Story c39_0823|Born to Fight for Success - A Journey with SA Redbacks, Innings 2 of WW Vs SA FC

When will Suren Ram get to wear the Baggy BLUE for his country?

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Well Binnu, I am completely aware that Ranjis start late in the year. But it will be tough for me to manage this diary as I have started. And the story will be lost in its storyline if I start concentrating too much on the district level till November.

Thats why I would have mentioned while announcing the fixtures,

Yup mate, I even Know.. BTW I said that you would have directly entered the IPL BTW its good presentation....
Great update, Suren.

Hopefully this can be the opportunity you need, that injury could be the start of your career. You owe Gambhir your thanks. ;)

(7a) The Match day - Tamil Nadu vs Maharashtra!

May 03, 2009
Time - 7:00 AM​
It was a bright Sunday morning where I was woken up by the bright sunshine from the window. " What the hell.. Today is the match day! ", I thought within myself and got up in panic. When I looked around I found NONE of my team members in the room. :eek:

How can I sleep like this without any responsibility! :rolleyes: GREAT, I thought and I tried to call one of my team mates in mobile but mobile kept on ringing. I peeped through the window and saw, but our team bus was also not there. I realized that everyone had left for the stadium already! :mad: :noway :rolleyes:

" WHAT AN EXTRA ORDINARY NATURED TEAM MATES I HAVE.. THEY DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO WAKE ME UP! ", I got so furious and hurried up to the stadium.

May 03, 2009
Time - 7:30 AM​
With the great difficulty, I managed to be in the stadium in another 30 minutes. I reached the stadium at 7:30 and found all my team mates practicing there in nets. I quietly entered the stadium and placed my bag on one of the chairs there.

" What a punctuality you have, my boy! ", a distant voice fell into my ears. It was none other than my coach's voice. I stayed silent and gave a quiet smile. I got afraid whether this would grab my chance of playing in today's match. I can't even use a popular excuse of telling " NOT WELL " as it would again make me to sit out in bench. :D Without answering anything, I accepted my fault and stayed silent.

" What position do you generally bat? & What is your preference? ", my coach asked. This created a great relief in me that I am going to play today and I was surprised to see my coach in not getting angry! :happy I always liked to bat at number 4 and expressed the same feeling to my coach.

" To take your sleep completely out of you, go and open with Mukund and TAKE AWAY ALL THE HEAT! ", my coach said in furious tone. I got the real heat of my coach that time and felt that my local club coach was lot better than Raman! :( I was not even able to respond anything to my coach. I have no justice in me to argue with Raman that I need only that no 4 position. Hence I was completely not in the position to deny my coach & I accepted this tough challenge. :mad

I opened my kit bag and took the bat out after two full days. :eek: I was cursing me completely for not having any practice for my crucial first game.

" Will anyone can get such a horrible debut? Can I say to my coach about my uncomfortable and wait for next chance? Or is it to late? ", so many and so many thoughts went on in my mind. But I did not stop from anything. I took the bat and practiced for a couple of overs and the match timing neared me.:siren

Karthik and my coach went near the pitch where our opponent's captain was also standing. They were reading the pitch.

Pitch Report.


Looked to me as,
" A Perfect Pitch for ANY Batsman to make his DEBUT! "

May 03, 2009
Time - 9:15 AM​

The pitch did not have any change from how it was earlier. It looked very dry and flat. There were no cracks on the pitch. But some people there believe that as we bowl and bowl on that wicket, the cracks are likely to open up.

If the cracks develop, then definitely it is going to play a main role on the last two days. In particular, this pitch is likely to give the heaven like feeling for the batsmen or in other words, " A batsman's Paradise! ". For bowlers, people there believed that except for first few overs, fast bowlers need to bend their back more and spinners might enjoy more success compared to faster bowlers. The captain winning the toss would definitely prefer to bat. :)

I wondered why Indian tracks are always flat & dry! :p We(Our team) also got the weather updates from the forecasters.

Weather Report.


No rain... But it is going to be Very HOT!

May 03, 2009
Time - 9:30 AM​

Without any doubts, the climate was too hot already for the morning. The weather report also predicted the same.

It is going to be clear sky favoring the full day's play without any doubts. It is bright, hot and sunny with temperatures going upto 30-35 degrees in celsius scale. As the day progress, it is going to be even more hotter. It is going to be a bit tough for the players to withstand such hot conditions. Nevertheless, the wind is also present at the same which might aid the fast bowlers in some movement early on. Reverse swing can be quite handy with the old ball too in these conditions.

Overall, it was a perfect conditions to play cricket without any weather interruptions. :) Soon, my team captain was called up for the toss. My coach suggested to take the option of batting if he wins the toss. This was quite expected from any captain or coach under these type of conditions.

I was holding my nerve and was praying literally that Karthik had to loose the toss so that I can get some time to practice my batting. :D

The Toss & Team Lineup!


I have been forced to open for TN! :(

May 03, 2009
Time - 10:00 AM​

The toss was won by Tamil Nadu captain, Dinesh Karthik. This was the thing which I don't want it to happen! Nature always play with me like this...

Without any hesitation, Karthik chose to bat first. Who will deny to bat on such a beautiful wicket? Even if I had practiced well and had my confidence level higher, I would have liked the things that was going around me.

Karthik came to our dressing room with a happy news that Tamil Nadu is batting first. " Happy news? Its happy news for them and not for me! ", I was thinking while I was wearing my batting pads. With some tension in my mind, I got ready but Mukund was still getting ready.

" What? he(Mukund) is dressing as if we are going to see some bride for him! Can't he get ready? Com'on man.. ", I thought within myself. :p :D Soon after that, we got ready for all the actions. :cool:

" Best of luck, guys! ", our team mates cheered us. " Suren, it is your day.. Prove it! ", my coach said to me. " Good luck, Suren and give us a precious debut! ", my captain Karthik said to me in Tamil. :)

All Action BEGINS...


Bit of tension... Bit nervousness.. Bit hot,
though it was too much hot actually... Bit scared as this is
my first step higher in my LIFE ladder.. I was preparing myself somehow!

My partner, Mukund was in the striker's end. I was standing at the non-strikers end and was looking at the field set and the bowler. I walked through the pitch towards my partner and said, " You feel free to take the strike as much as possible! " :D

I can't help it.. That much nervous I was .. It is not depicting my skills to be honest. I was rather confused with so many things that has happened around me. " Can I do for my team? ", a question was constantly asked in my own mind!

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This is it mate, good luck I haven't played C04 in donkeys years, that update brought back some memories from 4/5 years back! :p
DUCK!!! first ball Suren will only face, and get dropped from the side hahahaha kidding.

You'll have a good debut, make around the 40's and go on to become a classic One Day player for India
Ah mate quality presentation. love the progression along the ea sports gamelines. i reckon youll fail in this game though unfortunately
Absolutely sensational presentation Suren, Looks like I am watching cricket on TV. Surely gonna be an exciting match this one, no real big names in Maharashtra side but you never know. Good luck opening Suren and dont get nervous, see the ball nicely and playing the first half hour/session carefully. ;)
:happy Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments and views :happy
Updates coming soon. :cool:

Predict Your Choice & Win Exciting Rewards

All you need to do is, Predict the answer and take away the rewards. All the winners would be given Reps and $1000 Vcash for this first predicta contest in this diary. Also, from the winners list i.e. the list of members with correct entries, a lucky draw would be made and he(winner of the draw) will take away $5000 Vcash.

So what are you waiting for? Here you go :)

How many runs will Suren Ram be scoring in this first innings Vs Maharashtra?

A) 0-20 Runs
B) 20-30 Runs
C) 30-40 Runs
D) 40-50 Runs
E) 50-75 Runs
F) More than 75 Runs

Rush up your entries in this thread. Update till Lunch coming up next.. So Hurry up! ;)

( I wanted to use the same contest for my previous India's journey but it was put on hold unfortunately.. Hence I am continuing that implementation of the contest here in this diary too. :) )

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