pain every time I attempted to do so. I kept texting and calling Karthik & my coach to keep them updated about my health progress and they were much pleased to hear everytime from me. My coach even came to my home on one of the weekends to inquire on my conditions. It took complete 3 weeks for me to even walk from one room to other room. It was one of the Sunday mornings in 3rd week, where I just smiled big after realizing that I could walk a bit finally! Damn, none was awake in my home during this time and I just cursed myself in not capturing this as photo, as it felt as great as reaching a milestone. My post in facebook @ sunday 7 AM - 'Finally, a sunshine I could see after 20 days!'. I went to next room knocking the doors of my parents and they were so relieved to see me walking as well. I immediately texted both my coach & Karthik who were in middle of training for Ranji matches.

My First Practice Session after 4 Weeks!


Felt a minor pain to start running after long time, but my coach kept giving right directions/motivations to restart the things slowly!

With Ranji matches progressing in other end, I was hearing the continuous struggle of Tamil Nadu to win the matches. As a shocking news, we had back to back loss against UP and Baroda and drawing the game with Mumbai with signs of coming back positively. With the 6th match against Delhi going on in similar manner of 'draw', our team record in 2009 Ranji turned out to be pretty poor to be honest,

In short, we are yet to register our first win in the tournament. This indeed was frustrating, but our coach and the skipper really maintained their positive directions to our players. My legs were very itchy to run back to practice nets in the fourth week after my injury, however I had to consult my doctor before I start applying any pressure on my legs. Fourth week was my real challenge to start walking and give some practice to my legs, rightly so I did slow walking exercise in the beach for 1 full hour in the early mornings. I realized that I was able to run slowly during the mid week and I was glad to be on positive side in terms of my health progress.

With doctor giving me clearance on my conditions on Saturday evening( June 20 ), I informed with all excitements to my coach that I would be part of practice nets on Sunday even though they were in middle of the match against Delhi. Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!! I packed up my gears and drove fast to my training nets after a month and the feeling of it could not be just explained in words. It was such a nice feeling inside me to see the sights of a cricket pitch once again! :yes Raman & Karthik warmly welcomed me after a break, & everyone in my team were nice enough to hear detailed stories of my conditions.

With running as my first practice, I felt some sorts of uncomfortableness but my coach kept running with me giving all sorts of motivations. This was really a nice gesture from Raman despite the conflicts we had during our matches against Karnataka & UP. " You can & You will! ", was being told to me every time I was about to give up running practice in every corner of the ground. In the end, I was not able to believe that I made a good lap around the ground without giving it up easily. Then took my bat, to play some defensive strokes in the nets but did not take much time as our boys were in middle of serious practice for the 'in progress' match against Delhi. I did look for Delhi players to see whether I can meet Sehwag or Gambhir but couldn't see any signs of Indian side players. :p

Thankful to my Coach(Raman) & Skipper(Karthik), just couldn't believe MY EYES!


Four weeks might be a tough battle against my confidence & will power, but not everyone gets opportunity like this! Ready for yet ANOTHER challenge...

It was when I was about to leave the TN dressing camp after practice, Raman asked me to check the mail immediately. I did ask on the information, but he just asked me to check it myself. My heart started pumping faster, as I had to wait till I get back home to check the mail myself. Damn, I left my mobile in home as well! Just kept bugging Raman & Karthik to tell me the context, & they replied - " Not sure how to say, we are glad to see you in practice after a month's gap but you should also understand that we are moving towards the last half of Ranji Trophy matches. What we think, it is time for you to stay out of TN dressing room for a while and it is all for your own GOOD! "

This really made me to feel nervous as I wasn't clear on their message. Not sure, whether I am being asked to wait until the next season. I immediately left the place going back home with all sorts of tension in me. I wanted to continue playing cricket & I do not want any more ill-luck on me.

:eek::eek: To my own surprise, I just couldn't believe anymore after checking my mail box! :eek::eek: Yes, my eyes go so big and my mouth went dumb in shock to see that, I have been awarded for my performance. Cricket academy has nominated me for U19 Indian side, which is just unbelievable. I was expecting IPL call up, but I was able to smell some serious 'CAREER TURNING' opportunity to represent the country for U19. Oh boy! This is just not a dream, it is happening for REAL! :yes

I immediately conferenced Raman & Karthik to be forever thankful, and Karthik rightly confirmed that it was my coach who pushed my nomination strongly after seeing the potential in me against the match Vs UP. Back to back century & the way I have responded to my team's challenge, all led to this strong nomination from my coach. Karthik also confirmed the minimum criteria for this award to be having played atleast 10 innings, but it was due to my coach's continuous insist on several factors, the academy accepted my nomination as I have just played 6 innings. My willingness and interest towards the state team along with continuous updates to coach/skipper during those 4 weeks injury time also added as plus factor in contributing with responsibility as a team player.

What Mr. Suren Ram has really done in Past?


A small recap of the past, all the tough times just seem to have gone past me in seconds!

Suren Ram is just yet another normal bloke for having started his cricket career with his Infamous DREAM of Winning the 2011 World Cup for India. There is nothing to blame him, as dreams during sleep is quite normal for every human being in this small world. An interesting fun fact was, Suren Ram never turned out to be responsible person unless a door bell rings in his mind scolding him to turn responsible, Yes such a playful chap but seemed to have lot of potential hidden inside him.

Is he a pet of any of his coaches? How does Suren Ram manage to make progress forward despite so many obstacles and irresponsibility? Does he get any partiality from his coach?

Well, answer would be a 'Yes' and a 'NO'! With respect to his coaches, he always have had mixed conflicts and positives in terms of relationship, no matter whether it was his local club side coach or the state level coach. Important Day of Suren Ram started with scoldings followed by a good news mail in his inbox, and he really worked very hard to get his selection push through for his state level. There is no doubts in commitments when he really applies it, but just a some sort of playfulness in him that has always remained as a threatening obstacle for his career.

After signing his TNCA contract, he really worked hard to earn his chances inside team XI for Tamil Nadu. With so many players waiting on benches to earn opportunity to national side, Suren Ram accepted this challenge gracefully pushing himself further & further along with several ego/attitude clashes with his team mates.

  • How can I forget my my first century on DEBUT Vs Maharashtra?
  • How can I forget my FIRST wicket, though I am NO bowler before.
  • How can I forget my first appreciation of my academy?
  • How can I forget the feeling of having butterflies, every time the playing XI is announced?
  • How can I forget my back to back tons leading to self destruction? This takes his stats for having scored 3 crucial tons in his 6 innings, with track record of close to 600 runs in 6 innings(30 & 176 Vs Maharashtra,49 & 40 Vs Karnataka,101 & 199 Vs Uttar Pradesh).

Now with this news of U19, this is taking Suren Ram to a next level filled with so many challenges and it is not going to be any different from previous challenges. Only hope would be, 'All is well' in every step Suren Ram climbs up the ladder of his own cricket career. It is to be noted that, the ladder which he climbs is made by none other than Suren Ram himself!

Note - This recap is for the previous requests of some members wanting to catch up on who exactly this character, Suren Ram is? Hope this recap is good enough to get the readers up to the speed on latest events.

Will Suren Ram cope up with the challenging expectations around him? Stay Tuned.
Excellent write up and presentation. Hopefully when BA comes out we might see more stories being written. Good work mate.
Excellent write up and presentation. Hopefully when BA comes out we might see more stories being written. Good work mate.

Thanks Dutch, yeah waiting eagerly for career mode in DBC as well. I am very certain that I would be transitioning to DBC from IC 2010 even in this story after game arrives. :D

Good work bro looking forward for more updates.

Thanks Arun.
Chapter 27
Announcement of India U19 Plans

June 23, 2009
Time - 10: 00 AM​

With my name being recommended by Raman to the India U19 arena, I did receive the call from them asking me to attend the team welcome meeting near the Marina beach area which was also not far away from my home. I got very delighted and was treating all my fellow friends for the greatest news I have ever had in my life career. :) Later, the coach of Indian U19 squad - Bharat, Arun sent a mail invite for all the U19 squad members and was so glad to be one among them.

To be honest & frank, I had no idea on who this Arun is! Out of curiosity I found from the web searches that, he was former Tamil Nadu player managing the India U19 team. :eek: Now I got to know on the power of Mr.Raman, my state level coach. No wonder, that two influential Tamil Nadu businessmen can do anything which they wish? isn't it? No hard feeling for any of the young talent guys, this is how the life goes - if you are lucky enough, you will be on the jet plane going towards the sky, else you might be in sinking ship. No guarantee, but the hard truth of life which is actually a roller coaster ride without guaranteeing when you go up & when you come down! All we need to do is, never give up & utilize the moment which we live today. I was so determined now to step into my next level & made sure that I went to the meeting place without any time delay. To my surprise, I felt so young among the team members standing there. They looked without doubts as seniors to me since they were also part of U19 squad for some time. Our meeting started with some representatives talking about cricket, YES CRICKET. :D Huge screen of Tendulkar & Warne was displayed, which even made me to wonder whether they were present somewhere in the meeting place but it turned out other way. ;)

India - Zimbabwe - Australia, U19 Talent Hunt - Triangular OD Series!


Innovative Initiative from Legends who MASTERED this game for AGES

" With two legends, Sachin Tendulkar & Shane Warne wanting to do something unique and different for Youth Academy, they came forward with a proposal of having the young talents to get experience of overseas conditions instead of just playing on home conditions everytime in the domestic circuit. Top players from every domestic circuit under the age of 19 would be selected & would be touring outside the country or inviting other countries in home to play a competitive cricket starting at the young age itself. This would not only give opportunities to players to smell the INTL kind of experience, but also will chase away the 'Away conditions' phobia which most of the countries including the top playing nations have today. This would also make the U19 World Cup selections easier as well. So participating in this INTL tourney does not guarantee your national side selection for U19, but it would be definitely a strong ladder to go great heights. ", came the announcement.

This was very thoughtful by two different legends and it sounded so positive in unearthing our own skills at a different stage. Definitely, our senior players would be envying us as they didn't have this opportunity of going big at youngest level. I was so happy to part of this tourney, and I also came to know that our first competition is @ Australia with India, Zimbabwe & Australia participating in the series! :D Yuppie, was so excited to go outside continent altogether a different atmosphere.

This announcement of fixture was soon followed by the squad announcement and I just got very excited to see my name in the list.

India's U19 Squad for Triangular Series :

Vijay Zol (capt), Akhil Herwadkar, Ricky Bhui, Sarfaraz Khan, Deepak Hooda, Suren Ram, Shubham Khajuria, Ankush Bains, Atul Singh, Chama Milind, Atit Seth, Abhimanyu Lamba, Kuldeep Yadav, Aamir Gani, Jagdish Jope

Meeting was soon followed by introducing each other and I felt totally sort of shy in front of so many talented/professional looking individuals. Arun, the coach of U19 side was greeting us in a kind way & he looked like a good bloke who can handle things with maturity. I was kind of quiet, and I just silently came back home after the meeting talks with huge amount of inner excitements within me. Just can't wait to leave for this tour & face the first ball in abroad conditons!

Can the good looking FATE for Suren Ram continue to be GOOD? Stay Tuned to find out more!
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Hope Ram gets a huge success in U-19 tournaments and good to see my name used in this story :D
They had to pick you, just had to. After all, the average is almost in 3 figures. C'mon Ram! Go ahead and break records!
That's just fabulous..Hope Suren excels in here as well.
That injury twist made the story damn interesting..Can't resist leaving the page in the middle...Your english is damn fabulous too..I have to admit it
Keep it Up!:)

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