
Maybe so, maybe so. I look forward to seeing Vaughan in action in India against India. And hopefully he hits some form, too, so we can see what he is really made of.
Should be a big test for him. 2006 could decide Michael Vaughans international future with 4 big series.
Flemings captaincy in the SL vs NZ match was amazing. I mean defending 229, yur captaincy has to be top notch.
I guess if the pitch was a batting beauty. But Fleming's really already proved his credentials as a good captain.
irottev said:
Flemings captaincy in the SL vs NZ match was amazing. I mean defending 229, yur captaincy has to be top notch.

Either that or you need a self destructing Sri Lankan team.

Where was Fleming's captaincy when Mubarak and Sangakkara were going great guns ????
sohummisra said:
Ah, so I expect Fleming should have had them all out for about 30, right?

No I expected Sri Lankans to be out due to the pressure applied by Fleming's field placements or surprise bowling changes.

Also yesterdays match was not won by the Kiwis it was more like Lankans loosing it .

Where was Fleming's great captainship when Sangakkara went bersek ?????
ronny_kingsley said:
Where was Fleming's great captainship when Sangakkara went bersek ?????
Sangakkara is an excellent player, and very aggressive even when the chips are down. He has been imo SL's most consistent player in recent times.

It is very difficult to control him when he is full flow, and I am sure no other captain could have done anything different to stop him during that period. He was simply amazing.

However I thought the NZ bowlers were bowling a bit too full to him.

Anyway you have to give credit where it is due, and Fleming's captaincy to defend that mediocre total, especially after SL got off to such a fantastic start, was outstanding. SL did collapse, but NZ seized the oppurtunity.
And Inzi, he is in great touch, and leads his young side very well.
Fleming I'm sure would be happy to accept the praise you lavish on him, but up to Murbarak's wicket I'm sure he would have been hoping for the slightest amount of luck to fall his way.

Fleming's team won the game, but it was quite clear that Sri Lanka squandered what was an advantageous position for much of the match. Nothing about this (though, to be fair, I did not watch the game) screams "omg what captaincy!!!"
That is where the captaincy factor is ignored. Those crucial bowling changes, changes in the field, working out plans with the bowlers and fielders, applying pressure, forcing the opposition to play the way you want to - Its a lot harder to be a captain than you think.

Yes, you do need a good team to execute the plan, which NZ are. But without the plan, there is no point in having a good team.
Of course the team won. Great bowling and everyhting.

But when Sangakara and Mubarak were going well he kept his team motivated to stop them. he brought in Cairns and he totally decieved Sangakara. Cairns had been getting smashed for 7 runs+ per over before that game, he said in the public he felt he was bowling pretty well and backed him which would of given him conferdance. Yet he brought him on at the peak of the partnership. The bowler rotations were brilliant and when SL were only 1 down we couldn't really possibly win.

I agree though, I put it down to poor batting from SL.

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