Can You change fixtures

Fixtures are read at the beginning of each season. Start a new game and the changes will show up.
I did start a new game with South Africa yet it was still a T/20 match.
you mean still an odi? and an international game, not a county + international?
Yes it was initially an odi, I tried changing it to a T/20, however it didn't change.
Despite my knowledge in VB.NET being rather poor, I'm going to attempt to try and create a Fixtures Editor. I've never worked with FileStream or any kind of binary data so this is going to be a huge learning curve for me.. I probably won't get it finished but I'll give it a shot.

Congratulations to Isura for finding all this as well.. that's a great effort, and it does all seem to be correct. This could really unlock some boundaries regarding leagues and such if we got this working. :)

Anyway, this will be my first editor if I create it so it definitely won't be perfect, but at least if one person is attempting it, it's better than none.

A project for the future. :D
I wish you all the best blake. May you make one of the best editors known to cricket gamers.
That's a little ambitious Max, but I'd like to make a finished product anyway that works.

I've finally got the hex code working. There is a filler before each match - a little 'e' sign that is the number 80, so now that I search for the hex 80 it can find it. So, my program is implemented to search for each match when load is pressed. Now, I just need to write the code that will display the match type and details.

I'm thinking of writing the changes that a user makes to a separate file. It will need to be renamed if it is going to be used, however I feel this gives an advantage as the user can back up their old fixture file.

So, basically, if you want to make a new league, it won't overwrite your current fix09.fxt file, instead it will create a new file which you can drag into the fixture folder and then rename, whilst creating a backup of the old one.

So I'm pleased to have got the hex search and the binary reading working well, but there's still a lot to go.
Cool. If you make this, I might make a save with it and then change the teams and fixtures so that it will be like Australian domestic. Anyway, good luck with this and I hope you finish it.
Yeah good luck with this project. I really want to play more T/20 matches with Sri Lanka. All the best.
Has anybody actually managed to successfully change a match yet so it displays in game? I just want to get an example working before I put too much effort into the editor..

blake added 16 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

I'm presuming that int09 relates to the international fixtures for 2009, and int10 relates to the fixtures for 2010, and so forth? What happens at 2029? Does it restart?

Edit: Finally managed to change a match! Edited the int09 file and now the Australia v South Africa 5 ODI series that is the first series of the year is changed to a Test series! :D
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How did you do that? I tried making that first game a T/20 but failed to. If it works, that's great news.
Hey Max - I tried avoiding the Twenty20 matches as in Isura's explanation post it only shows the number being for the Twenty20 World Cup. They also mentioned there can only be a certain number of matches during a World Cup or so, which would make it confusing to create new matches.

I opened the Int09.fxt file with XVI32, a standard hex editor, and changed the first match to 07 01 05. It starts off as 08 01 05 - which is pretty easy to comprehend (a ODI, first match of the series, series contains 5 matches). Changing it to 07 simply alters the form to a test match.

I played the Int09 match as an international only game - there was no county involved. I simply played as Australia. I'm a bit unsure as to whether playing as a county changes your fixtures to the Fix09 file, so I tried to steer clear of that for now.

Anyway, I'm vaguely making progress. For some reason, some matches contain 35 spaces to be read from the 08 or 07 at the start determining the match type to the 0D or whatever at the end which determines the date of the match. I think I'm going alright, though. I'm still a little bit confused with searching and reading bytes but I'm learning slowly.
Hey I changed the 5 match series between Australia and South Africa to a T/20 series. I then changed the next few games to Sri Lanka T/20 games. It works. However I'm in season 2045 and I don't know where the fixture file for that is. Do you know blake? As you said it seems to only go up to int29.fxt
Yeah, I am not sure what to do with the seasons after 2029. I'm presuming the game either recycles through the files, so the 2030 season will be the same as the 2009 one, or it either generates matches and series randomly.

Just out of interest, check the int24 file and see if the fixtures are the same as the season you are in now.
I'll check it out and tell you later. Oh I forgot to tell you over the seasons I've playing, I've started to notice patterns in which Sri Lanka (My team) are playing other teams. You might be right in that they recycle through old fixtures.

Max Peters added 10 Minutes and 50 Seconds later...

Hey blake I think your onto something here. I just checked int24.fxt but it didn't resemble the fixture in my year. However I checked int25.fxt and that resembles it perfectly as I am in the year 2045. Like you said after the initial 29 seasons, the game repeats the fixtures. Great work in figuring that out.

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