Caption this


Matt Prior shows he has the plums for International Cricket.

Cook: You see that Ager kid over there, he's going to take a photo for one of those Caption Competitions, but I'm wearing glasses so people don't recognise me as the only Essex boy with a posh accent

Broad: Yeah, I'm going to swear with my fingers but try and make it look like I don't realise I'm doing it

Tremlett: Can I be part of this strange conversation?

Pieterson: No, I mean you're wearing a jumper and your going all blurred

Anderson: Well I'm from Burnley so I don't have idea what's going on but I'll grin as if I get what's going on, is this how we talk here?

Flintoff: Well I don't care for the lot of yers, as long as he's getting the next round of drinks
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The England team line-up to meet Ms. Jameson.

Hi 5 anyone?.... Anyone? :(


I'm magical! Look at this! Look at this! Now go fetch!

*to the spice girls song* Stop right there, thank you very much.....
stay away man, i'm hot property.....


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